Sunday 12 August 2012

The Last of the Summer Weekends

Our weekend started on Friday, as John was home after working seven days in a row. The weather was warm and sunny. Our old sandpit makes a great paddling pool as Bella and Angus can perch on the edge. Load after load of washing was hung on the line.

It was a little cooler on Saturday but much fun was had with the hose in the garden. 

We did some outside crafting. Last winter, Bella and I made some toilet roll people. It was a project we both really enjoyed, and she plays with them all the time. She asked if we could make more and, before you could say "Nativity" we were saving toilet roll and kitchen roll tubes and planning a little group of people involving a baby, a camel and a sheep that needs to be ready by December. I love how this has captured Bella's imagination. She is planning which fabric off-cuts she will use for Mary, and hunting out gold card for crowns for the Three Wise Men. It will keep us both very happily occupied over the rest of the holiday. I know it seems mad to be doing this now, but come the Autumn neither of us will have the time or the energy for such a project.

John is shopping for a bike (he is still under the influence of Olympic fever) and we looked around a lot of cycling shops. We bought the kids a helmet each, something we'd been meaning to do for ages. Bella's is emblazoned with Hello Kitty and Angus's with Lightening McQueen.

Angus loves his new helmet.

He wore it all day Saturday. When he wasn't wearing it it was hung from the handlebars of his bike, which he pushed around the garden with a very serious expression on his face. It was next to him on the table at meal times. At bath time, it had to come into the bathroom with him (not the bath - I drew the line there). At bed time, he spent ten minutes arranging it on the end of his bed. When I went to check on him later, it was under the duvet with him. 

On Saturday evening, we had a barbeque. Cheeseburgers and potato salad and bottles of Coke. I insisted we eat in the garden, even though it wasn't that warm. If you wait for prefect weather in this country, you'll be waiting forever, and suddenly it seems that Summer is disappearing.

It was a fun excuse to use up the Union Flag paper plate and cups I bought for the Jubilee. What with the bottled drinks and disposable barbeque, there was no washing up - always a happy scenario!

Sunday was cool and grey and spent quietly. Pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and maple syrup for breakfast. John cut the hedge, a summertime chore he loathes but the kids think is fantastic fun.

BLTs and leftover potato salad for lunch, then we went raspberry picking in the afternoon. I remembered to take the camera, but forgot to put an SD card inside. Very annoying. I don't have a very good track record with fruit picking and photography.

I could not resist a teeny tiny bit of filter-magic on my pictures today...I love the Seventies Summer feel it gives, especially when the sun is more often that not hiding behind a cloud. They remind me of the hundreds of photos from my childhood carefully stored and labelled in albums. I suddenly felt this weekend that Summer was nearly over, and that we must make the most of every last bit of it. Next weekend John is working, and the two weekends after that we will be traveling to and from my parent's house. Then, before we know it, the new school term will have started and as soon as 1st September rolls around I am mentally in "Autumn Mode", no matter how hot the weather.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying these warm days. Thanks for reading and for being here. x


  1. Please don't say it's over ... It's hardly begun here! Lovely pictures and love the 70's feel. Really don't want September and autumn just yet ... makes me melancholy xxx

    1. Oh sorry! I didn't mean to put a downer on your summer! You've just got to grab the sunny days in this rubbish climate before they disappear... x

  2. I still have time before i return to school but your right there is already a nip in the air and a taste of autumn. I love this post and the photos, the vintage look goes with the mood of the post.

    1. We are only half way through the holidays, I must remember that! My husband said it felt autumnal this morning and i agreed - nothing I could put my finger on, just a smell in the air and all the leaves are starting to look dry.

  3. Looks like you've had a lovely couple of days :)
    Great pictures

    1. Thanks Vanessa, it's been lovely. My husband works weekends so we have to make the most of the family time when he is off! x

  4. I know, I cannot believe summer will be over in just a few short weeks! I am not ready for frigid cold temperatures, but I am ready for some cooler weather. It's been an extremely hot, humid summer! It looks like you had a great weekend filled with lots of outdoor time and yummy food. That burger looks so delicious! I love that Angus is so attached to his helmet that he even slept with sweet! We cannot get Charlotte to keep hers on! Lovely photos! Your children are so sweet!

    1. Ah, thanks Julia. I promise they are not sweet all the time, they have their moments! Well done on your country's outstanding achievement in the Olympics - top of the table, wow! You must be really proud. :-)

  5. Lovely weekend, we too make the most of the sun when it appears! Ada:)

    1. You have to, because chances are it will be cloudy tomorrow... Hey ho, that's British Summertime.

  6. I love the part about the helmet. So sweet! Reminds me of my little brother whom Mom found asleep in his football (American) helmet!

  7. Hello,
    A perfect weekend, great post! The helmet 'love' made me giggle! Autumn was also smelt on the air here too!! (love autumn but not yet! although Christmas planning -that's never too early!) Happy you all had fun and the burgers looked tasty too. Have a good week.

    1. I love planning for Christmas. My husband works in retail so we are always thinking and talking about it ridiculously early in this house.

  8. Your weekend sounds so perfect and delightful.

    Lovely pics!

  9. What is it with little boys and their bike helmets my little boy is the same!! I love the seventies photo style too.

    1. Hi there, thanks for stopping by, good to meet you! He still loves his helmet and has now taken to using it as a bag and carrying toy cars around in it.

  10. Great pictures and words, I really am enjoying reading and noseying! Those burgers look yum. Is that on a disposable BBQ? How long after you lit it did you cook? I always seem to burn things:) x

    1. Hi Nick, thanks. Yes, it was a disposable bbq, we still haven't gotten around to buying a proper "grown up" one - don't think we'd use it enough. I think we left it for about 20 minutes, then just stuck the burgers on. They took about 20 minutes too as they were quite thick but, credit tom my husband, they were perfectly cooked! x

  11. Bless little Angus and his helmet under the duvet!

    I love those old coke bottles, your BBQ looked great. You never know, we may have an Indian Summer and a few more barbies yet this year...

    1. I do hope so, that would be lovely. But once the new school term starts, everything feels a little more structured and less lazy, so I must make the most of the next three weeks!

  12. here in England we have have to make the most out of every single sunny day.
    summer bbq's are the best!

    1. We totally do! Hot weather is never guaranteed. The smell of a barbeque is one of the best smells in the world. And suncream. They just say summer is here! x

  13. Oh wow, sounds like a gorgeous weekend and those burgers look YUM! My boy also loves Lightning McQueen :-) He has to take 2 little cars to bed every night which we always have to locate underneath the duvet once he has fallen asleep :-) x

    1. Oh Col, that made me laugh! Angus takes the Mack truck, Lightening McQueen, Grem and Mater to bed with him. He lines them up really carefully on his pillow before snuggling down. I'm glad it's not just him, I was starting to think it was a bit odd! x

  14. Nice weekend!!! Children always "require" a great dose of creativity. I loooooove the 60's touch of the photos!! xxx

    1. Thanks Sopa, kids to need a lot of creativity, but I love how just being out doors in the garden with the paddling pool is enough to keep them amused for hours! x

  15. Love the 70's style photos. You're right - so many photos of our childhood are bathed in sunlight. The weather is so unpredictable lately. I'm sure summers used to be longer and hotter and seasons more easily distinguished between. Anyway, we just try to enjoy every warm dry day we have by being outside as much as possible. We held off visiting the library today until late afternoon when the rain started, then I didn't mind being indoors so much. Your John can always talk to my Jon for bike advice but Dad will probably be more help, having bought a new bike recently.
    Angus is clearly in love with the helmet. Bless him. Is he equally enthusiastic about actually riding his bike?!
    Can't believe you mentioned 'Nativity' in August! I can feel your Christmas (sorry had to type it) giddiness coming on already :) xxx

    1. You're right about the seasons - they have been crazy this year. Hot March, snowy April, wet May, June and July with the odd week of sun here and there. I'm sure summers were better when we were children!

      I need to keep my Christmas giddiness in check, it gets a bit out of hand, I know :-/ xxxx

  16. Burgers, cola and some good old fashioned back garden fun.

    We've been doing a bit of that this week as our beaches are absolutely packed with holiday makers at the moment.

    Nina x

    ps. I sat for a while and almost missed the butterfly as I was facing the other way - typical me! But a pure chance which I'm thinking it was meant to be. N x

    1. If I lived near beaches like yours, I would be down there every day too. My sisters keep making me jealous with tales of days spend at my parent's beach hut... :-(

      The butterfly was definitely meant to be, such a beautiful shot. x

  17. Lovely post, it sounds like you're having a happy summer holiday. I think it's good to record the ordinary days and all the little things that do make them special. Here the holidays are now over - the kids started back at school today but reading about holidays continuing south of the border for another couple of weeks seems to make the summer last a bit longer somehow.
    I like the stone wall you have round your garden, it's a nice feature.

    1. Exactly, one of the many fun things about blogging is the diary-like way of recording everyday but precious moments. Can't believe your kids are back already, you must be in work-day mode now! That dry stone wall and the apple tree are the only two pretty features our tiny garden possesses, but I love them. x

  18. Hi Diana, thanks for stopping by. x

  19. Wonderful, all of it. I loved hearing about Angus & the helmet. What a sweet little guy.

    1. He is a very cute little imp at the moment. I am drinking it all up before he starts nursery in September and I have to start to slowly let him pull away from me...*sob*.


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