Friday 12 April 2013

Half Way! 52 Weeks of Happy...26/52.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

Joining in with the lovely Jen at little birdie, here are my happy moments from the past week. 

1. Framing the personalised print I ordered for John and I from Isa Form (to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary, the reason for our break last week). It makes me smile every time I look at it.

2. A jug of anemones. There is so much anticipation in knowing how beautiful these flowers will be when they open fully.

3. The way the children have settled back into routines and playing at home this week. Bella's collection of "small people" are arranged all over the house at different times. I try very hard not to think of them as clutter to be tidied away, but something to be enjoyed and savoured.

4. Chai tea, my new favourite thing.


As I am half way through my 52 Weeks of Happy posts, I've looked back through the last 26 weeks in this series, curious to see what has featured regularly, what themes emerge. I think it's worth saying here that the idea for this joyful series came from Jen of the blog little birdie, and if you do join in (as many do!) then please do her the courtesy of linking back to her blog. Credit where credit is due. Well, the children feature more than anything else; things they have done, said or made make me very happy. No surprise there. Next is food - baking, cooking and eating it - and yes, that is one of my great pleasures. Time with family and friends, fresh flowers, books and tv, a new magazine, some new yarn or fabric, bits and bobs around the house, all these feature regularly. Often it's simply a moment that I wanted to capture and preserve - an afternoon spent crocheting on the sofa, a night out with friends, some time for myself. 

The thing that really took me by surprise was how much nature and the seasons features in my happy posts. I am not a particularly out-doorsy sort of person but time spent outside - on the beach, autumnal walks, snow - all appear to make me very happy. And the changing of the seasons and the traditions that are associated with this, like sparklers on Bonfire Night or daffodils in spring, they are incredibly important to me. They make me feel grounded. The garden only featured once, but then I joined this series in the autumn and spring is still arriving, so I'm sure there is time for that.

But John, the person who makes me so very happy, hardly features here at all! How odd. I don't really know why. I think it's partly my way of trying to balance public and private, to share but not over-share, and partly because I think the ways he makes me happy are lots of little things which add up to big things, and they are hard to capture in a photo and a sentence. 


Also, while I remember, I have added a bloglovin' button to my sidebar. I have to say this Google Reader business is passing me by as I never use it, but I know many of you do, and you can import all the blogs you currently read on Google Reader over to bloglovin'. 

Have a great weekend lovely people! 


  1. LOVE the personalized print! That is awesome. I would love to have one. Chai tea is a major weakness for me. If you can get a Chai latte at Starbucks in the UK...OMG, so good.

  2. Although I've only blogging for a short time and only follow a few blogs, I've thoroughly enjoyed so far what I've seen of your 52 weeks of happy. This week's pics are lovely. Yes, I too want to balance my privacy with what I put out there publicly, but I've just had a big moan on mine.

  3. What a lovely post. I think you should get John to let you do a little expose on him as he is ace (pretty sure hell will freeze over first though!) I am totally with you on the cleaning of clutter aspect. I sometimes feel poor Imogen hasnt finished playing before i am trying tp put it away! Love your happy posts and Jens series. xxxx

  4. I've enjoyed the last few posts a lot. Am inspired to do a week of happy today too. Wish I knew where to find chai latte powder...yum!

  5. I love the quote at the beginning - so true. Also - those anemones are beautiful - such a gorgeous red. x

  6. A personalised print like that would make me happy too!

    And you'd recommend Chai Latte would you ... I keep wondering if I'd find it too sweet?

    Know what you mean about your man ... mine gets barely a mention but life without him would be unthinkable.

  7. I love your weekly happy posts! The personalized print is so awesome! I know you feel happy every time you look at it! And the flowers are gorgeous. Flowers make me very happy too! I don't mention my husband often enough on my blog either, but he does make me very happy and he is my very best friend! Thanks for being here and sharing your lovely life with all of us. It's always a special treat to see a new post from you!

  8. That print looks great Gillian! And so cool for the two of you. My 52 weeks seem to feature cake a lot! Dreading back to school on Monday. I like the ease of being home with my Boy. X

  9. Hi Gillian, love the Drink Me Chai teas - I like a different flavour they do (in a cream container, vanilla I think) but I might try this one. Love the splashes of red in your pic. Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary. My husband is always threatening to write a blog called 'My wife writes a blog' so I try to keep him as private as I can although I do give him lots of credit - mainly for his cooking! Claire xo

  10. I love that print!! I might have to get one too ;)
    And I love those little people. They're so well lined up, it can't be clutter ;)
    Have a lovely week end!

  11. I absolutely love that print, it jumped out straight away....even better knowing why it's there! :) x

  12. I love the print, what a thoughtful present.
    I saw that Chai recently and nearly bought some, I've never tried chai and wondered if this would be a good one to start with.
    Lisa x

  13. The print is wonderful (as is their site!) and a great gift for your 10th anniversary. I love the anemones, they almost grow just watching them! Wishing you all happy weekend...
    (Halfway already!! Time is going too quickly!!!!)
    Ivan x

  14. Tea in Russian is [chai] ;) and in Turkish too.
    I never realized there's no husband in my happiness posts too. Maybe it is beacause husbands are happiness by default? ;)

  15. Love your new print Gillian and we have those little collections of tiny people on any available surface too ... I like you, console myself that they won't be around forever and should be enjoyed while they are ... Bee xx

  16. Gillian,

    Love the print. Very cool. And funny1

    And i shall seek out the tea.

    Have a great weekend.

    Leanne xx

  17. I love the print, so cute! And if anything, a bunch of fresh flowers is the absolute simplest way to brighten up a day :) Have a lovely weekend /Niki

  18. I absolutely love that print! Such a great way to remember a special anniversary. x

  19. I keep seeing Chai Latte in blogland, I can see I'm going to have to give it a try. The Anniversary print is so charming. Here's to another 26 weeks of happiness ... Sarah x

  20. Happy Anniversary :) Love the print, and the Dala horses - I've been away from blogland for a week or so, must catch up on everything! I've done the same as you re blogging and my husband - I love the reason you give :) Meredith

  21. Hello Gillian, your print is brilliant and flowers gorgeous.
    Bella's collection of people look fab on your table, thank you for
    sharing your happy post with us.

  22. What a cute print. :) Flowers can really brighten up a room and one's mood. Somethings never change. Your Bella's little people play reminds me of the similar scenes from both my granddaughter and my own children's playtimes. Such wonderful special times. Enjoy!

  23. I love the print, so cute. Toys are definitely not clutter, I so wish there were still toys around my house, but my two are completely grown out of them now, very sad.

  24. I love your print, it's very cool. My daughter loves doing that with her wee figures too, I think it's really cute and I kind of enjoy finding them in obscure places around the house!
    M x

  25. Thank you for sharing such a joyful week x

  26. Love your happies, especially that print very cool. x

  27. I forgot to comment yesterday as I got so carried away following your links. Brilliant pics and I love the idea of the 52 weeks of happiness. Also loving the bloglovin idea and have set this up on your recommendation-looks like it will be ideal. Many thanks.

  28. I love chai lattes, they're my favourite :)

  29. Those are really cute pieces to display
    and really is just right for a happy post.
    I wish the happiness continues even if the 52 weeks is done.

  30. That print is fabulous! I love it, in fact I seem to love everything you share with us here x

  31. those flowers look lovely, and I love that personalised print, what a great idea x

  32. I have been reading in many blogs from all the people joining in the 52 weeks of happy... I have to be honest I have thought about joining a million times but I haven't done bcz I often think its one more thing to do... But today you have inspired me ... I don't know the exact reason why ... Just want you to know you did and I'm going to try it :) thanks for the inspiration.
    Love the print and the flowers:)


Hello there! Thank you for leaving a comment. I read them all and I always try to answer questions, although sometimes it takes me a while.