Sunday, 11 March 2012

Weekend Breakfast 2 - French Toast

This weekend I made french toast. The recipe is based on one I saw in Leon: Baking and Puddings. Book 3 but I altered the recipe to make enough for one (large) portion.

Now, I am confused because the recipe in the book was called "Eggy Bread". For me, Eggy Bread is the savoury version of this - you soak the bread in egg and milk and a little seasoning, fry and eat with bacon and tomato ketchup. That's how we always ate Eggy Bread when I was a child, and how I make it now. I call it French Toast if it's the sweet version. But according to my Leon book, it's Eggy Bread in England and French Toast in America. How confusing! What do you call it?

Beat some eggs,  milk, vanilla and sugar together and soak a couple of slices of bread in this mixture. Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan until it's sizzling. Fry the bread gently for a couple of minutes on each side in the butter until it's golden. Put it on a plate and spread each cooked slice with butter (yes, that's what the Leon book told me to do...more butter) then dust with icing sugar and pour maple syrup over the top.

It was divine. Soft and eggy - almost custardy - inside, and crunchy on the outside.  My friend Rachel told me about Baked French Toast recently. I definitely need to look into that, purely for research purposes you understand. And something called a Dutch Baby Pancake which I keep reading about on other blogs and want to try.


  1. I do like your weekend breakfast ideas. This looks gorgeous as I have to say your granola did too. Looking forward to seeing what your research on the Dutch baby pancakes comes up with!

    1. I need to look into those. Although at this rate I may have to start calling it Weekend Brunch so that i don't spend all weekend over-eating!

  2. That is something I could definitely get used to!

    1. Me too - it's dangerous. Apparently in France it's called Pain Perdu or Lost Bread - I love that!

  3. I am going to have to give this a go!

  4. i call it french toast here in the states. we don't call anything Eggy Bread, although it sounds delicious! i'm always looking for more savory breakfast ideas. i like to make french toast with cinnamon bread. it is crazy good and very decadent. my husband likes to make what he calls The Lumberjack, which is two pieces of french toast, two eggs scrambled and two pieces of bacon. too much food for me! baked french toast is also really tasty, and especially good for cooking for a large group of people. we did it once for a new year's day brunch we hosted. it was easy and pleasing.

    1. Mmm, French toast with cinnamon bread does sound amazing. But The Lumberjack, that's so funny, what a great name. I am going to tell my husband about that, it will make him chuckle. Men are so funny with their competitive eating - over here it's all about how much of the "Full English" breakfast they can consume.


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