Tuesday 10 April 2012

A Patchwork Apron (Mollie Makes Magazine)

I am really enjoying my subscription to Mollie Makes. I seem to have started a little challenge to myself to make something from each edition, and since my knitting skills are limited and my crochet skills non existent, that leaves the sewing projects. I saw this pattern for a patchwork traycloth apron in issue 12 and liked it very much. So today I have a little apron to show you.

When I saw this old embroidered tablecloth in my local charity shop for £2.50 I was so pleased. I thought this will do nicely!

I decided to use pinks and greens simply because that's what I had to hand. The pale green polka dot is from my local haberdashery and the floral print is from IKEA (doing a very good imitation of a Cath Kidston or Greengate fabric for only £6.99 a metre). So, all in all, a very thrifty apron. I probably spent £7 or £8 on the tablecloth, fabric and trim altogether.

I struggled to stop the green spot fabric wrinkling while I sewed on the pink ric rac, and I always seem to find working with different fabrics tricky. I remember this from making my patchwork quilt - some fabrics really stretched and bunched when I sewed them, while others stayed perfectly flat. When I sewed around the patchwork area with the pink zigzag machine stitch, I didn't keep the speed consistent enough, and you can see where the stitching is not terribly even.

But every time I do a project like this my skills increase a little bit more, and I am now very speedy at changing the bobbin on my sewing machine, a task that used to take me half an hour and lots of swearing a year ago. Slowly, slowly.

It was a really fun project, and very quick to complete. I started cutting and pinning the fabric and made the little patchwork panel during the afternoon in between other things, then when the kids were in bed I spent about two hours on the sewing machine - and it was done! I do like a fast turnaround in a crafting project, it stops me getting bored.

Here I am wearing it (if you can see me - I am merging into the quilted background). I was going to put it in the present drawer but I am currently obsessed with the adorable Rachel Khoo and her TV series The Little Paris Kitchen, so I may wear it over a polka dot dress with plaited hair and red lipstick and pretend to be chic.


  1. oh i love it so much. i need one of these myself. i go through so many hand towels when in the kitchen. it would only make sense to have one. love your choice of pattern and colours. i also like the magazine. thanks for the link. xo.

    1. Thanks, but i know that if i get it dirty i will be devastated! The magazine is great. xx

  2. I love that apron - you really do need to keep that one - very Rachel Khoo! Am admiring the patchwork quilt too - a patchwork is on my list of things to do this year but am feeling daunted. Yours is beautiful. x

    1. Ah, thanks, but it is a right old mess. It's the only one i've done and it was a steep learning curve. Wonky and full or errors! But good practice. :-)

  3. What a lovely Easter weekend make! So pretty. Like Karen, I think you need to keep it! But you could always make another to give away as a lovely present to someone special. Like you, I like things that work up quickly - very satisfying. Have put a reply to your q about how to make the pom-pom chicks - feel a bit bashful about putting up a separate tutorial for something that really was so simple and quick but let me know via email directly if you want more details and I'll be happy to let you have precise measurements or anything else you'd find helpful. E x

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth - i will pop over to your blog now and have a look! x

  4. It's lovely :) You got a real score with the embroidered tablecloth. It's so pretty. I've been toying with subscribing to Mollie Makes but I'm always wary that these magazines are more style over substance. However, I'm hearing lots of good things about it so I think I'll go for it :)

    1. I know, as soon as i spied it in the shop I grabbed it and didn't let go...those Yorkshire ladies have sharp elbows and you have to be quick to grab a bargain in these parts! Mollie Makes does have the odd random and over styled photo shoot, but generally it is full of ideas and tutorials, worth it i think. xx

  5. Keep it!!! I am very impressed that you make so many lovely things. Did you make the quilt on your bed too? Quilting is next on my list (after crochet, willow weaving, dress making, felting.......) If I didn't spend so much time dreaming of all the things I am going to make, I might actually achieve something!!

    1. I did make the quilt, my first attempt, and very flawed. I am plucking up the courage to make one each for the kids. I know what you mean about the dreaming! I think if i spend less time online i could achieve so much more...

  6. You are so clever! That apron looks so beautiful!

    1. Ah, thanks. I hope things are ok with you and that you had a nice Easter. xx

  7. Sorry I have been silent - no blogland whilst camping! So glad you have been having fun and the apron, as with everything you make, is fab! xxxx

    1. Can't wait to hear all about the camping! Was it cold? Did the little one sleep? xxx

  8. Loving your apron and you have done a really good job ... I feel inspired to have a go myself. It's also great to read someone else is learning as I often feel a bit intimidated by all the fantastic work in others' blogs. I'm at the stage of still finding my way around the sewing machine, though proud to have just finished my first quilt.

    1. Thanks Mags, I think it's really important to show the flaws as well as the good bits. We're not all crafting pros! Well done on finishing your first quilt!

  9. It's a keeper! If we weren't away visiting family I would be wearing it now! :-) xx

  10. Your apron is gorgeous. I hope you don't get it dirty!x

  11. I found a 'tray cloth' similar to that in the charity shop - now I know what to do with it! And Phoebe has decided she 'needs' and apron too - woudl matching mother and daughter be just too twee?

    1. I will lend you that issue of mollie makes if you like, for the pattern. Mother and daughter matching aprons would be fabulous!

    2. Thanks - I'm free wheeling with P's as I was impatient but will borrow the patter to do mine properly!


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