Sunday 26 May 2013


Remember on Friday when I said how tired we all were, how worn out, how sick of the cold wet weather, and how I needed some sunshine and a couple of days of nothing? Well, that's what we've had. It's been blissful.

The children and I spent Saturday morning doing some errands and having that hot chocolate and cake in the cafe that I'd promised them. When we got back I went into the back garden to hang out the washing and, instead of rushing through it as fast as possible keen to get on with the next task, I did it really, really slowly. I was enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face and taking in all the sounds and smells around me, thinking of nothing more than which item in the washing basket was next, which peg. Reach, peg, reach, peg. I made it last as long as possible, just enjoying the deep blue of the sky, the lush green leaves, the blinding white tea towels flapping around. Everything looked so vivid, extra-bright and saturated with colour.

We spent the rest of the day in the garden. I potted out my sunflower seeds and planted them against a wall with little bamboo stakes to help them grow nice and straight. I tried to photograph a hover fly. The paddling pool came out, sun cream was applied. Bella made leaf soup and petal salad. The deck chairs were dragged out of the garage for the first time this year. I sat at the little table with a cup of tea and some crochet. It was pretty fantastic although I was a little hot under the crochet blanket - definitely a winter project! Today John was off and we painted the front of the house, had a barbecue, drank some beers. Meals have been relaxed, bedtimes later than usual. At around 4pm, having finished the painting, cleaned the brushes and had a shower, I sat down in a deckchair in the sun with a bottle of cold beer and honestly, I was so happy, I'm surprised I wasn't levitating. Of course it lasted about 20 minutes until the sun went away and a fight broke out between Bella and Angus over something or other, but it was good while it lasted. 

I wonder why the sun makes me so happy. Is everyone this affected by nice weather? Are you? It helps that it's a bank holiday weekend too. I hope you are having a nice time, whatever you're doing. And hello to my new followers and readers. It's lovely to have you here and you're very welcome. I'll try to pop over to your blogs tomorrow, when it's sure to be raining. 


  1. Glad you've re-charged your batteries. Us too - infact, the boys are out tonight, and I have control of the wine bottle and TV remote! Enjoy your extra day. I'm hoping to do some garden painting tomorrow - if the weather holds. If not - there is crochet! x

  2. What a gorgeous day!! It's so nice just to potter and appreciate the simple things sometimes!

  3. Dear Gillian
    Sounds like you are having a perfect bank holiday weekend. I hung the washing out today and experienced the same feeling of the sun on my face and it was glorious! I have been planting seeds (very late, but am hopeful), planting sweet peas in a tub and enjoying the weather. I think it should be OK over on the east of the country tomorrow, but then it will be all change (as usual).
    Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday.
    Best wishes

  4. Wow; what a lovely post. I could feel the sun on my back just reading it.

  5. Sounds like a super bank holiday weekend. The sunshine does make us all feel better and it's nice to have a break from the grey days, though I've loved the bleak weather on the moors here this week!

  6. I can't agree with you more, the sun has made everything seem bigger, brighter, better. I have loved these last couple of days; they have made me feel human again. Lovely looking soup. X

  7. You are so right about everything feeling supersaturated with colour. It really does make everyone feel so much brighter, chattier and more purposeful. We're forecast for pretty heavy rain tomorrow so I'm just hoping Saturday wasn't actually the day we had summer this year!

  8. I'm so glad you had the relaxing, resetting weekend you needed.

  9. Oh what lovely happy sunny photos. What cute children lovely to see them enjoying the sun.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of the bank holiday x

  10. I think you have given us all a taste of what we should do occasionally and take the time to be just "be". Thanks Gillian and lovely pics as usual.

  11. You just have to make the most of these rare sunny weekend days, even more so when it's a Bank Holiday one. I'm grateful for every sunny day and like you it's great to sometimes just be and hang out at home in the garden. A lovely post. Claire xo

  12. Ah, that sounds blissful. Sometimes I rush down the garden path in the morning to take out rubbish or feed the guinea pigs, and then something catches my eye and I slow down or stop and then I start noticing things. The peace and quiet, birds, blossom on the apple trees, strawberry flowers. The early morning has a special magic to it. Hope you have a lovely half term week. Great hoverfly picture by the way!

  13. Doesn't it make everything so lovely when the sun comes out! Love that pic of your little one reading in the deckchair - so sweet. hope the sun shines again tomorrow,
    enjoy xx

  14. Sounds blissful! I've spent a lovely weekend with my little ones while Daddy has been off on a stag weekend. I've been served 'soup' and 'chocolate cake' (sandy watery sludge) and enjoyed very little fisticuffs from the little cherubs. Doesn't sunshine just make everything wonderful and put us all in a better mood? :)

  15. So lovely to have some sunshine and I agree, everyone s so much happier for it. It sounds like you have had a very lovely weekend.
    M x

  16. Glorious Gillian. A perfect weekend there. Yes, for me that blissful feeling you get from lazing in the Sunshine, especially during and after a long winter is intoxicating - you know our bodies biggest source of Vitamin D and Serotonin (happy hormones) comes from exposure to Sunshine which is why many of us feel a bit flat by the end of Winter...even the School's here are recognising it and so the kids don't have to wear their hats in the playground during Winter to enable them to get their daily dose of sunshine. Mel x

  17. The sun makes everything look so different and chores become pleasures. Like you I was hanging washing out on the line - I spent ages matching the colour of the pegs - rummaging in my peg bag until I had the right colour. Not content with matching pegs per item I also had colour sequencing going on along the line. I promise it was fun but written down sounds alarmingly odd!
    Hope we have more sun tomorrow x

  18. Absolutely one hundred per cent agree - a couple of days of decent weather has been just the tonic we needed. What an incredible photo of the hover fly! Jane x

  19. The sun makes me feel amazing!!!!! I am a person that needs it and lots of it!! I am so glad you had a relaxing weekend and some wonderful sunshine! The children look adorable wearing their cool shades! Love this happy, bright post! My husband has the day off tomorrow for the bank holiday, so we are enjoying a nice long weekend, too!

  20. Yay, I told you I would send some sun from Down Under. We are having a the exact same blue skies and it sure puts me in a better mood. Liongirl and I had tea out on the sunny front porch and drew a hopscotch this morning. Bliss. mel x

  21. Lovely weekend! The photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing a bit of sunshine. We are being drenched every day.

  22. Yes, it's amazing how sun can lift the spirits! Enjoy it with the children while you can, we are....been in the garden lots over the past two days will be today be the look of the blue sky! :) x

  23. Hi There, Yes for sure!!!Bright sunny weather feeds the soul!!!Have a great week!!!

  24. So glad the weather turned nice and sunny for you! I'm totally affected by weather too. I love it hot and bright, makes me happy.

  25. Oh glorious sunshine life's little infuser of happiness and comfort. We all commented last night on the same thing. It's that lift that vitamin D gives us, but more importantly it's the emotional boost its gives us. Having spent 24 years in South Africa I sooooo miss the sun and its amazing the difference it makes to life having it around for most of the year. The flipside, we get to appreciate it so much more when it comes. I love all the photos and also the deck chair! Your blanket is looking lovely. Enjoy this lovely weather, it is said to return in its full glory next weekend xo

  26. I love this post! I've been reading about mindfulness and been trying to apply it to everyday life, but finding it quite hard as I'm always thinking about stuff.. I'm sure having a couple of mindful moments a day could really make life a little bit happier!
    Anyway, your week-end sounds just perfect!! And your photos are beautiful, amazing shots of the fly!!

  27. Sounds like perfection to me ... I love days like this!

    Thank you for sharing

    Claire xx

  28. Hello mindful Gillian!

    Yes, the sun has exactly the same impact on me. EVERYTHING becomes pleasurable and my motivation soars. We were hit with the rainiest week ever and Sunday, the day of my son's first communion and my daughter's dance show, we awoke to blue skies and dazzling sunshine. To dispell the tiredness (of going to bed far too late three nights in a row) my son and I went for a cycle ride along the Loire and among our hilly vineyards yesterday once the communion was over and the guests departed. It was heavenly.

    Warmest wishes,


  29. Sounds like the perfect balance of ticks on the to do list and taking the time to just be.

  30. Hi Gillian
    I am sitting in my garden reading and day dreaming this bank holiday Monday thinking what absolute bliss the sunshine is. I am a sun seeker for sure and adore how it makes us all feel. Love Bella's leaf soup and petal salad, too sweet. Being mindful is so important and essential in our crazy busy lives, i hope you continue to feel like this as the week passes x have fun xxx Penny
    ps. I loved the image of you sitting down after painting and having a beer, something so deserving and perfect about that x

  31. Hi Gillian, as I get older my mood seems to be more and more influenced by the weather....a bit worrying in our climate....but I guess if it was sunny all the time I would still have down days.
    Glad your weekend worked out so well.
    Still sunny here....amazing
    Jacquie x

  32. I was only having a conversation with someone else about mindfulness this week. I think blogging has made me more mindful because I take time to look at the details and absorb everything instead of mindlessly walking by. Like everyone else, I was hanging out the washing this weekend too and enjoying every possible ray of fleeting sunshine. x

  33. I thought those were sunflower plants...I love those!
    Glad you had such a lovely weekend...
    Many more to come!

    Linda :o)

  34. Lovely pictures!!! I loooove Bella soup. I want to see the sun, but the rain does not stop here. Hugs :D


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