Monday 2 April 2012


I've noticed a lot of bloggers start the month with a sort of to-do list, things they aim to do or achieve throughout the coming month. Now, I like a list. I have a notebook that lives in the kitchen and in it is everything I need to know and remember and do.  I run my world from this little moleskine notebook and I would be quite lost without it. I especially like ticking things off a list as I am very a task-focused person. One of the (many) fun things about blogging is the documenting of before and after, seeing and sharing the results of a particular project or idea. 

So in the spirit of doing and sharing and crafting and blogging, this April I hope, in no particular order, to:

  • Complete (or at least make some headway) on my Winterwoods ABC Sampler.
  • Have a go at making Hot Cross Buns.
  • Make the garden look less, well, unloved. Plant some plants and possibly buy a couple of these garden chairs from IKEA.
  • Make the patchwork apron in issue 12 of Mollie Makes. I have the fabric, I have the ric rac - now I just need to sew it.
  • Delegate to John or my Dad some tedious outdoor painting/DIY type jobs.
  • Paint my bathroom yellow.
  • Continue the Weekend Breakfasts fun.
  • Celebrate Easter.
  • Spend time catching up with family.
  • Learn to crochet at Baa Ram Ewe.
  • Read Before I Go To Sleep byA S J Watson for book club.
Also, I have plucked up the courage to finally add a photo of myself to my profile. I know, I am hiding behind the camera. I'm sorry. When I am feeling more brave I will put up a proper photo.


  1. Come out, come out - you look lovely. Good list, I have to get going on mine x

    1. I look tired! But thank you. Writing the list was easy, now i have to actually do things.

  2. Hi Gillian, on my list has been to comment on your blog and let you know how much I enjoy your posts!I am new to the world of blogging (reading them that is!) and love getting inspiration for cooking, crafting & home in general. I really like the down to earth approach you have and just wanted to say keep it up!
    Ella x
    ps. I will def be trying your latest breakfast idea!

    1. Hi Ella, thank you so much for such a lovely comment, you have really made my day! I am glad that my low budget/low skill approach is working :-) Have a great day, Gillian x

  3. What a long and lovely list for April, I have just done a far less organised one! Put one of the pics I took of you on here. You are too lovely to hide away xxxx

    1. Bless you. I am off to look at your list now! xx

  4. I share your list love and your Moleskine notebook habit! I have a mixture of easy things 'do the washing up' and then something stupidly huge like 'buy a new house'. And you look lovely, I agree with Karen!

    1. I do the same - short, medium and long term goals, that's the key!

  5. Yes you are lovely!! Don't people write such kind things on your blog?! :) Have you noticed you have 31 followers? Wowzers!! And such a nice photo. What a pretty bear, if a little shy.
    Jon saw these chairs when we went to Ikea on Friday and I think he quite liked them. Very practical for the outdoors. Although I doubt it was their practicality that drew them to your attention. Probably the colour. I'm sensing a yellow theme with some of your comments recently (the satchel, the bathroom and these chairs!) I'm sure you will complete your list and have many happy hours doing it. Have a wonderful week with Mum and Dad. Wish I could come too :)

    1. Yes, I admit, it was the colour yellow, I have a thing for it at the moment! Plus the chairs looked comfy and zero maintenance. I wish you could come to stay as well - but you would have to sleep in the playhouse in the garden! xxx

  6. I'm not brave enough for a profile pic of me either so I do know how you feel.

    Great list! Mine is far too mundane to share, perhaps I'll write a Fantasy one, now there's a thought ;D

    1. Yes, a Fantasy list, what a lot of fun that would be. Please write one!

  7. what a great idea! i too am a daily list maker. i'm working on my spring manifesto for the season. so far it mainly is about what food i want to eat: asparagus, radishes, rhubarb, etc. i really should add some other non-food things too...

    1. Spring Manifesto - that sounds so much more impressive than a "to-do list"! Food lists are good :-)

  8. I do a seasonal manifesto, as I am not brave enough to do a monthly list. I too attempted to learn to crochet, I failed miserably. So I am going to try again

    1. Oh no, was crochet hard? I am worried that i will be hopeless at it. Well done for trying again though!


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