Sunday 22 April 2012

Weekend Breakfast 7 - American Style Pancakes

This recipe comes from Nigella Lawson's How To Be A Domestic Goddess, one of the first cookery books I bought myself when John and I moved into our first house, more than ten years ago. It's still one of my favourites and I turn to it time and time again both for inspiration, and for fail safe recipes like this one.

The full recipe can be found here although I omitted the bacon and added fresh strawberries and blueberries instead. I have never tried pancakes and syrup with bacon - I know that's how it's usually served in America but I can't get my head around eating sweet and savoury flavours together. 

I mixed all the ingredients together in a food processor and left them to stand in a jug for twenty minutes, then fried them until the top bubbled, then flipped them over. 

Then we poured maple syrup all over them and ate them straight away. The children liked them a lot more than the English style pancakes I made them on Pancake Day - maybe that was something to do with the strawberries and maple syrup!

It is pouring with rain here (again) and we are trying to decide what to do with the day, even though it's ten o clock already and by the time we are ready to leave the house it will be lunchtime. Have a lovely Sunday everyone and thank you so very much for visiting and reading, it makes my day.


  1. What a start to the day! This is my favourite breakfast so far, I'm going to show the Mr your photos and ask him to recreate the pancakes for brunch here!!! I'm sure he will be thanking you eventually .....

  2. Am seriously wishing that I had had breakfast - will be round next week!x

    1. You missed breakfast? I would pass out if I missed breakfast, but maybe that's because i'm on toddler time and they think that food at 7am is perfectly acceptable!

  3. Hi Gillian,
    Finally got round to coming and taking a look - your blog is lovely and sums up all the things you love to do! Scotch pancakes are a regular weekend breakfast in this house - amazing how one egg, half a pint of milk and a bit of flour can fee a whole family.
    Having tasted your baking I can tell everyone here how delicious it all its too!

    1. Hi Ruth, thanks for stopping by! Are scotch pancakes the same as drop scones? My Dad gave me a Mrs Beeton recipe for them and we tend to have them as a tea time thing. We need to compare recipes! x

    2. Yes they are the same but there are lots of recipes for them - some have melted butter in them, but mine don't. Mine comes fro my mum and I suspect it's from an old WI book.

  4. I bet your family love you! Looks delicious :) x

    1. They would love me more if I didn't shout at them to eat up their porridge on school mornings! x

  5. It sounds weird but bacon and maple syrup is actually lovely - especially if the bacon is nice and crispy. Your breakfast looks lovely - what a treat. Alex x

  6. Oh Wowsa - they look good. We love pancakes at the weekend.

    Nina x

    1. Nina, I think they may be our new favourite breakfast. x

  7. Great Gillian, they look delicious! This is the recipe for pancakes that I use too, can't often go wrong with Nigella! x x

    1. If in doubt, ask Nigella. The woman is a goddess, I love her! x

  8. They look delicious...I love pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. We often enjoy them with bacon and it really is delicious! Happy Sunday!!

    1. Julia, I have been persuaded to try them with bacon and embrace the salty/sweet combo! x

  9. This looks absolute delicious!! If my kitchen wasn't under construction right now I think I'd have to make breakfast for dinner. : ) I love Nigella!! Have a great rest of your weekend.

    ~ Wendy

    1. Hi Wendy, thanks! Kitchen under construction sounds serious. But just think how lovely it will be when it is completed! x

  10. yum. yum. What could be better than pancakes with the kids to start the day. What great photos too.

    1. Thanks Maggie, the kids seemed to like these. Hope you had a great weekend. x

  11. gosh they look soooo delicious!


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