Friday 26 April 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...28/52

Hello there! It's Friday, the end of a long week. The weekend is upon us and so it feels like the best time to join in with Jen at little birdie with this week's happy things.

1. My friend Rachel. We met at antenatal classes six and a half years ago when we were both expecting our first babies. I've met up with her every week since then for coffees, lunches, in soft play centres, at toddler groups and birthday parties. We've had many hurried conversations about anything and everything snatched in between feeds, tantrums, nappy changes, endless trips to take toddlers to the toilet. On Tuesday morning, while all our children were occupied at school and nursery, she came over for a coffee. She brought her knitting and I did some sewing. We sat on the sofa and had an uninterrupted conversation and it occurred to us that it was the first occasion in the whole time we've known each other that we'd met up in the week without any children around. As you can see she is heavily pregnant with her fourth child, so there will be another baby around soon. But it's bitter sweet, because she and her family will be relocating to Bristol this summer and I am going to miss her friendship and our regular get-togethers so very much.

2. Watching Angus watch Peppa Pig. Great big belly laughs.

3. Signs of growth inside. Hello sunflowers.

4. Signs of growth outside.

And hello new followers! It's very lovely to have you here, thanks for coming and you are so welcome. Have a great weekend everyone. x


  1. Friends are such a blessing, how sad that she's moving away, but I'm sure you'll still remain good friends.

  2. You will still be friends and will have to make the times you do get together really special! My very good friend only moved from a few doors away to the other side of town and I felt bereft, not sure how I would have coped if she'd gone to Bristol! Have a great weekend! :) x

  3. Some lovely moments, I especially love the pictures of Angus enjoying Peppa Pig!
    M x

  4. Ah, so sad when friends move away...but on the plus side, Bristol is brilliant so you'll have lots of amazing new places to explore when you come and visit her (and there's lots of Rachels here so hopefully she'll feel at home!) Love the green shoots, isn't it wonderful that spring is finally here?! xx

  5. How nice to enjoy some one on one time with a dear friend! It is sad when a close friend moves away, but you can always visit one another and chat on the phone. Angus looks like he is really enjoying his television cute! I am very excited that Spring is finally here, too! Enjoy the weekend!

  6. lovely post - it's hard when good friends move away. My knitting buddy, coffee companion and all round good friend has just moved and I miss her such a lot x

  7. I love watching the children when they don't know we are watching.
    It's horrible when good friends move away but thankfully it's so much easier to keep in touch these days, though not quite the same I know.
    Lisa x

  8. Dare we hope that Spring is finally arriving! It's good to have a crafting buddy :) xx

  9. So nice when a good friendship continues and grows and changes while your lives do. I hope you'll be able to see her once in awhile after she moves. Angus is so cute, he really looks like he's enjoying his show thoroughly.

  10. Oh love those pictures of Angus! He looks so happy. I've lost all three of my good friends over the last few years and it isn't easy saying goodbye, so I know how you feel. x

  11. My best friend moved down south 20 years ago but we're still friends and still see each other. I'm sure your friendship will continue over the distance - you could have skype coffee mornings? I think I'll be taking photos of my shoots coming through this weekend too - can't believe they're already coming up, it's so exciting! x

  12. I bet Angus is happy about the sunflowers. He looks adorable watching Peppa. That is a cute show. That is sad about your friend. Well now you will have someone to go visit in Bristol. I hope you keep in touch.

  13. I moved away from all my Anti-natel pals, it was really hard. I LOVE your yellow jug. Yes I still have a yellow thing going on

  14. What a wonderful set of happy things this week. So sorry your friend is moving away my antenatal friend that I met weekly with moved to Norway a week before my youngest as born we still chat weekly - now it's skype or facetime but it's normally without children at silly o'clock at night.

    Isn't it wonderful to see growth - we've got a lot of things growing and blossom has finally appeared on our plum tree

  15. Nice squeegy happies. have a good weekend. x

  16. Oh no, I'm sad for you. Your weekly meet with your friend will be a hard habit to break but I'm sure a new chapter will begin; weekend stays perhaps?

    I'm (ahem) 41 and love Peppa Pig - Angus has very good taste!

    Heather x

  17. Love the photos of Angus! It reminds me of watching Dan giggling - how did he get to 21! He still likes to laugh though! xx

  18. Looks like it was a good week. Maybe Skype or something similar will mean you can keep in touch with your friend for a weekly chat and coffee? x

  19. I'm so sorry to hear that your friend is moving away. However Bristol is a great place for a weekend break with children...

    Have a great weekend.

    Leanne xx

  20. You'll miss your friend as I miss all mine in UK, but I suppose in this day and age we do have technology, which we didn't when I was younger. Love Angus watching Peppa Pig. My grandchildren love it too. Warmer weather we hope for you, with all that new growth.

  21. Girly weekends perhaps - that could be fun. I spy an Orla Keily cushion. I love the glimpses of around your beautiful home. Have a wonderful weekend. xo

  22. Hi There, Sorry that you're friend is moving away but you know what??!! The internet has really made the world so small. You should now meet over the net, still with a cuppa, via your webcam or skype!!! e-mails and blogging!!! Love your happy photo's!!! Have a supa weekend!!!

  23. Aww so lovely to get together with special friends, I do hope you can arrange to see each other once a year or so at a special gathering. Love your signs of new life and sun flowers peeking through, oh and your Angus and his belly laughs is too gorgeous and well captured by you.
    I love your blog and will add it to my list so I don't miss a new post x hope you and your family have lovely weekend together xox Penny

  24. a friend like that will always be in your life!!! just another one of those passages....

  25. Such lovely happy's and all about growth. Sad tho' that your friend is growing herself due to the new human and going away. I'm sure though that if you are good friends this will be a period of growth too as your relationship finds a new way of flourishing even if you are not local to each other.

    Have a great weekend.

  26. I know just what you mean when you talk about your friend moving! My best friend is moving out of London soon, and although she'll only be a 45min drive away, it just won't be the same as weekly playdates, impromptu coffees and chats etc and I'm going to miss her SOOOOO much.. We've known each other for 6 years and just like you have shared so many things, our kids have grown together.. I'm sure we'll find a way to still see each other once in a while and our friendship will be different but it'll always be there. Good luck!

  27. My three closest friends moved France, Jamaica and the other end of England within months of each other, so I know how you feel. Thank goodness for email. They are still my good friends, and visits are treasured. And you must come to Bristol, it is a fantastic city!

  28. Such lovely moments. True friends will always be there for you, and you for them, regardless of distance. Keep smiling.

  29. Oh how sad she is moving away. I am sure you will keep in touch and meet up every now and again for a precious catch up.

  30. I've written this before, Gillian, but I will say it again: your blog is such a happy place to be!

    Happy sunday to you inspiring lady.


  31. Ooh, love that yellow jug in the first pic! I made so many good friends in my antenatal classes in Edinburgh - was gutted to leave them when we moved, so know how sad you're both feeling... At least it's a good excuse for some weekends away :-) x

  32. Lovely pictures from your week. Friendships can, and do, continue despite long distances and I'm sure yours will.

  33. Nothing better than a friend on the couch with pot of coffee and some knitting and conversation. My kids are mad about Peppa Pig too! xx

  34. It is so heartwarming and nice to read about your friendship with Rachel. I will be attending my antenatal classes in a couple of months and it would be nice to strike up a friendship or two.

  35. all of those unfinished conversations! i often wonder how many i've started and not completed over the last 5+ years...

    rachel xo

  36. I would love to sit there and have a cuppa. You probably wouldn't shut me up! Love your new header too xxx


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