Sunday 26 August 2012

Beside the Seaside, Beside the Sea

We have spent the most glorious day on the beach with my family. It is the August bank holiday here in the UK, and we are enjoying a three day weekend. I feel that by spending it at the seaside, I have spent it properly, which I realise is ridiculous. Despite gloomy weather forecasts predicting wind and rain we had hours of sunshine today.

It was a bright and blustery day with big, scudding clouds and constantly changing light. Not warm enough for swimming, but certainly warm enough to be outside all day. The views across the Solent were crystal clear. You could almost see the individual houses on the Isle of Wight across the water.

I could not stop looking at the clouds today. Look at that bright, silvery light.

Bella surveyed the view. John says she has copied that stance from me.

My parents have a beach hut on Hayling Island. We have had a beach hut there since before I was born, and many sunny weekends of my childhood were spent there. It was wonderful to take Bella and Angus there and see how utterly happy they were. Although, after an initial exploration of the beach hut, they ignored it continued with normal beach behaviour; running around, digging holes, throwing sand everywhere and shouting.

The inside is like a shed but much prettier. I can imagine how fun it would be to really go to town with decorating the interior of a beach hut - whitewashing it, making cushions and curtains and tablecloths in matching's probably just as well we could never afford one.

We flew kites...
...explored the fun fair...

...and bought ice creams.

By the end of the afternoon, the view had changed completely. The air was hazy, the light grey, and the wind cool. 

John taught Angus the universal male art of throwing stones into the sea.

Happy days.

The kids fell asleep in record time tonight. Also, John has really caught the sun. He has hilarious streaky red arms, neck and face from careless sun cream application. He is radiating heat. He had to go and find some after-sun in Mum's bathroom. Of course I am distracting him from his discomfort by laughing at him constantly, good wife that I am.

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend, whatever you may be doing. 


  1. Oh how lovely! Hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing holiday! Thanks for sharing the beach photos...just beautiful! I love the fluffy clouds. It's been way too long since we were last at the beach. Time for a vacation soon.

    1. I bet your beaches are much warmer and sandier than ours! But luckily the kids still had fun playing. x

  2. what a lovely day you all had..beautiful place..

    1. I quite like the pebbly shores and sea cabbage. It's beautiful in a rugged, imperfect way.

  3. Lucky you having a beach hut! Lovely day! Happy Monday, hope it stays dry for you! Ada :)

    1. Wish it was mine! But at least I get to use it once or twice a year... x

  4. I feel quite envious - I have had to work this weekend and the thought of a beach hut by the sea is wonderful. Lovely photos!

    Pomona x

    1. Hi Pomona, thanks for visiting my blog, nice to meet you! Such a shame that you had to work through the bank holiday weekend - I hope you had time to put your feet up. x

  5. Oh wow, sounds amazing! Poor John, I hope his sunburn has calmed down a bit. That beach hut is amazing! It's so great that your kids get to enjoy something you did too when you were little. x

    1. Is it weird that I am constantly trying to recreate my childhood with my own children? I hope not! Poor John - yes, his sunburn is calming down. Took three days though! x

  6. I would love a beach hut - Jim and I once had a crazy plan for a beach hut based glamping buisness...mainly so I had an excuse to play giant dolls houses!!

    Looks like you are having a perfect break. Hope there was time for tea and crochet too x

    1. Beach hut based glamping - oh, what a good idea!! Just think of the fun you could have theming and colour coordinating a row of beach huts... x

  7. Lovely, sunny pictures ... typical British Bank Holiday! I have serious beach hut envy, how lovely!

    Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday ... it's raining buckets here

    Claire xxx

    1. Rain on a bank holiday...sadly that's typical British bank holiday weather! We stayed dry here luckily. :-)

  8. Beautiful pictures, love the clouds, and the sea, and the happy children, and the chairs, and..Love your post, as always. In the last one I especially liked the one of the naroow, boat, which reminded me there is a canal from Leeds to...I don't know anymore. Groetjes, Gerda

    1. Hi Gerda, thanks for such kind words. The Leeds to Liverpool canal runs through Saltaire. That narrow boat is a floating ice cream van, what a good idea! x

  9. Sounds like a wonderful day, the best type made up of family memories. It's been raining here near the East coast and hubby is poorly, so a quiet bank holiday here. x

    1. Oh no, rain and illness, how rubbish for you. I am so thankful that we had some sun over the bank holiday, it makes all the difference. x

  10. Hi,
    Very pleased you had some sun. I can smell that sea air (love it!) and I have always loved beach huts. I have funnily enough been there a few times as my father is from Gosport and we would go down a few times each year! Hope you are having a good day today too! Oh the memories... I sure you have just added some too!!

    1. Hi Ivan, Gosport isn't all that far, although I have to say I have never been. My husband is desperate to visit the submarine museum there, but currently he is the only one in the family who wants to go!

  11. These look amazing! We have yet to explore the English seaside, it seems like there are so many pretty places, that we haven't seen.

    1. What the English coast lacks in sun and sandy beaches it makes up for in quirky charm. I hope. I like it, anyway! x

  12. It looks like a perfect weekend! x

  13. What a fabulous place! Looks like a great day :D

    I'm so with you on the desirability of a beach hut ... actually I'm thinking of putting one up in the garden ... men have their garden shed's, women should have their beach huts!

    1. I seriously love your idea of a beach hut in the garden. Somewhere comfortable and pretty, a little haven. I am thinking of Emma (of Silverpebble's) gorgeous shed which she works from - very inspiring. x

  14. Looks like a wonderful holiday weekend. I love the colourful bathhouses that line the beach. I've always wondered what they look like inside.

    How cute that Bella is copying your stance!!

    1. The interiors vary a lot - some are simply a dusty, spidery place to store chairs, umbrellas and wind breaks, others are beautifully and lovingly decorated. I guess it depends how much time you want to spend there!

  15. Looks a fab day! Love the stance...brilliant :) we'll be by the sea tomorrow for a few days. Cannot wait! xx

    1. I must stand with my hands on my hips rather a lot - probably when I am telling her off.

  16. with only one out of the three days being this good weatherwise you did make the most of it. Lots of lovely memory making.
    I love the photos and hubby should be grateful you only laughed at him and didn't put a photo of him on your blog!

    1. I think we've been blessed with good weather down here. But yes, lots of memory making, and relaxing, the best kind of break. x

  17. Love the beach hut and great pics. We had a trip to the beach last week to, there's nothing like a bit of sea air to make you sleep well.

    1. Yes, your right, we've all been sleeping really well this week. I love the sound of sea gulls, too, never tire of that sound.

  18. Looks fab and I can almost smell that sea air. Shame about the sunburn, though. (Applying the gel/juice from an aloe vera plant can be very soothing.)

    1. I have heard aloe vera is good for burns but never put it to the test. Fortunately the after sun worked well! x

  19. I love beach huts, oh what you could do with the inside of one. Have a fab time and make lots of memories.

    1. I am dreaming about beach huts and the possibility of creating one in the back garden at home...sadly it would take up the entire garden! x

  20. Looks lovely. I would so love a beach hut, it would be great to do it up inside all pretty. Actually I'm loving the idea of a beach hut in the garden! xx

    1. Me too - it has planted a seed now! Although our garden is tiny so it's not an option. Much to my husband's relief! x

  21. I have loved seeing all your super photos!
    Margaret P

  22. Those beach huts are sooo fun ~ I really really really want one.

    1. Me too. They can be expensive though - i think you have to pay an annual maintenance fee. My parents hardly used theirs last summer and worked out it cost £100 a visit! They talked about selling it but my sisters and I persuaded (bullied) them not to, and they all go down most sunny days now.

  23. Most important question- do you like to stroll along the prom, where the brass band plays tiddlyompompom??? ;)


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