Wednesday 14 March 2012

Easter Birdhouses

I discovered the The Yvestown Blog about a year ago and have found it to be one of the most beautiful and inspiring blogs around. Yvonne's home, her style of decoration and her light-filled photography are like a breath of clean (and very well styled) air. She uses a feminine palette in a way that is not girly, but vibrant and fresh. Last week she posted a pattern and tutorial for these Easter birdhouses and of course they caught my eye. A nice Spring time project for the weekend to amuse Bella and I while John was at work.

They were a little tricky to glue together, but with the help of small hands and boxes and books to hold them in place while the glue dried, we succeeded.

I'd intended to sew some little felt birds to live in the houses, but didn''t have time, so these little Easter chicks will have to suffice. They are supposed to be perching on their twigs, but they look more like they are clinging on for dear life.

Bella wanted to make a birdhouse to play with as well, and she chose the fabric she wanted. We didn't glue the lid down so that she could easily fit little hands and small toys in it. I suggested we hang it on her bedroom wall but she said no thank you. I keep finding it in random parts of the house. She took it to bed with her last night.


  1. These are fab! I have a bit of a thing about those little chicks and easter decorations as a whole! I am glad the little rabbit is still so loved!

    1. Those chicks are great! So cheap and cheerful. She still loves that rabbit. x

  2. SO CUTE!!! I know about the glueing, my fingers were covered LOL. Thank you so much for visiting my blog : )

    1. Yvonne, I may have died of happiness - thanks so much for stopping by. Gillian x

  3. I spotted these on Yvestown and had planned to make them during Easter break... but that seems so far away now! Well done to you and Bella, they look super!

    1. Thanks Hazel - i thought i'd better get cracking as i plan to paint the bathroom over Easter (making the birdhouses is much more fun though!)

  4. These look so cute Gillian, I will have to check out that blog. They caught the eye of my daughter too, so guess what we'll be up to now?! I bought sixteen chicks in a box for one pound - bargain!
    Essie x

    1. Those chicks are brilliant, we must've gotten through hundreds! It is a lovely blog.

  5. I love reading your blog! Well done for persevering - they look gorgeous xx

  6. I love how having a five year old girl makes it ok for me to indulge in these projects - what will I do when she gets big and doesn't want to do them??? Sob. I'll still do them anyway! ;-) Gillian x

  7. i love them! good job! i'm going to bookmark it for next year.

    1. Good idea - I bookmark everything, it's ridiculous. What did we ever do before the internet??

  8. These are really beautiful Gillian. Which wall have you hung them on and what does John think? I can imagine my Jon's reaction!

    1. John is indifferent (I think he thinks they will come down after Easter...ha ha ha...). They are on that little wall/pillar where the old dining room window was between the dining room and extension. xx

  9. Adorable! I must try this with the kids during this rainy weather. x

  10. I absolutely adore these bird houses, I've got to have a go at one with my daughter ... thanks for the inspiration.

    Fleur xx

    1. Hi there Fleur, thanks for stopping by. They were so much fun to make but credit has to go to Yvonne at Yvestown - i just used her idea! Gillian x


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