Monday 6 May 2013

Bank Holiday Weekend

Here in Britain it's something of a cliche that bank holiday weekends are either spent doing home improvements, like DIY or gardening, or going on a day trip - preferably somewhere suitably day-trippy like the coast or the countryside. And, because it's Britain, it will invariably rain throughout said bank holiday, and everywhere will be incredibly busy. We do love to put a positive spin on things!

Well, this bank holiday was a beauty. My parents have been visiting and it's been lovely to have so much time with them, especially as John has been working. The sun shone throughout and we made the most of it by driving up into the Yorkshire Dales with a picnic lunch. Over the weekend we gardened; all my seedlings were carefully re-potted and transferred to their new home in the growhouse, where I really must not forget all about them. At least when they lived on the kitchen windowsill I remembered to water them. I have a fun idea for the sunflowers which I'll share with you later in the week. Sweet peas were planted, tulips are blooming and rhubarb is growing steadily in a little corner of the garden. We may have enough to actually make a rhubarb crumble or pie or something! 

With my parent's help I started dealing with the peeling paint on the front of the house, ready for John and I to start painting it tomorrow on his day off. He's just thrilled about that, as you can imagine, but I think shame at out house's shocking lack of kerb appeal has galvanised us both into sorting it out. We went to IKEA to get some bits and bobs for Bella's bedroom - more on that later. We sailed round IKEA quickly and easily without a hitch - children behaved, everything we wanted was in stock, I only bought two random objects that I didn't need - only to have to wait for half an hour for the ice cream machine to be fixed. The children (and John for that matter) only tolerate IKEA for the ice creams at the end.

There is lots still to do, inside and out. But that's ok, I like a project. This week I will mainly be frantically completing a crocheted snake and preparing for a birthday party this Saturday for a little man who is about to turn four. A bouncy castle has been booked and games planned - all we need now is another rain-free weekend. I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. 


  1. Looks like you've had a wonderful bank holiday.....I love the view of the sheep and lambs in the field :)

  2. Looks like you had a lovely weekend Gillian ... love your little greenhouse and I hope you get gorgeous weather for the party ... Bee xx

  3. A perfect way to spend the weekend. That is a very cute looking greenhouse too. Can't wait to see the snake - nothing like a birthday deadline to get things finished. I'm madly trying to finish off a jumper for my birthday boy this week but really don't think I'll make it - wonder if he'd get a giggle out of a one-sleeved jumper :-)
    Mel x

  4. What a busy weekend. It's really nice that your parents visit so often. Your greenhouse is really nice. I can't wait to see the plants; they're coming along nicely already.

  5. It's sounds like you had a lovely weekend with your family! The greenhouse is so cute and your garden seems to be coming along nicely! How exciting that Angus is turning four this weekend! I hope he has a wonderful rain-free birthday party!!

  6. We spent our last bank holiday on home reno and diy projects not too different from Britain I guess!

  7. Oh how lovely and gorgeous warming pictures!

    You may like the giveaway I have on at the moment, and if you share Elfin Trail says she will put you in the draw twice!
    Good luck!

  8. The Dales look very restful. Good luck with all your projects and I hope the weather holds for you xo

  9. Sounds like a lovely weekend and similar to mine with fresh air, countryside and gardening - no DIY for me though thankfully. Hope the weather does turn out for your party and the bouncy castle. x

  10. Your plants look lovely. I still haven't planted my sunflowers. Curious of your plans for them. :-)

  11. Seedlings are looking good and we won't let you forget them. Your day out in the Dales sounds lovely and of course your pic makes me homesick. We had a lovely long weekend, although it wasn't a bank holiday, just a four day weekend for my shiftworking hubby.

  12. Teeny seedlings are so cute! Hurray for a sunny weekend! Our bank hols start tomorrow lasting 3 days. I think we'll be staying home as I can't seem to walk further than the kitchen :) x

  13. What a busy and productive weekend you had!
    I know what you mean when seedlings move out to the greenhouse. It's so easy to forget them.
    Hope you still have some sun today.
    More cricket watching later for me. x

  14. Wonderful - we gardened so British :) but the weather was glorious and my seedlings are starting to cry to be planted in soil as they have been potted on - that little bit further south means we're a little warmer.

  15. 4! Oh my gosh... he can't be already! Wow! I do love your pottering post Gillian, looks like you had a lovely weekend! Hazel x

  16. It was a perfectly sunny weekend - wasn't it? I love your greenhouse! xxx

  17. Love your seedlings they look so cheerful. Glad you had fun. x

  18. I like your small greenhouse!! Hugs

  19. What a lovely weekend. Our bank holiday was all about gardening and trips out, how lovely that the weather cooperated for once.

  20. Sounds like a lovely weekend indeed. Us Britains are very predicatable aren't we?! All garden centres, DIY shops and stately homes were rammed this weekend, so I stayed at home and gardened! :)

  21. Ive been gardening too....just tidying and getting the veg beds ready, need to do seed planting tomorrow, much later than usual but hopefully not too late! :) x

  22. Isn't it exciting seeing the seedlings appear and start to 'grow up' their new home is rather nice :) xx

  23. How great to have some extended time with your parents as I know they live some distance from you. Gardening jobs were ticked off the list here, too, though we've yet to visit the garden centre.

  24. Sounds and looks like a lovely weekend - hope it continues into a sunny happy week x

  25. It all sounds like the perfect weekend - apart from the IKEA trip - I think I could manage without that (although strangely I always manage to spend a fair old sum!) Looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with your sunflowers x Jane

  26. A very lovely bank holiday by the sounds of it especially with having your parents to stay.
    A need a little trip to IKEA for something and I just know I'm bound to come out with more than I go in for!
    Lisa x

  27. Ha ha bank holidays and rain that ubiquitous combination we did have rain! Your seedlings are looking great hope you are remembering I water them!

  28. Back when we had a greenhouse I used to write 'water seedlings' or whatever on a post-it note and stick the note to the inside of the glass of the back door so I couldn't forget the outdoor things that needed doing. I still use post-it's stuck to things to remind of jobs I really need to do.

    Lovely images as always Gillian ... looks like a great weekend :)

  29. You've been busy, lovely photos, my poor old greenhouse is empty this year, must try harder, katiex

  30. I enjoyed reading this post, everything you say about bank holidays is so true... we were determined to go camping, even though the wind was blowing a gale at some points :) x


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