Friday 17 May 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...31/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

It's Friday, which seems to be my "happy" day, and so I'm joining with the lovely Jen at little birdie. Here are a few of the moments which have made me happy this week:

1. Opening a box of new Cable and Cotton lights, admiring the rainbow colours and planning where to hang them.

2. This new crochet book - it's a good one. Full of projects that I really want to make, in particular that beautiful throw on the front cover, and a bath mat.

3. Smoked haddock chowder for tea. One of those meals that was a combination of two or three different recipes and made with whatever was in the fridge, and it was delicious.

4. Discovering my inner graffiti artist with a can of spray paint. Picture frames, plant pots...nothing is safe. More on these projects later.

I hope you all have a very pleasant weekend wherever you are, whatever you are doing. I'm going out tonight for drinks and some food in a new local restaurant with friends, which should be a lot of fun. My weekend will hold a birthday party for a little boy, a trip to the local carnival and probably some trips to the park...let's hope the weather is kind.


  1. Oh My, those lights.....I'm feeling a new addiction coming on! Have a great weekend! :) x

  2. yes please to all of those! aren't the lights fun, life will never be the same! The chowder looks delish, very clever. Have a good weekend, Heather x

  3. Oh the syronicity. I have just ordered some cable and cotton lights in bright colours for our bedroom!

  4. It is a beautiful blue color!!! I love it. Happy weekend. :D

  5. That book looks great; I looked at it a little on Amazon recently. I want to make one of those blankets soon myself; it's on the ever-expanding list.

  6. oooh I'm getting busy with spray paint too - though a far less lovely shade f grey!

  7. Love the new look pot.
    I had smoked haddock for tea one evening this week, delicious but you need to keep the windows open for a while!
    Enjoy your meal and your weekend.
    Lisa x

  8. Happy weekend Gillian. Am liking your blue phase x

  9. I like your way of life, I try to enjoy those kind of things too.
    Have a good weekend


  10. I think you have found your inner graffiti self! awesome work. I like those lights as well and that chowder looks delish! yum! have a great weekend! xo

  11. The lights are awesome! I thought that was yarn. ;-)
    I love this shade of blue, it looks very fresh.
    Have a nice weekend with good weather!

  12. I can't wait to see where you hang the lights! They are so fun! The chowder looks delicious! I love the color of the photo frame and flower pot! It reminds me of the ocean. It sounds like you have a fun evening planned...Enjoy!

  13. I love those lights! I have been meaning to get some for a while but there's so much choice I just can't decide on the colours!
    I've never made chowder before but this looks delicious, I should give it a go.
    Have a happy week-end!

  14. Love the new look spraying gives but the numbers of coats required can be a tad tedious. Love the shade of blue. Happy weekend xo

  15. A great set of happys this week. Loving it all but especially the lights, the book and the chowder. We ate some of that in Boston which is supposed to be famous for it but it was so disappointing - yours looks much tastier. x

  16. Super happy start to the weekend x

  17. I love that you have a Happy series...wish I had thought of that. I like your happy things and what a lovely blog you have. I've enjoyed reading your older posts. :)


  18. Lovely lights. I've seen the cover of that book and wondered what it was like. It's soup weather here now and that looks scrummy. Umm! Spray paint, now that sounds like an idea for a few things I've been thinking of revamping. Great pics again Gillian and have a lovely weekend. My hubby works all this one.

  19. Happy weekending ... lovely happies as always ... the blue on the planter is gorgeous ... Bee xx

  20. I've just ordered that crochet book!! Glad to hear that there are some good projects in there! I love those lights!

  21. Wow, those lights look amazing, I hope you will share a picture when they are hung.

  22. Great happy post. Chowder looks really delicious and I love your new colourful lights and like the commenter above, am also hoping you will share a photo with us when you have them up.
    M x

  23. I'd love that granny square book! It has such a beautiful cover and now that I've mastered a basic granny square, I'm ready for the next challenge. Am interested to hear how you get on.

  24. I love a good chowder and that one looks amazing. Please show us what you do with the lights I love the look of them. xo

  25. What a lovely happy week. I love the lights, I saw some recently and now wish I'd got them- yours look so pretty. I wish I could crochet, The book looks interesting:)

  26. Sounds like a creative week! Here's to hoping the weather holds out :) XOL

  27. Hi There,Those lights are just such fun!!!And that chowder looks so delicious!!!Have a super weekend!!!

  28. Your new lights look like such a delight, pretty cheerful colours. I hope you had funlast night with your friends and enjoy your weekend. I like the idea of unleashing my inner graffiti artist too :o) xxx Penny

  29. Ooh those lights, I can feel a purchase coming on!! I've put that book on my wish list on amazon and I'm so pleased you've commented as I'm off to buy it!! Lovely post. Happy weekend xo

  30. Lots of happies in this post. Hope the weather in your neck of the woods is better than here. It's chucking it down!

  31. Wow, what a gorgeous set of happy things. Am going to add that crochet book to my wish list (so many things I want to make... But no time! Sigh) and I too am slightly addicted to spray painting things. Had not thought of plant pots...

  32. A wonderful collection of happy things. I agree about the throw on the cover of the book, it's gorgeous.

  33. Oh my.....those lights! My studio HAS to have them :o)...I've just helped J put up some white shelves above my desk and these would look awesome strung around them. I hope you don't mind if I copy you and get some...
    did you pick your own colours? Would you mind giving me some details about the colours? ta!

    1. How fun! A great collection of of beautiful things... So happy and colorful. I hope you have a great time and a wonderful weekend :)

    2. Hi Lucy!

      Yes I picked my own colours - the pre-selected ones, although gorgeous, weren't quite rainbow-y enough for my needs! They are going on a white wall and look amazing, lit or unlit.

      I chose a string of 20 light and went for 2 each of: flash pink (it's very bright, almost neon), pale pink, sky blue (quite a deep cornflower shade), pale blue, lilac, pale yellow, sunflower (I would say more of a mustard colour), ruby red, lime green (very bright but nice) and anais green (quite a yellowy green, sort of chartreuse-ish).

      I've bought them before and really like them. You can also easily buy replacement bulb and strings should you need them. Hope that helps!

      Gillian x

    3. THANK YOU xxxxxxxxxx they are going straight to the top of my Studio Wish List (which is quite lengthy) xxxxxxx

  34. What lovely photos as always! loving the lights. The Granny square book looks good too x

  35. A very happy week ... I love the sprayed picture frame!! x

  36. Those lights look fab and I love your graffitied frame and pot.

  37. I'd actually looked at those lights ages ago and not bought any, but I'm with Lucy, now I've seen yours I realise I have to have some for my studio ... you've started a trend Gillian :D

    1. Hee hee - the only trouble is deciding which colours to plump for. I've listed the colours I chose in my reply to Lucy's comment above.

      Blimey, Cable and Cotton should be paying me commission! ;-)

      Gillian x

  38. Lovely pictures and what a lovely book. I am dabbling (lightly) in a bit of crochet at the moment. Just at the stage of doing a practice piece at the moment, and it's not quite right yet...

  39. mmm nice lights. My sister bought me some for Christmas to match my living room cushions - I love them!


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