Saturday 4 August 2012

Happy and Glorious

A month ago, if you'd asked me if I was going to watch any of the Olympics, I would've shrugged and said maybe some, we're not that bothered to be honest. Fast forward two weeks and Olympic fever has well and truly gripped our household. John, who admittedly loves watching sport, especially football, cricket (and American football, baseball and ice hockey for some reason) claimed he hated watching athletics and wasn't going to watch any. Ever. Well, all week he has been watching the (excellent) Olympic coverage on the BBC and has been jumping on the sofa and shouting and cheering at the TV with the best of them. 

I am loving the Olympics. It helps that London is hosting and some of our friends have tickets so there has been lots of talk about it. The opening ceremony was fantastic, celebrating  British people and storytelling and history, all with a sense of humour. Bella told John this morning that when she grows up she is going to win gold in a "running race". Angus is fascinated by any events involving boats, bikes or horses and stands right in front of the TV, captivated by them.

So, go team GB! Fourth in the table so far, that's pretty good for such a small (although admittedly densely populated) island. Are you watching the Olympics Games? Are you enjoying it? Its taken over most TV and radio here in the UK - what is the coverage like around the world? 


  1. Hi, just recently found your lovely blog and couldn't agree with you more about this post. We didn't really think we would be watching much of it either but it's really sucked us in . We didn't see the opening ceremony but have definitely made up for it since then. Hope you have a smashing weekend.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. Isn't it wonderful? Last night was amazing, I was gripped. What a night for team GB!

  2. I felt exactly the same before the games started, not sure how much I'd watch, but the TV has been on most of every day since the games started. The swimming events are my favourite. Watching the triathlon at the moment! We also like the cycling here, the velodrome is especially intense!

    1. My husband is addicted to any cycling events and obsessed with the velodrome. I loved the rowing. Actually, I love all of it!

  3. Lovely to read this. I get homesick now and then, but right now I really wish I was back in the UK. I bet the atmosphere everywhere is electric. Coverage here is terrible, according to my husband anyway, who is trying to follow the cycling but they have hardly had it on. The best coverage is on Foxtel (Sky) which we don't have. I missed the opening ceremony, but my mum, who stayed up till after 1am, said it was spectacular.

    1. It's all anyone is talking about, especially after last night (3 golds in one hour!!). My husband informs me that huge events like the Olympics, World Cup, Tour de France and FA cup have to be on terrestrial tv - sometimes I love Britain!

  4. It's wonderful isn't it!! I'm really not sporty at all but have been swept along with all the excitement. Feeling very proud of the UK right now. Go team GB!

    1. Me too, especially after this weekend. Wow, just wow! Apparently we have won more medals per capita (did I get that right?) than any other country! x

  5. I didn't think I'd ever watch any of the Olympics but I've done nothing but watch it! I've even come in from my workshop to watch Tom Daley dive......stop sewing to watch sport? Me? It just goes to show! X

    1. I have discovered that crochet while watching sport to be a very enjoyable past time! x

  6. I haven't watched that much because of our holiday but we did listen on the radio! We are doing brilliantly! Ada :)

    1. This weekend has just been incredible, we are loving it!

  7. Just catching up here! I've had a really busy week too and haven't really found time to keep up with bloggy friends, but you've been blogging almost every day!!!

    We're kinda' hooked on the Olympics too, though will probably watch less in the coming week as we find athletics (reduces voice to a whisper) boring. But oh, the swimming, the rowing and sculling, the equestrian events and gymnastics ... we've been in heaven!

    You lovely grey room is looking wonderful by the way :D

    1. I have been blogging a lot, i know...I think of it as my "treat", a little respite after a busy day, so I always seem to find time to blog despite declaring that I am incredibly busy! I was with you on the athletics until last night - wowzers! It must've been incredible to be in the stadium last night.

  8. A quick ps. I've added tales from a happy house to my blog roll (knitsofacto's Coffeehouse tab/Blogs I love button) ... hope that's okay x

    1. It's more than okay Annie, it's great! Thanks, I am touched. :-) x

  9. I'm also not much of a sports fan but I always get gripped by the Olympics. We don't have a fancy tv package so we're only seeing a very limited broadcast. Boo.

    1. Oh what a bummer! Here, we get to see the Olympics (and other big events like Wimbledon and the World Cup) on terrestrial tv so you don't have to have a fancy sky sports package to watch it. Hurrah for the bbc!

  10. Same here, not generally interested in sport (though hubby likes rugby and cricket) but well and truly hooked and enjoying cheering team GB on. x

    1. I don't know what I'll do when it finishes! I am gripped especially after this weekend. x

  11. I'm absolutely loving it ... on holiday no competition from the weather so I'm glued. So proud of both our athletes and the crowds. I've had many tearful moments and will be watching my step niece on Tuesday!

    1. Just looked on the GB canoeing website - I will look out for Rachel on Tuesday and cheer her on!! x

  12. i too couldn't be bothered with it all and now I can't move away from the TV! i am loing it!!

    1. Same here - I am a fair-weather sports fan, I'm afraid. Last night was just wonderful, I can't think when I was last to glued to a sporting event. x

  13. Wishing I could be watching more- but for a small baby that thinks the tv is mesmerising- so it is turned off in his presence.....

    1. Ah yes, I remember that baby phase - they think everything on tv is fsacinating...all those must be hypnotic to the baby brain!

  14. Just found you via Kitty Loves Custard and am hooked!

    Love Claire xxx

    1. Hi, me again! Seems I'm already a follower of yours, but haven't been getting your updates ... Hopefully have remedied that now xxx

    2. Hi Claire - I thought I recognised your name and blog. I have found that blogs I thought I was following suddenly stop showing up in my feed, and I have to go and re-follow them. Very odd. But I'm very glad to have you here! xx

  15. Gillian - lots of Olympics coverage here too and we're hooked as well. My eleven-year-old wants to start up gymnastics again after watching the US and Russia, etc perform. I kinda want to do gymnastics too after I watched but I don't think the "over-40" gals stand a chance! ha ha!

    I LOVED the opening ceremonies - so British and so well-done. Have you guys watched any of the badminton or table tennis? Holy smokes those folks are quick.


    1. I love watching the gymnastics, they are so graceful and strong - it reminds me of ballet. Love the table tennis. I can't even see where the teeny tiny ball has gone - don't know how they hit it back!

  16. One of the things that warms my heart from these Olympics is reading about British people pulling together and being proud of their country and of being British. It seems as though the games are a real boost to the morale of the nation!

    1. Hi there Carol. You are right. A year ago today the riots began in Britain, nearly a week of unrest and millions of pounds worth of damage. It's so wonderful to be celebrating something so positive.

  17. I haven't been watching the Olympics at all this year...But have been enjoying the photos posted on FB so not totally clueless about it.

    1. I am equally clueless, but am not letting that interfere with my enjoyment of everything! It's so funny - everyone now thinks they are an expert on every sport, and we are suddenly a nation obsessed with cycling.

  18. Yes, watching the Olympics and barracking for 1. Australia 2. Britain, or if you ask my husband, 1. Britain 2. Australia!! We are a multi-national family!!

    1. That must get interesting sometimes, especially during the cricket. Never heard the term "barracking" before - does is mean cheering someone on?

  19. It's the same here - i didn't even realise until the weekend that you could choose teletext if you're watching the Olympics via sky and see (and watch) all that is going on at that moment in time so instead of athletics last night I watch the women's water polo - totally thrilling.

    Nina xxx

    1. Oh, we don't have sky. I just stare at whatever the BBC is showing me. I love Claire Baldwin, she's ace.


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