Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Little Homemaker

He cooks.

 He cares for the baby.

He feeds the dog (a bit forcefully).

And all this while he's pregnant, too.

 The dog is walked...

...while he rides his scooter - he's learning to multi-task already, bless.

I love watching the children play when they don't realise they are being observed. Yesterday I went upstairs to do some housework and Angus, who is still young enough to want to me near me while we're in the house together, followed me. While I stripped the beds and sorted piles of washing, he made dinner at the little cooker in his bedroom. I snuck up on him and eavesdropped ("...you must put the toys 'way and tidy up cos tea is ready...") and took some photos. He's fascinated by babies at the moment. Ever since my friend Rachel had her baby he's taken to putting a doll under his t-shirt and struts around with his baby in his tummy. He and Bella tied skipping ropes around their toy dog's necks and have been playing "walk the dog" a lot. When I started vacuuming, he went and found the mini vacuum cleaner and joined in. If I'm ironing, he'll drag out the toy ironing board and iron and demand clothes from the pile so he can join in.

I don't remember Bella doing this. She probably did, but because she's a girl I never thought anything of it. Is Angus this interested in domesticity because he's at home with me all the time, or because he has an older sister? Or because "grown-up" jobs appear fascinating to children just because they are "grown-up"? If John is doing some jobs around the house that involve a hammer Angus will get out his little tool kit and follow him around, banging random surfaces and chipping the paintwork. Children copy what they see. And if I raise a son who can cook the tea, iron the clothes, walk the dog, care for babies and hang a shelf, well that's just fine with me. 

Not have babies though. That would be weird.


Thank you for your comments about Angus's party and the Telegraph mention. You are all so kind. And I've just remembered that I've still haven't taken any photos of the snake I crocheted Angus for his birthday - I will try tomorrow, if the clouds part for long enough to allow for any decent photos.


  1. Oh, Gillian! That's just too cute!

  2. Isn't it lovely how children play? Perhaps wait a few years before getting a dog though, I don't want it suffocating in it's food.

  3. My son used to love "dusting and vacuuming" with me. Now a teenager, those are just happy memories for me. He is far more content to sit on the sofa and mumble, phone in hand. Enjoy the phase, and I hope it sticks with him - unlike Matt! (Still love him and am very proud of what he does do - just housework isn't one of those things!)

  4. Enjoy that while it lasts very sweet. x

  5. I love watching them play, we had the whole home corner going on, it was all very well used! :) x

  6. Aw sweet. He must have a brilliant imagination. I love watching my daughter play she's always up to something fun and interesting. He looks a real cutie x

  7. Charlotte loves to follow me around the house while I do chores. She especially loves to pull out her vacuum and join me while I vacuum! I also love to listen and watch her play in her room when she doesn't know I'm there! Awe this age just gets sweeter and sweeter!

  8. That put a smile on my face. Your little boy is adorable.

  9. My daughter is the same as Angus. My son didn't do it as much, but he was always much more interested in whatever my husband was doing so he had a mini-me too. I do remember my son "breastfeeding" a teddy bear when he was a toddler, and I got a cute picture of it. :)

  10. That made me chuckle and reminded me of forgotten times, doing the ironing and having to pass Adam (his 25 now) something to iron on his own ironing board... sigh... special memories :) xx

  11. So cute ... I love eavesdropping on my little ones as they play ... and you are a perfect inspiration to Angus ... if he can cook, clean and iron he'll be set for life and make someone a very good partner ... Bee xx

  12. This is such a lovely post - made me smile so much! And that pic of Angus feeding the dog is priceless! Looking forward to seeing the birthday snake in due course! Glad the party was such a success - not surprised you were a tad tired afterwards though! E x

  13. Aw, how lovely - my middle child is the same age (four next month) and is so happy to spend the entire day helping with washing, emptying the dishwasher, cooking etc... in fact, why isn't my house a lot cleaner and tidier then it is? The party looked amazing. I might have to steal your milkshake in the cute bottles idea!

  14. It is super cute when they act out domestic scenes, parroting what we say. My two also love acting out scenes from DVDs, especially Tangled... they take turns in dangling something long (usually a skipping rope) down the stairs while the other shrieks "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" followed by "Coming, Mother". Now I'm thinking maybe they watch it too much. Hmmm... My daughter loves mothering her brother too, calling him a good boy etc. Their most favourite game though is usually fighting :-)

  15. Great snapshots of childhood. It's so interesting to watch children play - they have such vivid imaginations and are wonderful observers, they pick up on things that to adults go unnoticed. Hope the weather improves - it's been yucky here all day.

  16. That's lovely and I do remember my children wanting to sort of help.

  17. All my boys had a baby, a pushchair, a bag to collect treasures and play cooking things. I don't recall making a deliberate choice to get these things for them, so as not to be gender specific. I'm just not that right on...
    My older boys are now sooooooo undomesticated, it's scandalous. Olly enjoys make-believe in the same way as Angus does, and those photos of him really are ones to treasure!

    Leanne xx

  18. Oh bless him, that's so lovely! I remember Max being pregnant a lot, and breastfeeding his cuddly toys. My boys have recently discovered the joys of hoovering, they enjoy watching bits of fluff and dirt disappearing up the tube - unfortunately they get a bit bored before they've finished a whole room! I reckon Angus is getting a great grounding in lifeskills, well done you. xx

  19. Hahaha. Your story reminded me of my son who used to "cook" with his Granny when I went out to work. Unfortunately, we did not have a play oven. One day when we went to actually cook, we noticed a terrible synthetic stink coming from the oven. Ha! My little man had put his toy lamb in to cook while playing with Granny. Ook!

  20. So cute. Definitely a 21st century kinda guy.

    My little brother asked for a vacuum for Christmas when he was Angus' age. He got a tiny toy one that whirred when you turned it on. He vacuumed and vacuumed and vacuumed.

  21. What a sweet little boy you have! Kids really just like to copy what the adults do, it's so funny when they do that.

  22. I think he is learning skills for life, definitely! Heather x

  23. My son does it too! He looooves the iron, and the vacuum cleaner ( he calls it 'the robot' and asks for it many times a day) which makes my husband worry a bit (he's turkish) but I loooove seeing him do these things! I feel the same way as you do: I would be happy if he's still do it when growing up, these are not typical 'women's tasks' are they?

  24. my grandsons are just the same they love helping we when I do chores,wheel babies around in the toy buggy and set up tea parties - not noticed anyone pregnant yet! I love watching them play and the wonderful chatter that sometimes sounds just like me - please don't climb on the table you will hurt yourself being repeated to Iggle Piggle as he was flung off the table onto the floor.
    hope you have a good week x

  25. Little ones do love to copy.
    My sister in law used to be a teacher at primary age. She once heard a little girl who had been playing in the dressing up corner say 'I've got me bag and me fags and now I'm off to bingo!'
    Love the photo of the dog being 'fed'.
    Lisa x

  26. Hi There, My brother grew up with 3 sisters and he was our best playmate!!!Doing everything we did and also playing the "Man Role!!"!! Today he helps with the kids,laundry,dishes and cooks!!!What more can any woman want!!!
    Have a great midweek!!!

  27. What a little sweetie your Angus is. Alice was also such a treasure to eavesdrop on too, now I love to hear her singing in the bath without her realising I am listening, the other day she was dining sweet dreams by Annie Lennox in every different note it was good fun!
    Watching our children is a joy and quite therapeutic in a way, embracing each day always x Penny

  28. Oops a typo there, i meant singing not dining! I am on my phone and you need super skinny fingers to type on the screen :o)

  29. What a lovely post. Children at play are always so imaginative and the photos are so cute!

  30. So cute and I love the ones of him pregnant and feeding the dog! My daughter never really did any of this but my friend's little girl is hilarious to watch and listen to when she's playing house and school, particularly the latter. I often wonder if her teacher knows that her every word and move is being repeated in houses around the village! x

  31. What absolute cuteness! It's to do with his age and the fact that gender stereotypes haven't bitten yet so a toy is just a toy. I love how you say you don't remember if his sister did this and you never noticed or remarked on it. Long may his love affair with ironing continue!

  32. Children always want to do what adults are doing and have done for millennia. Now that most people work away from the home the child does not learn so much by copying the adults. Long may it last!

  33. Can we introduce your son to my daughter in about 25 years?!!


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