Saturday 6 April 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...25/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

Joining in with the lovely Jen over at little birdie, here is my bumper week of happies. It was hard to choose only four! We'll call this one the Copenhagen edition.

1. The view from my window seat very early on Wednesday morning. Sunshine! Airports! Holidays! Don't you just love that moment right before take off when the cabin goes really quiet and hushed then the engines roar and...lift off! It always makes me stupidly excited.

2. On the rare occasion that I am away from the kids, I like to take random daytime baths purely for the pleasure of it. Usually at a time of day when I would normally be on duty and dealing with the children's tea time or bedtime. And then there is the added pleasure of using someone else's hot water and filling the bath to the absolute brim, just because you can.

3. John and I climbed to the top of The Round Tower on our anniversary and sat in the viewing area for ages, holding hands like an old married couple, which I suppose we are. It was a cold day but the sun was warm and the air was clear and the view beautiful. The company was quite good too. (In the very distance you can see the Øresund Bridge, which joins Denmark and Sweden and was made famous by The Bridge television series.)

4. Coming back and seeing the children. I was unprepared for quite how much I missed them and I don't think I could have stayed away another day. Bella made us a book to record her time spent with my parents so we'd know what she got up to, sweet girl. 


Thanks for all your Easter and Anniversary wishes. Today is a bit of a flying visit - over the next few days I will slowly but surely catch up with all your blogs and sort through all my Copenhagen photos to make a bumper holiday post.


  1. I'm so glad you had a good trip! I know just what you mean about missing the kids though. Nice to see you back. :)

  2. That sounds wonderful! I love the bit about taking a bath whenever you want. I remember those days!
    It;s nice to get away, but nicer to come home to the ones you love!

  3. Glad you had a good time. As good as it can be to go away, it's always so good to come home again :) xx

  4. Ah, a little snippet of your trip! Bet you had a ball and I can't wait to read and see more. I actually refer to my bubble baths as "my holiday" :-D Mel x

  5. Looking forward to the photos. So glad you had fun.

  6. So glad you had a wonderful holiday and anniversary! I also get very excited right before the plane takes off! I love the bath in the middle of the day...what a special treat! And the card from Bella just melts my sweet! I know you were happy to get back to your little ones. I look forward to hearing more about Copenhagen!

  7. Very pleased you had a lovely time in Denmark for your special anniversary - batteries recharged and a few more memories!
    Ivan x

  8. Glad you had a lovely break and are back safe'n'sound.

  9. Sounds like you had a lovely anniversary break. Can't wait to see the pictures - Marc and I are going to Amsterdam in a couple of months.

    Leanne xx

  10. So so glad you had such a good time - a truely Happy Post! xxxx

  11. Brilliant pictures Gillian, so pleased you enjoyed the time away.

  12. Hi Gillian, so glad you had a lovely trip. The moment before take off is my favourite too....though I don't think flying is what it used to be....well not on the charter flights I've been on.
    Looking forward to your photos of Copenhagen.
    Jacquie x

  13. Sounds like you had a lovely time! Love nb 2 ;)

  14. Great happy moments. Love Bella's wee book she made for you. Look forward to seeing more of your Copenhagen pictures.
    M xxx

  15. Bella's book is so sweet - I think I'd have had a teary moment seeing that. Looking forward to your photos. x

  16. Looks like a wonderful week - I love a hotel bathroom! Bells's book is a real treasure. Really looking forward to your holiday photos x

  17. Very much looking forward to seeing your holiday photos.
    How sweet of Bella to make a little book, something for both you and her to treasure.
    Lisa x

  18. So exciting. I can't wait for a trip away with my Mr. And I feel the same about daytime baths too. Pure bliss! xo

  19. How lovely! I look forward to more photos! Yes, someone else's hot water.....bliss! :) x

  20. Hi There, Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing with us!!

  21. Sounds like you had a wonderful time ... I love the plane excitement too ... I really miss it ... Bee xx

  22. Love Copenhagen, lucky you guys.

  23. Hope you've got yourself some Lush bath bombs or bubbles for your sneaky baths :-)

  24. Just saying hello for the first time. I've been reading for a few months, but not left a comment before. Looks like you had a great time. When we manage to get away without the kids I always enjoy the first day, second day you're always thinking 'the kids would really like this' and then the next day you can't wait to get home. It still happens now and they are 20, 18 & 13!!!

  25. Bless Bella's book-making! There's something very decadent about baths in the middle of the day - and you are so right, using someone else's hot water makes it all the better! Looking forward to seeing your Copenhagen pictures, it's somewhere I'd love to visit x

  26. oh how exciting, I'd love to go to Copenhagen... looking forward to seeing your photos! I love taking off in the plane too x

  27. Lovely photos, glad you had a good time. Back to reality now!

  28. Oh, I love your "Copenhagen Edition." There will be more pictures, right? yessssssssss..... Your daughter is lovely. Hugs :D

  29. Such wonderful images … expressions of happy, indeed!

  30. Beautiful photos. Especially those cute toes in bath :-) Its so special to embrace your child again.

  31. Lovely photos! The idea of a leisurely bath really has me feeling very jealous....

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, too. Your comment about using the term 'crafting' now made me laugh - and there it is in your sidebar, too! 'Upcycle' similarly used to grate, but I can at least now read it without wanting to throw my laptop across the room. My current pet hates are people who say, 'thrifting' instead of 'going to a charity shop', and people who use the word 'store' when they mean shop. Obviously Americans are (ok, only partially) exempt from my ire. But people from the UK? I mean, really. Pick up a chipped teapot in your local Oxfam, by all means. But don't call it thrifted.
    I hope that's clear.
    I am fully aware that I need to get a life....

  32. I am very with you on the moment of take off in a plane and as for the idea of a long hot bath and a Donna Leon book....just bliss.

  33. Welcome back :D I can't wait to see all your holiday pics, you jammy things. So glad you had a good time, but yes, I used to find when mine were small that after a few days away I started to miss them terribly.


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