Sunday 19 August 2012

Country in the City

We don't live in the countryside, we live in the middle of a big old smokey Northern city, but we had a fun weekend pretending otherwise. It was hot and humid with leaden grey skies and I was on a mission to get Bella and Angus out and about, in the fresh air, enjoying our surroundings, trying to recapture some of what was so magical about our holiday.

We visited a nearby farm, climbed on tractors and fed goats.

We spotted unusual coloured ladybirds.

We tried to go blackberry picking, but found that none were ripe yet.

We admired wild flowers.

We walked and looked at our surroundings.

We also baked, made dens, sewed, played, and pottered. But the highlight of the weekend was my friend Rachel's birthday party on Sunday afternoon. A house full of friends and their children. A table groaning under the weight of about fifteen different types of homemade cake, delicate little sandwiches, canapes, trifles and, my personal favourite, lime and basil macarons.  Prosecco was drunk from vintage china tea cups. It turns out that this is the perfect way to drink fizz in all standing-and-chatting situations, as you can put your canape or sandwich on the saucer, leaving your other hand free to remove the seventh mini cupcake from the sticky hand of a toddler already high on sugar because he licked the icing off the previous six.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. It looks like the weather got pretty hot in some parts of the UK. A big "hello" to my new followers, and thank you for visiting and reading and commenting. Seriously, thank you. x


  1. Your weekend sounds lovely, what is it with kids and licking off the icing.

    1. I know, it ruins it because I don't even want to eat the abandoned cake when it's all soggy!

  2. Beautiful pictures Gillian, everything looks lovely x

    1. It's the magic of Picmonkey to perk up a dull, grey-skied photograph - I can't leave that website alone, it's become my guilty pleasure! x

  3. Oh I really like the idea of fizz in teacups! Also, that is one juicy caterpillar! :) xx

    1. I didn't even notice the caterpillar!! I was just aiming for the pretty flower. Clearly, despite all aspirations to be a country girl, I am not doing very well at it! x

  4. Replies
    1. It was, I ate way to much cake. Then came home and ate my supper, then ate more cake afterwards. Bad me.

  5. What a brilliant weekend, I love the photo of the children on the tractor from behind. x

    1. They squabbled over that tractor for ages until I realised they could both squeeze on it together. Then of course they fought over who got to hold the steering wheel... x

  6. Hi again Gillian from Down Under! as ever your photos look great, following your blog regularly and being inspired. Loved all your posts on the Olympics, and the photos from your holiday were just gorgeous. We are looking forward to spring here, with the days slowly becoming warmer, but still need the fire at night. Your day at the farm looks lovely. All the best, Liz (near Wollongong NSW Aust)

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for such a warm and friendly comment. We are making the most of the last of summer here before the schools go back in early September. It always feels like Autumn starts then.

  7. Well you certainly got your little one out and about! Bet you were all exhausted! Sounds like you all had a brilliant weekend, very yummy party! Ada :)

    1. Mission "Wear Out Small Children" accomplished. Thank goodness for cake! x

  8. Great photos, it sounds like you had a brilliant weekend. xx

    1. Thanks - although I had to perk up the photos a bit on picmonkey as it was so gloomy all weekend. But still fun! x

  9. I am gutted I forgot to take pictures at the party - I should have asked you to be official photographer!

    Thanks again for coming and your delicious contribution to the cake table (glad I forgot to put it out as its far too nice to share!)

    1. You know, I had my camera in my bag and forget all about it! I am kicking myself because that table was awesome and worth a few photos..sorry. Glad you liked the cake. :-)

  10. Absolutely love the sound of a table groaning under the weight of homemade cakes, how divine!! And a day at a farm ... brilliant : -)

    1. It was nice. But I have gained 7 pounds. Not over the weekend, but just lately... When the schools go back and normal routines start I think I need to start exercising some self control! x

  11. What a lovely weekend you had ... I'm sure the little ones loved visiting the farm ... the little goat is so cute ... I might have been tempted to take it home with me :) ... the party sounds great too ... hope you have a lovely week to come ... Bee xx

    1. The goats was cute but wanted to eat everything including my bag. They are always jumping out of the pens and found by confused drivers out in the road! So funny.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. The great thing about Leeds is that although it's a big city, there's lots of wonderful places, even in the heart of the city, which can make you think you're in the countryside. We're never stuck for things to do or places to go.

    1. Yes, we are spoilt for green spaces around the outskirts of the city. But whenever I go into Leeds with the kids I always think we are crying our for a little park in the city centre, somewhere to sit down and let the kids run around safely.

  13. What a lovely post. The farm looks fun and I love the photo of them with their pushchairs. Tea party sounds great, so decadent! xxx

    1. They walk MILES without complaining if I let them take their pushchairs, and never run off. Works every time! x

  14. Sounds like a very lovely weekend, hooray for some sunshine!! x

    1. We didn't see any sun sadly, but hooray for some warm weather, my flip flops needed some wear this summer! x

  15. It was nice. Tiring but nice! Happy new week to you too Jooles. x

  16. These shots are so beautiful. The first one is one to keep and maybe print. So cool the two little ones on the tractor. looks like you had a great time.

    1. Ah, thanks Liv, that is nice. You have reminded me that I haven't printed out any photos for months and months though...

  17. Hey. Just catching up here. Loving your photos and your weekend antics look great xxx

    1. Hello there! Thank you. The holidays rumble on, regardless of grey skies! xx

  18. You could've had me fooled! Looks like you're in the countryside. How lovely it is to be so close to nature and a farm where you can feed goats.

    1. Goat feeding always goes down well. I guess we're lucky that we can feel like we're away from the city without driving to far.

  19. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Your photos are marvy.

    1. Marvy - I need to adopt this word and use it more! When hubby is working and it threatens rain us mums have to get extra creative with our weekend activites.

  20. Gorgeous pictures dear! :)

    Kisses ♥

  21. A reverse ladybug?! How COOL (and chic) is that!

  22. Hi Rooth, thanks for stopping by.

    I hope it wasn't a poisonous, biting ladybird! My little one is very comfortable with all insects which is strange as I am not.


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