Tuesday 16 October 2012

52 Weeks of Happy...1/52

Thanks for all your comments about jeans! They did make me smile. I'm glad I'm not alone in my quest to find the perfect demin trousers. I've had some great suggestions ranging from Sainsbury's to 7 For All Mankind. Next time I have a child free couple of hours, I'm going shopping. Also, just to clarify, those pairs I cleared out of my wardrobe did not go in the bin, but to the local charity shops. I would never throw perfectly good clothes away! 


My fellow Leeds blogger Jen at little birdie, has started a weekly celebration of four simple things that are making her smile called 52 Weeks of Happy. I think it is inspired and love the idea of acknowledging and giving thanks for the little things that bring happiness.

So, joining in with Jen, my first today is...tonight's final of The Great British Bake Off. I'm so excited! I love this show; a simple concept perfectly executed. And I LOVE that Mary Berry is one of the presenters. How rarely we see a woman older than 50 presenting anything on television anymore, and yet here Mary is, 77 and fabulous.

And in honour of Mary, a carrot cake cupcake with orange cream cheese frosting...

A bunch of gladioli from the supermarket, reduced to £1.27.

And finally, a new magazine.

What's making you happy today?


  1. Lovely happy things Gillian ... The Simple Things is a great magazine ... and the BO final is a must see ... Bee xx

  2. I'm excited for the final too ... and love The Simple Things, really happy making!

    Love, Claire xx

  3. Yeah! So glad you are joining in with this. I'm also really looking forward to the GBBO final tonight. Four very happy things Gillian. x

  4. Love love love GBBO! I've just posted about my first attempt at iced biscuits after being inspired by Miranda in the first series. Will be rushing back from yoga class to watch it on video!

  5. What a lovely idea for a weekly post. I may have to investigate a bit further.
    The bake off final is definitely making me happy.
    Receiving a CK mini catalogue in the post made me happy too.
    Lisa x

  6. My favourite contestant won.......yay!!

  7. Love love love GBBO and I have The Simple Things on my bedside table - a recipe for a blissful evening! Other things making me happy; my son offering 'would you like to be my best friend mummy?', and the boiler being fixed in time for a deep, hot bath... Now, if only James had won tonight my happiness would be complete x

  8. Four lovely choices - GBBO and The Simple Things are great aren't they? I'm taking part too so will make sure I keep checking back to see your next selections - you're right, it is an inspired project!

  9. Haha, I just posted about the simple things not making me happy! That cupcake would though!

    And John won ... yay!!!

  10. What a super idea! I must try to catch GBBO here in France; everybody seems to enthusiastic about it!

    The thing which made me the happiest today was losing my brand new Etsy purchased purse with my credit cards and Medical Card (obligatory here in France) fretting about it and searching for it before and after going to the dentist AND finding it at home! Oh that was a blissful moment indeed.

    Happy Wednesday to you.


  11. oh i like the look of that magazine. xo

  12. Such a happy post today! I love it! And that cupcake with orange cream cheese frosting looks so yummy!

  13. That carrot cupcake would make me really happy :) Yum!

  14. cuddles with the most delicious 13 days old baby girl...and giving her back to her tired looking mum and thanking goodness those days are behind me

  15. Love your happy things! I'm happy today because my little dog Frankie is not sick anymore.

  16. Ooohhh, I love this idea. Might just have to pinch it. I mean be inspired by it and do it as well ;-) Love seeing other people's "happy", it has a nice run-off effect. x

  17. I'm keeping away from magazines at the moment, so haven't come across The Simple Things. I'll have to have a look at it when I go shopping.

  18. tv, cupcakes, flowers, and new magazines pretty much make my world go 'round!

  19. I like your happy things! And so glad to hear about the jeans :)...

  20. By the way when I first saw your top photo, I thought that was your family!! lol... then I read it was a show!!

  21. When you get to our age (i.e. husband and myself!) just waking up makes us happy, har, har!
    Margaret P

  22. hi gillian
    the sunshine makes me happy!
    lovely blog.
    greetings from germany,

  23. Love your happy list, I'm so behind watching Bake off but love that show, thank goodness for catch up TV! Mary is a real inspiration, we need more like her on TV! x


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