Friday 10 May 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...30/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

It's Friday, and so I'm joining with the lovely Jen at little birdie. Here are my happy moments from this week:

1. My fabby new flamingo tumblers from IKEA. So pink and summery!

2. The tulips are opening in the garden. I've moved them to the decking in front of the french doors so I can see them all the time. Their position means they are bathed in afternoon and evening sunlight.

3. Angus the gardener and Bella the cake decorator. He is excellent at emptying an entire watering can of water over one poor plant, while she is my expert icing-swirler.

4. Miracles. This truly incredible news story made me happy, and tearful today. And another miracle - my very good friend Rachel gave birth to a son last night, a few days early. I cannot wait to meet him and sniff his gorgeous newborn head.


Your response to my post about the party book was wonderful! I loved hearing about your favourites children's tales. And it seems that many of us have a weakness for a rather seventies style of party planning. Alas, there will be no sausage roll snakes or cheese and pineapple hedgehogs tomorrow, I'm going for a sort of diner menu instead: mini burgers, fries, milkshakes and ice cream.

I've been having loads of issues with blogger this week. For some reason it "unfollowed" me from all my blogs on Google Friend Connect and my blog roll was empty. I had to re-follow them all again (yes, because I really had a spare hour to do that this week), but I'm sure there are some that slipped through the net. So if anyone has noticed that I've suddenly stopped following or reading their blog - it's not personal, I promise!

Also, some of you who stop by here may also follow June's blog Cats, Dogs and Eiderdowns. For some strange reason, all June's posts have stopped showing up in her reader's feeds and so her visitor and comment numbers have dropped. It must be lonely, and depressing, to blog and feel like no-one knows you are out there and to be suddenly invisible after having a loyal and regular group of readers. So, if you feel inclined, do pop over to June's blog and say hello. I know I'd be gutted if I suddenly lost all my readers and their comments; those interactions with the blogging community are what makes blogging so rewarding and fun.


  1. There's nothing quite like the smell of a newborn baby's head is there? Loving those flamingo glasses too. Hope you have a very lovely weekend :O)xxx

  2. Congratulations to your friend! I love your new cups, they are really cool. I've never read June's blog but I'm going to check it out right now and tell her you sent me. :)

  3. Ooh, a new baby. We've finished with grandchildren now (although I suppose I'm spoilt with 11). Congrats to your friend Rachel. Love the pics and I posted my favourite childhood books too.

  4. Wonderful photos as always. I neeeeed those tumblers! Love them I have a real thing for flamingos! x

  5. I got a brand new niece last night! she will be called Meabh which means cause of great joy! Congratulations to Rachael.

  6. Aww, I have new baby envy, congrats to your friend :-)
    Haven't been to Ikea in ages despite living 5 minutes from one. I need those flamingo glasses in my kitchen!
    Wonderful about that lady being found alive isn't it, honestly I can't bear to watch or listen to the news lately, it's just so depressing and is making me cynical... then I hear something like this and it warms my heart.

  7. First of all "Thank You" for mentioning my problems with Blogger on this post. I have one new follower already! I love those flamingo tumblers - you make me want to go to Ikea. Even as I type I can just imagine the groan should I mention Ikea to the OH and KP! "The shop just goes on forever ..." KP's moan until she spots a new duvet cover that she would like!
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Lovely happies - Daisy likes to water the garden and always waters one spot!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday party

  9. Yes June does have a great blog, her photography is fabulous.
    Congrats to your friend on the birth of her new baby.
    Lovely tulips, what a burst of happiness!
    Lisa x

  10. Those flamingo tumblers are wonderful, so summery. I can feel a trip to Ikea coming on. How lovely to have a baby to cuddle, I miss having babies around.

  11. Blogger does throw a wobbly from time to time but usually does come right. I'm sticking with it for now as I have used Wordpress (.com and .org) in the past and actually prefer Blogger. I've messaged Jean a possible fix ... finger's crossed!

  12. The new tumblers are so fun for summer! I may have to pick some of those up for myself! The tulips are lovely! I can see why you moved them to the deck. And Angus and Bella look like such big helpers around the house! Happy weekend!

  13. I copy my blogs list to an Excel file. ;-) I couldn't stand loosing my reading list.

  14. I love your new tumblers, really cool! I found that news story particularly heart warming too, especially as the news in general seems too have been very depressing and full of awful things.
    Marianne x

  15. I love tulips, I think they're my favourite flower. And great glasses. I treated myself to some new daisy ones from M&S this week but I'm still admiring them too much to use them yet! x

  16. Hi There,Congrats to Rachel and her new baby!!!
    That is such a gorgeous pink tulip!!!Lovely deep clean pink!!!Hope you ahave a fab weekend!!!

  17. Gillian,

    One bad thing about living in Cornwall - no Ikea! However I am going to Bristol next weekend, which does have an Ikea. I love those glasses. They would look fab in Betty!! The smell of a newborn is delicious. Although I am glad my baby business is over, I am often to be seen smelling babies on the school run! Olly likes to water the plants too, although he has special small watering can. Just a thought....

    Leanne xx

  18. Those flamingo tumblers are such fun Gillian, love them x Wonderful news about your friend's baby. New life, new joy xox Penny

  19. Lovely to hear of a safe new arrival in the world! Also loving how your tulips match your flamingos. You are so coordinated Gillian! X

  20. Lovely happy things this week Gillian. I hope the birthday party went well today, at least you got some nice weather this afternoon. And I held my great-niece the other day and sort of secretly wanted to keep her just so I could smell her head! x

  21. Lovely happies as usual Gillian ... and who doesn't love a miracle ... happy birthday to your little man and to your friend's new baby ... Bee xx

  22. Lovely photos for a happy week.

  23. Hi Gillian, i hope the party went well and you had some sunny spells! I love the way your children are doing there little jobs, so sweet and funny Heather x!

  24. What a difference between north & south ... our tulips in South Devon are now over, ditto the magnolias on the trees, and the trees are all in leaf, and blossom is already being blown off in the stiff breeze ...
    Lovely photos, though, and lovely news re your friend Rachel.
    Margaret P

  25. Love those tulips and little miracles. x

  26. Oh my goodness!!! I NEED those flamingo tumblers!!! xo

  27. The flamingoes are built for Pimms, really, aren't they? If only the weather would oblige....


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