Saturday 20 April 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...27/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

Joining in as ever with the lovely Jen at little birdie, here are my happy moments from the last week:

1. Blue skies! Always a joy to look at and the feel of the sun lifts my spirits. We've had a mixed bag of windy weather this week, but today the sun is shining.

2. Some new reading for the weekend, and a delicious pile of magazines that I have not had time to explore.

3. The garden is slowly, slowly coming to life. We are looking everywhere eagerly for signs of growth and may even be able to pick a few blooms to bring into the house soon.

4. Asparagus risotto. We are having a meat-free week, although we are eating fish, and it's been fun and refreshing to try some new dishes and cook more creatively. Honestly though, I don't know how healthy that dish was - all vegetables taste amazing when cooked with a lot of butter and parmesan and drunk with a bottle of sauvignon blanc.

It's Saturday morning and it's John's weekend off. I am trying to shake off the tiredness that comes from two small people choosing to rise an hour earlier than usual - at the weekend too, thanks kids -  and focus on the day ahead. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. It's probably freezing outside but never mind, we're British, we'll wrap up warm! The weekend stretching ahead of us feels full of promise. I'm going to make another cup of tea and some pancake batter now I think. Enjoy your weekend lovely people! 


  1. Enjoy your weekend too. I haven't ventured outside yet but the sunshine is irresistible, cold or not! x

  2. Gillian, I think much like Jacquie (Bunny Mummy) you must be my other twin. I think we are triplets ;o)
    For the past two months we have been fishytarian during the week, with a SUnday meat dinner as a treat. The kids complained at first, but have now accepted it. We are eating "good" fish (salmon and prawns) and mixing this up with veggie stuff (Spinach and goats cheese risotto I can highly recommend). And oh, Sauv Blanc it has to be, preferably New Zealand MArlborough if I can afford. Tell me, do you like Prosecco too?!
    We have had the same weather here, very windy and stormy, but today, the brightest of blue skies, yum yum colour for the soul.
    Hope to see you soon?!

  3. These are lovely happies and I'd agree with all of them especially the asparagus risotto which looks delicious. Have a lovely weekend and may it last super long.

  4. Risotto and asparagus - a perfect combination in my opinion. Have a great weekend. Claire xo

  5. Sunshine and blue skies make all the difference. I remember the weekends so well where little people woke us too early, now they're teenagers the opposite applies, I can hardly get them out of bed on a morning.

  6. Just enjoy every minute--- your lovely photos have brought me some lovely minutes of enjoyment. I love risotto too

  7. Lovely happy photos! It's so nice to see some blue skies! My girl is an early riser too, very rarely sleeps past 7am, even on the weekend! Have a great weekend.
    M x

  8. Lovely photos the asparagus risotto looks delicious x

  9. To see some blue sky and feel some sunny warmth is heartening, perhaps you'll be able to read your magazines in the garden. Have a wonderful w/end :) xx

  10. Oh the anticipation of those magazines!! And well done for the vegetarian week. It is a constant source of frustration that my boys are such plain fare eaters. Their parents are such foodies too. How did it happen?

    Enjoy your weekend en famille.

    Leanne xx

  11. Good Saturday Morning, Gillian! Blue skies always lift my spirits, too! We woke up to beautiful sunshine today, after a very grey, rainy day yesterday. The risotto looks delicious! The perfect Spring dinner with all that fresh asparagus! Enjoy the weekend!

  12. I think that risotto look delicious, have a great weekend! :) x

  13. Over the years we have trained. Alice to sleep in on the weekends and at 12 year's old she is not doing too bad😊 We love rissoto here too with shavings of parmesan on top. Also loving all the blue skies too xx enjoy the rest of your weekend together x penny

  14. Enjoy the sunny weather today! I love risotto too. The only thing I don't love about it is the stirring. I understand about the early wake-up calls; mine was at 6:20 this morning. Someday, someday...I keep telling myself, I will be able to sleep past 7:00 again. I don't think even that is asking for very much! I hope you have a great weekend. :)

  15. Hope you get time to enjoy those new mags in the sun this weekend.
    Lisa x

  16. Tell me about it, my boys were up at 6 this morning!!
    Asparagus risotto looks yummy!
    Blue skies here too, sooooo nice!!!

  17. Enjoyed your happies and enjoy your weekend, my boys are always up between 6 and 6.30 come school or holidays or weekend, and now witha puppy she wakes even earlier.....arrrrg, any chance of a lie in disappeared 12 years ago! Enjoy the sunshine too.

  18. Yay to blue skies! The asparagus risotto looks yum, enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx

  19. Nice pictures, as always. Happy weekend! :D

  20. Lovely pics, once again. I was trying to get a good look at your reading matter, but couldn't quite make them out. Ooh, I love fresh asparagus and my freisias and muscari are already up. I've even noticed the anemones and ranunculus are also poking their leaves through, so after our extrememly hot and dry summer this is really good. Enjoy your week.

  21. Hi There, Looove the risotto!!! And really there's nothing wrong with a good wine!!!! In fact, it makes everything a little better!!!

  22. That risotto looks yum! I have yet to find a risotto 'flavour' that I don't like - haven't tried asparagus though, will add it to my to-make-recipe-list!

    Looks like a good stack of reading material too! I too seem to end up with piles of unread magazines at the moment - I blame it on my little girl who wants to come and 'read' (rip the pages out) too!

    Hope your pancakes were good!x

  23. Hello Gillian! I love risotto and spring and autumn risottos are some of my favourites. I do agree with you about the butter and parmesan though :-)

    We are having the most glorious spring weather here in France! My eyes simply cannot take all the blossom and flowers in: they are everywhere. The thing which makes me the happiest though is the birdsong. Blissful.


  24. Great snapshot of your week. Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

  25. So lovely to see blue skies... hope you've had a fabby weekend. Sarah x

  26. I love your photos again this week! Blue skies can not be beat. The tulips are gorgeous! Risotto is one of my favorites, especially with mushrooms. Have a great week Gillian!

  27. Beautiful photos as always. Hope the weekend lived up to expectations for you. Xxx

  28. Sun filled pictures, lovely! The risotto looks delicious!
    Hope you all had a wonderful family weekend!
    Ivan x

  29. Pancakes for breakfast are the best! A real weekend treat.


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