Thursday 9 August 2012

Katy's Mini-Break Part 2

Some highlights from the last few days:
  1. A Happy Meal.
  2. Wine-o-clock.
  3. Me - "Alicia, is that a baby in your tummy?" Alicia - "No. I've got one really big booby."
  4. Swimming.
  5. Birds flying over Kirkstall Abbey.
  6. Four little toothbrushes lined up in a row.
  7. Breakfast - poached eggs and spinach.
  8. A Lego "Olympic Torch"
  9. Cake - Millionaire's Shortbread.
My sister Katy left today and normal life resumes. These last few days have been tiring (SO tiring!) and busy and chaotic but also full of fun and laughter. I'll be honest - I am looking forward to an uninterrupted night's sleep tonight. I've not had much time to blog, or read other's blogs, or do any housework, or anything really. I will try to rectify this over the weekend. I spent a peaceful morning at home with the kids earlier, stripping beds, loading and unloading the washing machine, vacuuming, straightening the place up. Very satisfying.

Thank you for all your lovely comments about sisters. I am lucky to have mine even if they do live miles away. It was strange to spend time with Katy without our other sister, Anna, being there too. Anna, we missed you! 

I will also try to resist tinkering around with photographic filters, like the ones I used in the above collage. Those things are fun and addictive but make me a lazy photographer, as you can rescue the most dull, blurred photo and make it look half way decent. I resolve not to use them (except on very special occasions maybe).


  1. Sounds like you've had a great couple of days! My sister has just been and had her lunch with me, we sat in the garden and chatted- lovely stuff! Ada :)

    1. That sounds lovely. I'm hoping my sisters and I can look forward to more civilised lunches (minus toddlers!) in the garden in years to come!

  2. Happy times with the family, my favourite. We are just off to do the same thing next week. Happy times = forever memories, doesn't get better than than! Glad you had a nice time. Ivan :-)

    1. That's a nice way of putting it Ivan, thank you, I like that. The forever memories make the broken sleep bearable!

  3. Nice collage of photos Gillian. I also really enjoy playing with the photos and it really is addictive. xx

    1. Thanks Sopa - it is SO addictive. It's a good thing I don't have instagram on my phone, or I'd never pick up my "proper" camera again! x

  4. I laughed out loud with the 'one big boob' picture!


    1. Hee hee, yes, small people have a way of saying things, don't they! x

  5. I love your photo mosaics, that booby picture is so funny! Looks like you've had a really fun couple of days. xx

    1. It's been lovely but also very nice for normal life to resume - my niece and nephew rise about an hour before my two and that was a bit of a shock! x

  6. I like your photos! Don't get lazy and into the filter addiction! It's always better to take a proper photo and adjust it, rather then trying to pretty up not so good ones. Your blog is cute.

    1. Hi Liv, thanks for stopping by and your kind words. I have resisted the temptation in today's post, just me and my camera and no tweaking!

  7. Sounds like a successful visit. I know how it feels when it's all over though - like you can't wait to resume "normal" life. And FYI - I was impressed at how much of a presence you maintained in the bloggy world considering you had company.

    1. I always find time to blog though, despite claiming to be far to busy for everything else - it is my little treat for myself, if that makes sense! x

  8. Ahhhh, lovely pics and sounds like a lovely visit. We are big fans of Kirkstall Abbey too! Jude x

    1. Hi there Jude, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. We've been to Kirkstall Abbey lots lately, I have rediscovered it. Brilliant fun for the kids, plus it's free! x

  9. Lovely photos! So glad you had a wonderful visit with your sister even if it was a bit tiring with a full house. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank Julia, I am looking forward to a weekend of doing nothing. Well, doing as little as the kids will let me! x

  10. One big boob :-D Looks like a great few days. x

    1. I know, a big booby, honestly, small people are (unintentionally) hilarious. x

  11. Glad you all had a lovely time ... it looks like you had a lot of fun! Bee x

    1. It was fun just hanging out with a sister. Lots of larking about with photos on her phone, hence the rare two photos of me up there - I would never have been brave enough without her egging me on!x

  12. Thanks for mentioning me! Missed you too but will see you soon. Glad it was a fun week, if a little tiring. xxx

    1. We did miss you, how could we not! Really, really looking forward to catching up in a few weeks. xxx


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