Friday 24 August 2012

Out and About - Saltaire

We had the nicest day out with my some friends and their children during the week. Bella  and Angus and I went to a park near Salts Mill, which is a huge old building converted into shops, restaurants and a fantastic David Hockney gallery. It is worth a visit just to see the Hockney art and to browse some seriously nice interior design shops. The mill is in Saltaire, a beautiful village on the outskirts of Bradford, which is deservedly a UNESCO World Heritage Site, full of imposing Victorian industrial architecture with views right up on to the moors.

We met at the mill, then walked over the canal to the nearby playground. The children ran around and shouted and shrieked while we drank coffee in cardboard cups. A local youth group turned up and started doing some graffiti art much to the amusement of all the small people. We had an impromptu picnic lunch from a local deli and Mr Whippy ice creams from the ice cream van. Then we wandered over to a beautiful wide, open green space next to the canal. We bought more coffees. The children fed the ducks and played football and rode their scooters and bikes up and down the flat, wide pathways. The Victorians knew a thing or two about building public parks. It threatened to rain all day but didn't. 

I love days like that.


Tomorrow we are off to my parent's for the week, for a dose of Southern air and the seaside and lots of family time. Rather annoyingly, the weather forecast is wet and windy so I'm no sure how much beach time there will be. I may camp out in the beach hut anyway, with a cup of tea and some crochet. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - we are trying to make the most of the rain-free days.

  2. What a fun day out ... lovely photos as always ... hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and that the sun chooses to shine on you ... Bee xx

  3. You have a lovely way of capturing these holiday days - wonderful happy times that your children will treasure for always I bet. Enjoy your week by the sea - hope the weather is kinder than you expect, it's often better by the sea than inland so you may be luckier than you think. Enjoy anyway! E x

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. Although I don't photograph the tantrums/sulks/overtired tears that inevitably follow long days of running around in fresh air! x

  4. The park looks beautiful x you plan of tea,

    1. Sorry hit publish by accident! I meant to say that your plan of tea and crochet in a beach hut sounds like heaven - children play happily on the beach whatever the weather. Have the most wonderful time and looking forward to your tales xxx

    2. I managed tea and crochet in the beach hut (well, outside it) today, and it was heaven. x

  5. This is one place I would like to visit one day, looks great! Ada :)

    1. It is worth a visit, rain or shine, a lovely place to wander and shop and take in the surroundings. x

    2. It is worth a visit, rain or shine, full of lovely shops to wander around and lots to take in and see. x

  6. Looks like the perfect day out and yes, the Victorians left us some great public parks. Enjoy your stay on the coast. At least wet and windy will blow the cobwebs away.

    1. Yes, you're right, I will go to the beach whatever the weather. I actually quite like a bracing walk on the beach, it always feels like the sea air is doing me good.

  7. Have a lovely week :D

    Love the pic of the graffiti kids, all 'elf and safety'd!

    1. I know, so funny! What happened to kids in hoodies spraying away? I'm sure they never wore face masks!

  8. Have a great time at your parents! The sea beckons you to relax and enjoy your crochet :) Looks like you had a super day out with your friends too Haz x

    1. Thanks Hazel, so far so good - sea and crochet already achieved! x

  9. beautiful pics..What a lovely place..

    1. Hi Lulu, thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. Gillian x

  10. Have a wonderful break x

  11. I love Saltaire, we spent the day there for my birthday last year and I'm hoping to visit again soon, in the meantime I get my Saltaire fix here
    : )

    1. Hi there, thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the link to that blog, I will have a look. Gillian x


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