Saturday 20 October 2012

Ponting (Mollie Makes Magazine)

Yes, that's right. Ponting. It is a cross between a pompom and bunting. The Mollie Makes challenge (make one thing from each monthly magazine) continues. I have to admit that I came a bit unstuck with this issue. All the patterns and tutorials looked very difficult and very time consuming. So I chose the "ponting" because it looked quick and easy and cheerful. And it was all of these things - I made this yesterday afternoon in an hour after school in the kitchen, in between washing out lunchboxes, making the tea and tidying up.

While I made this, I kept hearing a voice in my head (a voice I am hearing a lot lately) saying - seriously, what is the point of these? What is the point of making pretty but ultimately useless things for the house? They are just simple lengths of wool snipped into balls, threaded onto yarn and hung about the place. What, exactly, do they do?

Well, the point of them is this; I enjoyed making them. I enjoyed selecting the colours, looping and tying the yarn, fluffing up those little balls. I enjoyed seeing leftover scraps of yarn from here used in a satisfying way. I enjoyed watching Bella and Angus play with the finished result, dragging it around the house, giggling. I enjoyed hanging it in Angus's bedroom and arranging it over his shelf and pictures, taking pleasure in the way the colours picked out the green and purple in his room. The planning, process and finished result are all equally important to me. I just enjoy making things; for me, for the children, for John, for the house, for gifts, and I think that is enough. I don't think it needs to be any more than that.


Well now that I've got that off my chest, I hope you are all well and enjoying your Saturday. I am very much looking forward to going out tonight with John. I have ironed my dress and painted my nails and purchased Prosecco and Pinot Noir. We are going to the house of some really good friends for a meal with some others and it promises to be lots of fun. Friends, wine, food (rabbit apparently - I've never eaten rabbit!) music and hopefully lots of chat and laughing. 


  1. For what it's worth, I completely agree that it doesn't have to be more than that. You created something out of not a lot- you'd have just been doing the washing up and all the clearing and tidying without a little distraction otherwise.

    What did you think of the rabbit? I actually really like it- apart from all the tiny bones that sneak in the stew!! Anna x

  2. they look really neat to me and the colours are great. Amanda x

  3. Your ponting is gorgeous ... I agree who cares what it's for ... it's the pure joy of making something ... have a great night tonight ... sounds like a lot of fun will be had ... and rabbit is delicious ... Bee xx

  4. They look gorgeous and that is enough. Even better that they are fun. Am thinking that pointing may come to a bedroom somewhere near me! X

  5. Ah, I love this type of thing though - making something doesn't mean it has to be something useful, something decorative is just as worthwhile and if your children had fun too - that's a bonus making it more worthwhile!
    Enjoy the rabbit (!)

  6. Pretty pretty pretty! If you enjoy making it then that's enough. Enjoy your night. Let us know what you think of rabbit? x

  7. The ponting is lovely. Really nice colours. I LOVE those shelves! You have done a similar thing in Bella's room I remember, styling them so beautifully. Not a plastic toy or cartoon character in sight. Plan Toys have done well out of you I can see. (Love their toys.) Very stylish and tasteful, but then that's you. xxx

  8. I was itching to type "the point is that you enjoy it", but you got there before me. An adult who has not forgotten how to play is a rare and special thing. If it makes you happy and it hurts no one then why not! x

  9. Sometimes it's just nice to have a mess but I too think that I should be doing something more productive! Have a wonderful night out x

  10. Had such a deja vu moment reading post & seeing photos - so took me back to making pom poms as a child. These look fab!

  11. I often think 'what is the point' with things in mollie makes but as long as you have fun, enjoy making it and like the end result then it is all good. They look great in Angus's room love his toadstool and colourful toys. Sarah x

  12. They're lovely and everyone needs a bit of seemingly pointless frivolity in their lives I reckon. Good for you!

  13. The ponting is just lovely...I love the color combination. And it's perfect in Angus's room! Your evening out sounds just wonderful! Enjoy yourself and have lots of fun! Happy Weekend!! We are off to the beach tomorrow for several days and I can hardly wait!!!

  14. Simple, effective and lots of fun, what could be better?!
    Hope you enjoyed your night out.
    Lisa x

  15. I love that magazine! It is new to me in the UK. I think those ponts(?) are adorable - fun and whimsical. They look very zen to make :)

  16. Hope you had a good evening! I really like Molie Makes but I do find there instructions very wishy washy! Ada :)

  17. Your ponting is lovely, and if you enjoyed making it then that is enough - my partner once asked me why I was making a fabric elephant - I was gobsmacked that he had to ask! The act of creation is enough, but the object is always enjoyed too if it has been made with love. xx

  18. Very sweet ponting.
    I too have that "what is the point" thought too sometimes when I'm making something. I'm in the middle of a crochet blanket, I'm really loving making it but part of me feels that I have enough blankets already and there are better ways to spend my time.
    It does make me feel more creative and inspired to have a project on the go though

  19. I've never heard of ponting before. I think it looks fab, and if it brings a smile to your face each time you see it, then it's definitely worth making. Hope you enjoyed your night out, though I don't know if I could eat rabbit, I'd be thinking about the two we have in hutches in the garden.

  20. That is a brilliant display! I love the colors!

  21. Well they say things should be useful or beautiful and so they have met the second criteria! Very often the things in Mollie Makes are a bit quirky but I just love the photos so much that even if I never make anything I would still get it! Having said that hope to finish my pinnie from the magazine next weekend! Still remember your lovely pinnie and I was inspired by that one - have been collecting old hankies ever since!

  22. Hope you had a wonderful evening out and you enjoyed the rabbit! Now I know what ponting is and it looks really fun and 'happy' - that's what makes your beautiful and 'happy house' ... it's always in the detail.

  23. Your ponting looks really good! Glad you had fun making it.

  24. I think it looks fab! Love Angus's collection of things too. x

  25. Sounds like you answered that little voice in your head ... just beautifully. Ponting - are you serious?!! I suppose someone could have come up with Bunpom??!!

  26. This post cracked me up. So much of the crap in my house is pretty pointless. I find it all a vicious cycle of eliminating pointless crap and then making more of it because I enjoy the making (or the buying).

    I think the ponting looks great in Angus' room. And I hope you had a fun evening out. I honestly don't think I could eat rabbit, no matter how hard I tried. How was it?

    1. It was nice, but I think that's because it was cooked with skill. not because it was an amazingly tasty meat. I don't think I'll cook it myself. We had a pet rabbit when I was a child...

  27. i love the shelf of rainbow colored wooden toys in angus' room. so charming! and the ponting adds the perfect touch.


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