Tuesday 24 April 2012

Dark Chocolate and Ginger Rocky Roads

A while back I made some Rocky Roads and said I would try some dark chocolate and ginger ones. I made some last week, and they were very thoroughly taste tested by my friends at book group. I am happy to report that they passed the test, and so today I can share my recipe with you! 

You need:

300 grams/10 oz dark chocolate
3 tablespoons golden syrup
125 grams/4 oz unsalted butter
80 grams/3 oz marshmallows
30 grams/1 oz chopped crystallised ginger
200grams/7 oz gingernut biscuits
Icing/confectioners sugar for sprinkling

Melt together the chocolate, syrup and butter. Pour about a quarter of the melted mixture into a jug and reserve for later. Bash those gingernuts until they are a mixture of crumbs and chunks.

Add the marshmallows, biscuits and ginger to the melted chocolatey goodness in the saucepan and stir well. 

Pour into a lined baking try, push it into the corners then pour over the reserved chocolate mixture - this just gives the top of the rocky roads a slightly smoother finish.

Chill in the fridge for at least a couple of hours, then sprinkle with icing sugar and chop into portions. 

The ginger flavour is quite strong so you could always leave out the crystallised ginger and just use the ginger biscuits if you prefer, but I like the heat the ginger provides. I thought these would be too dark and rich for Bella and Angus, but oh no, their sweet tooth prevailed and they liked these bars very much.


  1. Yummy. That looks similar to the refrigerator cake I make (with raisins & cherries instead of the marshmallows). I always use ginger nuts and dark chocolate for it and add a little whisky for extra indulgence.

  2. Ginger is one of my favourite flavours. Will be trying these out!

  3. this is a fun thing to make with kids. and a great treat to take, like for book clubs!

    1. The kids do like to participate - mainly so they can lick the melted chocolate.

  4. This looks absolutely yummy - as all your cooking does! Wanted to tell you also that your recommended cup cake recipe from some weeks ago has completely taken over here and your ears should be glowing with appreciative comments! Will never make the old sort again - thank you so much for the tip off. E x

    1. So glad you are liking the recipe! Thanks for the feedback! x

  5. These look really yummy. I made some Rocky Road after reading your post, so no doubt I will HAVE to make these!

  6. These look great! Do you think they would work without marshmallows? I can't stand marshmallows and chocolate together!

    On another note - head over to my blog because I have done a post about my Lord of the Rings Russian Dolls just for you!!

    Alex x

    1. Enjoyed your post, very fun! I would try dried fruit like sultanas, raisins, cherries, cranberries, apricots - any really - to give the chewiness you want from the marshmallows. x

  7. Oh my, that looks delicious - your baking posts always manage to make me feel so hungry!

    1. Sorry..I don't really do much healthy baking, do it! I'll have to make some spelt muffins or something!

  8. These look fantastic, different and not too difficult. If I can find some vegetarian marshmallows somewhere I'm definitely going to try this - if not I'll give the dried fruit a try, cherries maybe!!

    1. That's the best thing about them, they are minimum effort for maximum reward! Good luck with finding the veggie marshmallows. x

  9. Oooo something else to try... thank you

    1. You're welcome! Just sharing the calorific chocolately love :-) Hope the Bridport Vintage fair was a success.

  10. Lovely! Anything ginger is good xxxx

    1. You're right. I am addicted to ginger and lemon herbal tea at the moment, it's lovely.

  11. I like the idea of trying the rocky road recipe with cranberries. How are you getting on with crochet? I'm finding it very addictive! xx

    1. I haven't done much this week - i've been busy sewing. But I need to do another granny square so I don't forget how! x

  12. Ooh, I love Rocky Road. I usually follow Nigella's recipe (marshmallows, etc) but I love the sound of this. I'll have to give them a go. :)

  13. They look too yummy! Chocolate is my weakness...especially dark chocolate!

    1. I find dark chocolate quite rich and was hoping I would eat less of them because they were made with dark chocolate. Sadly not! x

  14. Oh yum! The more ginger the better in my book! But I might omit the marshmallows, do you think they'd still qualify as Rocky Roads?

    1. I think a Rocky Road has to contain something chewy and something crunchy. Any variation is fine, I think! (Hoping that eating my body weight in Rocky Roads qualifies me as an expert!)


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