Tuesday 14 August 2012

A Granny Square Scarf

I have finally, finally, finished my first crochet project. It is a granny square scarf for my very good friend Kate, whose birthday it is this week. We met through the NCT five years ago, when our eldest children were babies, and she has become a firm friend; a running buddy, a drinking partner, someone to share the highs and lows of parenting with, and best of all she has a very dry sense of humour. She once said her favourite colour was purple so I really hope she likes this scarf (hmm...I hope she wasn't joking).

I love it. I want one for myself in just two colours, maybe black and white or navy blue and white. It was a joy to make. Some find making granny squares repetitive but, novice crocheter that I am, I find making them incredibly relaxing as so little concentration is needed. I can crochet these while chatting to the kids, watching tv, sitting in waiting rooms, the passenger seat of the car. And in cycling shops, while John spends an interminable length of time looking at bikes.

It is long enough to loop around your neck and fold over comfortably - and here I am wearing it. (Bella took the photo on the left). I have a very odd expression on my face, as I concentrate on trying to take a picture without being able to look in the viewfinder.

There is nothing worse that a too-short scarf in my opinion. I was tempted to add another square or two but I'm glad I didn't, as I think any more length would have caused the squares to pull and stretch under the weight of the yarn. The cotton yarn has a lovely weight and drape to it, it is heavier than other types so I hope it will be warm.

Some information:
  • I crocheted 12 squares on a 3mm hook. Each granny square contains 8 rounds and measures 13cm x 13cm or 5" x 5". 
  • The total length, including tassels, is 2m or 6' 6". 
  • I chose Annell cotton yarn, from the Yvestown Shop for a warm and hopefully non-itchy scarf.
  • I used 2 balls of dark grey (58), and one each of light grey (57), violet (54), purple (50) and plum (80). 
  • At €1.95 or £1.50 per ball that is a total cost of £9, which is think is pretty good, and I have loads and loads of yarn left over, about half a ball of most colours.
You could crochet a double stitch border around the edge if you like - I may try this as I increase in hooky confidence. I want to crochet up a storm, and make more of these beauties for Christmas and birthday gifts, and for myself. I love granny square scarves - I found these scarves in particular very inspiring. My sister, Katy, has requested one edged in cream for Christmas. But first I need to finish the cushion I am half way through. Oh, so many jobs, so little time! 

Now, I need to go and do some parenting - both kids are currently tripping around the house in my old heels, teetering dangerously, sensing that my attention is elsewhere and making the most of it. Yesterday I painted Bella's toenails and Angus just sat down next to her, took off his socks and said "me too". I complied. So you can imagine what he looks like with painted toenails and wearing yellow peep toe heels... :-)


  1. Beautiful! I started making a granny square throw, I think it's a seriously long term project though hehe! I like the idea of little pouches and make up bag things!

    The yarn you used is gorgeous, and I can't believe it's only £1.50 per ball! amazing price. I've paid £4 for a 50g rowan ball before. Now suddenly crochet with cotton seems a lot more affordable!

    Thanks for the link. and well done on finishing your first crochet project :)

    1. The cotton yarn splits a bit but once you get past that it's lovely to work with. I would very much like to make a granny square throw or blanket, but it's such a long term project I need to psyche myself up!

  2. Your scarf is a gorgeous first crochet project ... your friend will be delighted with her lovely gift ... have you tried any of the wool from Yvestown ... it seems to be quite reasonably priced too xx

    1. Ah, thank you. I have not tried any wool or acrylic yarn from Yvestown but I am tempted, largely because they have a fantastic range of colours. The postage is pricey because it's shipped from Belgium, but if you place a large order it isn't too painful! x

  3. Dear Gillian
    What a lovely scarf (and it is handmade with love and still cheaper than many similar machine-made scarves out there). I am sure your friend will be delighted with her gift. Congratulations!
    Best wishes

  4. It's beautiful, I love the colours, your friend will be thrilled! I love Granny Squares too, maybe because I'm a novice too :) Looking forward to seeing what else you do. x

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I have a granny square cushion that is half finished, I must get cracking with that! x

  5. I love it completely and entirely. And Angus if very funny too x

    1. Thank you Greer :-) Tonight we found my shoes in the kids play house in the garden...they are trashed.

  6. I love all things Granny Squares... you must make one for you!! [Wishing I had patience to sew & stitch!]

    1. I will make one, as soon as I get some time, and order some more yarn. Sewing and stitching in front of the tv or while listening to the radio is really relaxing, but it does take patience to learn, and I am very impatient so I understand where you are coming from!

  7. It's beautiful Gillian! You've done a great job. Lovely colour scheme and the length is great - I agree - nothing worse than a short scarf. xx

    1. Donna, thank you, that means a lot to me coming from you - I am always full of admiration for your crochet skills. xx

  8. Nice scarf, has been very nice!! I think from now you'll have a lot of work.

    1. I think you are right Sopa, I need to learn to hook faster!

  9. Fabulous! I cannot believe this is your first crochet project. I am verrrrry impressed! I think I'm going to try to make one too. I don't know why but I've always just thought of granny squares and blankets. Somehow it never occurred to me to make a scarf!

    BTW-I love your color choices.

    1. Do have a go, they are easy. I just sewed each square together but you could crochet them together. I do think it would look more finished with a double stitch border - next time I may pluck up the courage to do that.

      I don't usually like purples or lilacs but the more I worked on the scarf the more they grew on me.

  10. It's beautiful! Well done, your a natural!
    I so want to be able to crochet and knit, i used to do it with my nan when i was younger but i can't remember how anymore :(

    1. Thanks Vanessa, that's really kind of you. My husband bought me a "learn to crochet" course for my birthday, it was great. I bet you'd pick it up really quickly if you learnt as a child. x

  11. Gillian, your scarf is fab! Well done you! I love the colour combination you've chosen - grey is a wonderful neutral that sets off other colours so well. I want to experiment a bit with more with it as I haven't used it a lot hitherto. And I love the long fringe you've finished it off with - perfect! There is a lot to be said for Granny squares - making them individually makes a project that uses them much more portable than something massive that's OK when you start out but grows quite cumbersome further down the line. Says she, about to embark on just such an unwieldy project! Your friend will be over the moon! E x

    1. Elizabeth, thank you - your crochet projects have been a huge inspiration to me. The long fringe was simply a cunning way to add length without work! I did like the way I could just pop the whole thing in my handbag when I was out and about. I have the crochet bug now! x

  12. Replies
    1. Me too - I good way to add length to a scarf quickly - I may make them even longer next time! x

  13. What a great first project, brill colours! Ada :)

    1. Thank Ada. They aren't really my colours but the more I worked on it the more I grew to like them, especially the grey.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous - well done. She will love it.

    Thanks too for th link to the cathedral window pattern - i've be looking for that for weeks and could only find the pattern in japanese. Must. Resist. Another. WIP

    1. I think it was you who put me on to that cathedral pattern - I love it so much! In black and in white, it's gorgeous. I too must resist the lure of a new WIP!! xx

  15. It looks great! Your friend is a lucky lady! I've always wanted to make a blanket from granny squares. But first I must relearn how to crochet :-) x

    1. It's easy. Well, easy-ish. Granny squares are a good easy beginner project, I am starting to understand their appeal!

  16. That's a lovely scarf, Gillian - you should be really proud of your first ever crochet project (really? It's your first? You're a natural!) I've just started a blanket using that yarn - it's lovely to work with, isn't it and it's really soft so I'm sure there won't be any neck itching going on with your friend!
    My boys both had painted nails on and off until they started school...it's very cute, isn't it? (The image of painted boy nails and yellow peep-toes is one to stash away until his 18th birthday, methinks!)
    Emily x

    1. Ah, thanks Emily, that is kind. I still find crocheting into stitches incredibly hard, and I'm so slow at it, hence the lack of a border on this scarf! I love that yarn, I placed a huge order back in the Spring when there was 20% off, so glad i did. Gillian x

  17. Now this I like, as in really like. And you look fabulous in it :D

    Love the mental image you've painted of Angus!

    1. Annie, I look shocking, you are being very kind. I am kicking myself for not taking a photo of Angus in his heels. x

  18. Congratulations on your first finished crochet project! It's lovely. I can see you making another : -)

    1. I am addicted! I have the bug. I want to make many scarves, in lot of colours, and cushions, and blankets... x

  19. Beautiful!!! I love how you used the cotton for a scarf.

    1. Hi Yvonne, thank you for stopping by! :-)

      I hope to be making many, many more things in your lovely yarn. x

  20. Hi there! I stumbled across your page when I Googled, "How to make granny square scarfs." I have whipped up my squares but haven't found a way to join them that I like yet. Can you tell me the name if you used a pattern? Or explain how you attached yours together? Very pretty!

    Kerry Mitchell
    Huntsville, AL USA

    1. Hi Kerry. With these I think I just sewed them together on the wrong side using a whip stitch. It can't have been anything very complicated as this was one of the first things I ever crocheted so I didn't know about joining as you go or anything like that. So I'd just sew them together in a long line, then crochet a border around the edge. Hope that helps!

      Gillian x


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