Thursday 29 March 2012

Blossom in the Park

I love how this unusually warm and sunny weather makes the most everyday tasks feel a bit different, a bit special. After collecting Bella from school, we've been walking up to our local park instead of going straight home. 

Instead of making a beeline for the playground, we wandered through the park, looking at the blossom, admiring the flowers, Bella and Angus shouting then laughing at the volume and echo of their shouts in the bandstand. In the summer, a brass band plays there on Sunday afternoons. 

The magnolia tree is starting to blossom. A few years ago I planted a magnolia tree in the back garden but it is small and only has a few blooms each Spring. Not like this one.

It was so warm and bright. I regretted wearing ballet pumps and wished I had flip flops on. It's strange for it to be this sunny when there are still so few leaves on the trees.

The park was busy. Mums with small babies sitting on the grass, older people sitting on the benches. The blossom is just beautiful against the blue sky.

Not a big park, but a busy and well used one, doing what it does best - meeting it's community's needs, providing a place where people can walk, ride, sit, think, meet with friends.

After a visit to the playground we bought ice creams, and when we got home the children ate their tea in the garden and played outside until it was bath time. Good times.


  1. I love all the pretty colors of Spring (definitely my favorite season)...and what a lovely park you guys have to enjoy! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Julia, you too, however many miles and time zones away you are!

  2. Your photos really are great. So is your local park! This is where you asked us to be Godparents (I nearly cried!) xx

    1. Is it really? I love that you remember that!! xx

  3. Lovely photos of a pretty park. This little taste of summer is so nice.
    We made crumble today using the rhubarb Mum bought when she was visiting you. I know, not the most obvious pudding for a warm day, but it was delicious.

    1. Isn't it? It will be really hard when the sun goes away and it gets cold again! Rhubarb crumble is delicious whatever the weather. xxx

  4. It has been wonderful hasn't it? I do hope the bad weather doesnt return to harshly, it will spoil all those lovely flowers!

    1. Sadly this sun will not last... we must make the most of it while we can!

  5. we are on opposite sides of the world but yours is truly stunning. nothing like a change in season!

    xo em

    1. Hello there! Spring has arrived early here but i guess you are gearing up for autumn now? Gillian x

  6. It looks amazing! Parks and people! I miss that. It must be a great atmosphere for the kids to run and be free! Have a lovely weekend :) x

    1. They love it, we are lucky. But the Leeds-Liverpool canal path isn't half as pretty as your riverside walks in Le Blanc! x


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