Wednesday 29 May 2013

Green Things and Holiday Souvenirs

Lou's challenge this week was to find something green. A green flower is actually quite tricky to find! I've gone for herbs (rosemary and chives) and some cow parsley; not herby, I know, but I do love it's frothy white flowers and it's everywhere at the moment. Staging these little arrangements is such fun and it gives me an excuse to go rummaging through cupboards for bottles, jugs, tea towels and all manner of things to make a little vignette that is nice to look at. After I'd photographed this one I realised that everything you see was brought back from a holiday. That Greengate tea towel under the bottle and book was bought from a lovely shop in Hereford called Berry Red, on holiday with my in-laws in 2010. And I found the Clover milk bottle in a little shop in Totnes for £2 when we were on holiday in Devon with my parents in 2011.  That book, Culinary and Salad Herbs (which is actually really interesting!), was purchased for about £1.50 from a charity shop in Richmond while staying here with my best friend Abigail and her family also in 2011. Funny how I can remember all that!

Joining in with Lou's Nature in the Home series at her blog littlegreenshed.


I've had a bit of a tinker with my blog lately, creating buttons for my email, bloglovin', my Pinterest account and Instagram. I felt like l'd invented the internet when I finally got them to work! Huge thanks to my friend Jennifer at thistlebear for helping me with links and tips. I also removed my photo because it was annoying me. I will replace it whenever I find a picture of me that I like.


Finally, I recently had an email from Emma at Studio Lambert about a forthcoming BBC2 series about amateur interior designers. She asked me to help publicise the series as they are looking for people who might want to get involved. I agreed as this sounds like the kind of television I will enjoy watching. 

Details below:


Are you passionate about interior design?

Do you have a natural flair and creativity and think you have what it takes to improve the interiors of other people’s homes?

In a brand new, warm-hearted television series contestants will compete to be named the UK’s best amateur interior designer.

If you think you have what it takes please call 0207 534 2018 or email in order to receive an application.


  1. gorgeous i adore cow parsley and the smell of those herbs, i bet were lovely! I had to laugh i know that feeling of 'hey i invented the internet'

  2. Such a pretty arrangement. And I always think it's the little things in life that make the biggest impact on us so I love your tales of holiday buys. Hope you are having a great half term. I am now full of the cold! X

  3. Very pretty both the display and the new buttons. I've been looking at doing this too - might take some courage xo

  4. Very pretty. I'm living all the cow parsley at the moment. I can remember who bought what gift, where we bought bits too. But ask me what we did yesterday, or what I was going to write on the shopping list, now that's a different matter!!

  5. hi Gillian. so lovely to see cow parsley close up like that. a reminder that most things we give a close up look reward the time taken-such pretty flowers x

  6. All so beautiful. I love the clover bottle and I love six miles from Totnes so I will be keeping my eye out for one when I visit next,
    I get equally excited when I master something on the Internet. But my advancing years means as fast as I achieve it .. I go to bed and the next morning I have forgotten it. The dream thief shave wiped my memory clean.
    Loving the cow parsley too

  7. Lovely photos and interesting tv opportunity, you would need to be pretty sure of yourself to go for it I'm guessing tho it sounds like fun! katie x

  8. Cow parsley makes a lovely display, it's so pretty. Just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune on a huge bouquet to have a beautiful vase of flowers in the house.

  9. Such a pretty display and I bet it smells the tea towel, too! The Culinary and Salad Herbs book sounds like something I would enjoy! I look forward to following you on Pinterest!!

  10. I am seriously loving these "Nature in the home" posts. Lovely photos as always Gillian. I am desperate for a blog overhaul with the addition of some pretty buttons - your look fab! Mel x

  11. LOve the milk bottle, I must steelo one from my FIL's farm when I next visit, as they have their own!

  12. Hi There, A really lovely green post!!!Love all the little bits & bobs!!!
    Have a great mid week!!!

  13. I love the milk bottle, I adore old glass bottles and jars. Funny you mention Berry Red; I love GreenGate and I've looked online a lot for ways to buy some of their things because you can't easily get it here. When I've looked, the Berry Red store's website comes up. That looks like a really nice place. I'm glad you found the links helpful, you're so welcome. The buttons look really good. :)

  14. I love your little ensemble there, beautiful! :) x

  15. Your display is so pretty.
    Bargain milk bottle, it's nice to have pretty little things around to remind you of happy times past.
    Lisa x

  16. Love your little green display! Very pretty milk bottle.
    M x

  17. Great milk bottle and lovely photos.

  18. Such a very pretty posy, I love the cow parsley. Isn't Berry Red just to die for. My inlaws use to live in Hereford and I use to love visiting them as it always involved a trip to Berry Red. I have to confess I miss this little outing. I love your milk bottle, its great. Now for the tinternet malarky, I am impressed with all your additions. I still have to muster the follow me on Pinterest so if you have any tips here that will be much appreciated. Also well done on being asked to part take, what a lovely honour, it sounds brill!! xo

  19. Ooh Cow Parsley!! I love how you arrange your displays - so artful xx

  20. I too love cow parsley, and we have it growing wild here in Oz too. I pick it quite often and pop it into a vase. Lovely pics.

  21. Lovely photos. I really love cow parsley. So pretty. I'm glad you've reminded me about Berry Red. I'd sort of forgotten them and really like their site. Going to check out your pinterest boards now given than I'm a pinterest addict! Fiona x

  22. I love your green photos xxx

  23. Lots of lovely green things! Pretty cow parsley. This new programme looks very intriguing looks like my kind of programme x

  24. Arrangements of flowers like these are such fun to put together and it's always so nice to use things with memories attached to complete what are effectively miniature still lifes. Beautiful! Love the look of your vintage herb book - books like that feel and smell so nice! E x

  25. Your arrangement looks great, I like the vintage air about it. I do not use Instagram much ,but I should since so many of my favourite bloggers are there!

  26. Lovely flowers and a lovely setting. I have a little cow parsley as well this week; haven't managed to post it yet though. Well done on your tinkering, I know exactly what you mean about the feeling of triumph. I tried some tinkering yesterday and couldn't do what I wanted to do at all, and honestly it makes me so cross! If I ever manage it I will be ecstatic though. I also need to find a new photo...

  27. Such a pretty display, I love the clover milk bottle. Well done on adding the new blog buttons, am now following all. xx

  28. lovely photos, so sweet and delicate. I like the sound of that book, I picked up a wild flowers observer book in a charity shop last week. I picked cow parsley this week too... green is a surprisingly hard theme! well done on the buttons, looks great! x

  29. I love the delicate cow parsley. I had some rosemary in a vase - picked from my parents for a recipe - and it's grown roots so I'm going to pot it up this weekend to see if I can get it to grow. You made me smile over the photo of you. I dislike most photos of me too which is why my profile one is the back of my head! x

  30. I love the cow parsley time of year - it's every where and so pretty. Your new blog buttons look beautiful - I'll be asking you for advice soon! x

  31. Beautiful! And I love that everything in these images has a story :)

    I had trouble finding green flowers too, and like you plumped for white with a hint of green, but then I posted about the Mary Jane pattern and now I'm not sure if I'll manage a Nature in the home post this month, maybe tomorrow.

  32. I don't mind a bit you've included cowparsley - they are my favourite! X


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