Thursday 26 April 2012

Parmesan and Seed Crackers

It has done nothing but rain here for the last two weeks. Every day. I am sick to death of trudging to and from school twice a day through puddles. If it was just me it would be fine, but it's rain plus small people. Angus refuses to wear his wellies (I do not always have the energy to insist), then jumps in puddles and cries because his shoes are wet. Bella wants to use her Hello Kitty umbrella but Angus gets cross because he has no umbrella and wants hers - bickering ensues. I can't push a pushchair and hold an umbrella at the same time, so wear my horrid cagoul. Water runs off this very efficiently and I end up with soaked jeans. The only upside is I get to wear my yellow Hunter wellies and we drink hot chocolate after school to warm up.

Only baking will do when the weather is like this.  I have to be in the warm, bright kitchen with the radio on and Angus playing and chattering nearby (his talking is really coming along now) and get busy. Last week, I made these Parmesan and Seed Crackers from the excellent Popina Book of Baking by Isidora Popovic to take to book group. We take turns to host our book group but everyone brings some snacks and wine with them. I will tell you more about our group another time, but today is for baking.


  1. So glad you are still enjoying Popina :) xxxx

  2. i would love these!

    yes, rain is one thing (i love it), rain for weeks is another, rain for weeks with kiddies is a challenge!

    1. I hate the rain! Unless I am inside listening to it, then it is bearable. x

  3. We adore poppyseed in this house, so am book marking this to come back to and make with the boys

    1. It's an easy recipe - I hope your boys enjoy the rolling the dough in the egg and seeds bit, it's a lot of fun! x

  4. These look really nice. Poppy seeds always make things look so pretty. I agree with the wet weather thing. Just going out of the house can be a hassle. I'm yet to find a decent waterproof coat that is comfortable to wear and actually looks nice. I have a real issue with hoods and sleeve length. I must have a long neck because hoods are usually too short and don't actually cover my head. And as for sleeves, well they are always too short. Very annoying. Rant over. At least you have beautiful yellow wellies to brighten things up. xxx

    1. It must be because we are tall! What you need is a Boden rain coat - waterproof, stylish, big hood - only £115! xx

  5. Yellow hunter wellies... I die!

    The weather isn't as bad here, it's still miserable don't get me wrong, but not as bad as what ye are getting in England. I guess "April showers, brings May flowers" springs to mind... but not much comfort on the school run! Hope you're warm and dry now! X

    1. Hazel, what a lovely expression - I will imagine the May flowers and they will keep me sane! x

  6. Yummy! Such a civilised book group too.
    Am also slightly grumpy about the twice daily walk to school in the rain which seems to get even heavier around 8.30am and 3pm...

    1. Not that civilised - we always seem to get onto birth stories around 11pm when the wine is flowing!

  7. hunter wellies and poppy seed crackers, I love your life xx

    1. Oh no, you wouldn't if you lived it for a few days!! Sleep deprivation... xx

  8. they sound so good - so sick of the rain now, not enjoying the 3 school pick ups either, just one dry day would be nice!

    1. Wouldn't it? Here's hoping May is full of sunshine. x

  9. These are right up my street. I nned you to come to my book group. There's just me - so I can eat all your baked goodies :)

    1. Andrea, I'd be there in a second! :-) We don't talk about the book much though, it's mainly wine and gossip. x

  10. so glad I found your blog [I don't even remember how!] - you are full of inspiration!! these look amazing.

    1. Ah, thanks! Sadly I can't take any credit for the recipe, just the baking and eating. x

  11. And as a member of Gillian's bookclub, I can confirm that they were delicious - and next months meeting is at her house, so that's even better!

    1. Good Lord, no pressure... I'll probably forget and have to run up to Sainsburys for crisps five minute beforehand! x

  12. Boo to diets! Sadly there is no low fat equivalent to Rocky Roads...or parmesan crackers. Curses! x

  13. Gillian we have to have words m'dear ... because you are very bad for my waistline. I'm already stockpiling ingredients for those delicious Rocky Roads and now these! But hey, seeds are healthy, yes, so these have to be good for me ;D (Annie wanders off in search of the Cayenne pepper and the Parmesan ...)

    1. Oh Annie, I can only apologise. It's the rain. It makes me want to hibernate in the kitchen and bake. As soon as the sun comes out I promise to ease up on the baked goods! x


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