Monday 29 April 2013


Inside: We woke to this on Saturday morning so abandoned our plans to get started on the exterior paint jobs. (As I'm sure you can imagine, we were devastated by that turn of events...)

Outside: So then of course the sun came out, but a cold wind blew and the rest of the weekend was a typical April mixture of sunshine and showers. This is my neighbour's forsythia. Isn't is glorious? I wish mine had blossomed like that.

Inside: We tried a new breakfast recipe from this book: Persian eggs with halloumi. Very tasty, the oily juices mopped up with sourdough bread, but next time I would use less cheese and more tomato.

Outside: The grass had it's ceremonial first cut of the year.

Inside: The filing cabinet was tackled with similar gusto, as I did battle with old bank statements and the paper shredder. We have a very mature and responsible attitude to filing in this house which involves ignoring the bulging folders for as long as possible, then a day long purge accompanied by lots of muttering, huffing and under-the-breath swearing.

Outiside: My first run in weeks on Sunday morning, accompanied by two very good friends and lots of resolutions to go more often.

Inside: New trainers for Bella (hot pink and white with Hello Kitty designs, the last word in cool) for outside PE lessons at school in the summer term. She will be very unimpressed when they get muddy.

Outside: More garden foraging for posies.

Inside: Name labels were sewn into new school summer dresses.

Outside: The new wooden growhouse was assembled and will soon be - I hope - bursting with growth, once I get around to re-potting the sunflowers, basil and tomatoes that are currently residing on the kitchen window sill.

Inside: Another new recipe tried from my Mother's Day gift, Jaffa Cake Cupcakes. Plain sponge cake, with a little spoonful of marmalade hidden inside, topped with chocolate buttercream and mini-jaffa cakes. Very, very tasty.

So there we have it, a weekend that was all about the changing of the seasons, a weekend of firsts and of the new, of sorting and clearing and planning, of getting the house and garden ready for the coming months. Not exactly a bumper "look at me!" weekend, but one of those quietly productive ones that are so pleasing.


Many thanks for all your kind words about friendship in response to my last post. I know that my friend and I will stay in touch - we have the wonder of the internet to help! There is email, Facebook, Skype and probably other ways that haven't even occurred to me yet, not to mention good old hour long chats on the phone.


  1. Ooo yummy the cup cakes look gorgeous.
    That reminds me must get round to buying my daughters summer dresses...hoping for some summer weather soon.
    Your garden looks very tidy :)

  2. What a wonderfully productive weekend you've had! Well done for getting out there running - I'm still waiting for the weather to cheer up a bit. We have exactly the same approach to filing over here - only in our case it involves the fire instead of a shredder, sadly this also involves too much ash being produced and the flue getting blocked - must purge more often! Jane x

  3. The weather is certainly keeping us on our toes isn't it! I love shredding, so much so I've been known to shred stuff I shouldn't! :) x

  4. Busy you! I'm vey impressed with those handsewn labels. And send one of those cupcakes my way, will you?

  5. Hmm yes, I've been thinking about tackling my paperwork again, and digitising some of the stuff I don't often need. Those cupcakes look amazing, send one this way? :)

  6. Those Hello Kitty sneakers are very snazzy! I think my GB would go nuts for them. Good for you going out for a run, I'm not much of a runner but it feels so good to be in the habit of regular exercise and I need to get back to it. Your cupcakes look amazing and the breakfast dish does too; I have only ever eaten haloumi in a Greek restaurant where they doused it with some kind of liquor and then set it on fire. I have never seen it used in cooking but I will be looking into that now. Have a good day!

  7. Oh Gillian! I loooooooove your post "inside / outside". Happy week ;D

  8. Lovely photos. We need to have a shredding session here too. So much paper - old bills and other rubbish. Cute trainers on little dinky feet. I remember KP's feet being that small - now she's a size 3! Hope you have a great week.

  9. Rain is a constant companion here on the Pacific NW albeit we are expecting a warmer weather for the latter part of the week thus we just might be able to give the grass that ceremonial first cut as well!
    It's always nice to catch up and see what happens around the glove, thanks for sharing and blessings,

  10. Glad to hear I'm not the only filing-ignorer around! Think I've been avoiding it for so long it might take me a week by the time I can face it...Yum to Halloumi, or squeaky cheese as we call it - it's a great vegetarian BBQ option, amazing with a good salad or 3. Have a lovely week! xx

  11. Those cupcakes look delicious, I'm quite partial to a Jaffa Cake or two so I think I would enjoy the cupcakes. Love Bella's new trainers, I remember Eleanor having ones with flashing lights when she was little, I bet Bella's already had a pair of those.

  12. Dear Gillian
    A very productive weekend, despite the weather. I like your growhouse - I could do with replacing my metal and plastic one. Ooh, mini Jaffa cakes...mmm...
    Best wishes

  13. Oh love that little greenhouse - it will look amazing when it's bursting full of little seedlings coming through! And those mini jaffa cake cupcakes sound very sweet but look delicious. x

  14. mmm those cup cakes look good. x

  15. Typical spring weather,eh? Impressed with the running xo

  16. I am liking that cake muchly....
    Best wishes

  17. Ha ha Gillian we file in just as you do, very mature indeed! Filing and sorting out paper work is a pet "grown up" hate of mine and I avoid it until my hubby corners me about once a year to make do and mend the bulging in tray!
    Looks like you had a very productive, yummy food filled weekend. Its always a good feeling after, not the thought of it or the doing but afterwards, you feel fresh and can move into the sunnier months with a little more order :o) xxx Penny

  18. Same filing system here ... it has taken years to perfect ;) ... love your little greenhouse ... Bee xx

  19. I tend to leave the filing to Marc...well I always wash up.

    There's a lot to be said for a quietly productive weekend.

    Leanne x

  20. Oh and I love your new header! What sizing measurements do you use? I am so thick when it comes to stuff like that!

    Leanne xx

    1. Hello Leanne! I use picmonkey ( to crop the photo and add text, then when I add it to blogger layout I make sure I tick the "shrink to fit" box so that it fills the space in the middle. I hope that makes some kind of sense! Anything more technical is beyond me... x

  21. The fosythia was so pretty. I would have loved to pluck one of your cupcakes right off the screen and have a taste. They looked perfect. :)

  22. It's been so up and down hasn't it...I wish it would just settle a little.

    We cut the grass for the first time this year yesterday.... atishoo! Smells lovely though.

    Nina x

  23. What a busy weekend you had, I feel quite guilty idling mine away at the seaside, but only for a moment ... Sarah x

  24. We also cut our grass for the first time this weekend - summer is a'coming. Jaffa Cake cupcakes - wow!

  25. Oh I just adore this! Inside I adore your very mature way of filing! Outside I love your greenhouse and your new spring grass (and the running shoes)

    this is perfect...especially because it made me smile so.

  26. I like your new header :-) The breakfast recipe looks interesting though I think I'd prefer it for lunch. And those cupcakes just look yummy. x

    1. Oh and i forgot to mention the growhouse. I've never heard one called that before but I like it :-)

  27. A very productive weekend by the sound of it. Your filing sounds like mine and I must do more walking now the weather has cooled down. Hopefully this weekend I will do some and post photos of our little break. The Jaffa cakes sound yummy.

  28. Lovely post! Cupcakes look amazing, I love Jaffa cakes. I also love your new header.
    M x

  29. A very productive weekend indeed and one that will set you up for a lovely summer, should it ever choose to arrive. The cupcakes look like the perfect congratulatory treat.

  30. Persian eggs with halloumi sounds absolutely delicious. My mouth is watering as I'm typing this!

  31. Hi There, It looks as though you had a really good weekend!!! Breakfast looks absolutely delicious!!! Have a happy week!!!

  32. Just catching up here ... that breakfast looks delicious!

    Doesn't everyone handle their filing like that ;)

  33. That tried and tested method of filing works here too except we burn ours!

  34. Great pictures Gillian and I love your new header. Those cakes look amazing! xx

  35. I want your green house, please tell me more about it!

    1. It's from B&Q and I bought it as it looked sturdier than the plastic covered frames you can buy and we haven't got space for a proper greenhouse. I'm not convinced it was brilliant value for money though, as it's quite flimsy and badly made, but I am hoping it redeems itself by growing lots of lovely things! x

  36. hello gillian,
    a very productive weekend.Your photos are wonderful,love your new greenhouse.Oh and your jaffa cupcakes are amazing!!!!!
    Wish you a wonderful week with sunshine,
    Greeetings Regina

  37. What a fabulous productive weekend Gillian! Those Jaffa cake cakes look divine!

    Thanks for popping over t me and for your lovely comments, you're always very welcome

    Love Claire xx

  38. I love your new colorful for Spring! It looks like you all enjoyed a wonderful weekend with a good mix of inside and outside activities. The cupcakes look so delicious as I am craving a piece of chocolate right now!

  39. Wonderful, I can feel spring here now. Your grass looks fantastic. Ours is so sparse, I do feel sorry for the guinea pigs every day when I put them out.

  40. Oh these cupcakes are on my list for the May Bank holiday weekend! Yummy, I can't wait to try them :) you look like you had a very productive weekend Gillian, here's hoping that good feeling continues (and it turns into sunshine!) Hazel x

  41. Those cupcakes look very nice, but they would be save with me as I don't like jaffa cakes, maybe I could just like the icing off!
    Lovely snapshot of your weekend, good luck with the growing.
    Lisa x


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