Monday 22 October 2012

A Postcard from Germany

Picture the scene if you will: it is Monday morning. It is raining and cold and gloomy. I am tired and have a headache that may be fatigue, or it may be the lingering after effects of too much indulgence over the weekend. I have just returned from dropping off Bella at school and Angus at nursery and I'm trying very hard to get motivated about the chores I need to do.

But wait! What is this on my doormat? A parcel with a pretty handwritten label, so it's definitely something interesting. It is the most delightful collection of gifts from my blogging friend Elizabeth at Mrs Thomasina Tittlemouse. Elizabeth recently returned from a trip to Cologne and, as well as sending us her wonderful Postkarten aus Koln posts, she brought back all manner of treats and goodies which she very generously shared with her readers in a giveaway. Opening that parcel and watching the numerous wrapped gifts come tumbling out - well, it was like the sun came out. 

A length of thick felt trim. I am very taken with this. This almost falls into the "too nice to cut up" category and I must make sure I actually use it, rather than save it for ever and ever.

Some foil wrapped sweets, Smarties in disguise, in the cutest packaging. They are too nice to open. I will give these to Bella as I know she'll be as enchanted as me by the presentation.

And some Christmas decorations...a set of little wooden rocking horses...

...a big red felt star which I forgot to photograph and then this, my favourite thing of all...

I very much like this cheerful little fella with his jaunty pink jacket and gold hat (crown?). All this festive cheer makes me wish advent would hurry up and arrive so that I can decorate the house with these little treasures. Thank you very much Elizabeth!


I hope you are all coping with the fact that it is Monday. Thanks for all your comments about the "ponting" (I still can't say it with a straight face) and thoughts on why we craft. Of course, it is for the enjoyment it brings us and others. I think I forgot that for a while. Also, I can report that the rabbit was very delicious. But the star of the show was the dessert - plums roasted in port and orange with homemade orange and cardamon ice cream...oh, it was the best thing ever. Friends with benefits for me are friends who can cook!


  1. Oh my that trim is fabulous - I have the wanties for that trim! What a lovely package of goodies.

    I am most definately not coping with monday - cheered only by the knowledge a package of yarn is waiting at home for me. I hope none of my family want to eat this evening as I will be otherwise engaged!

  2. I am so very, very happy for you! Yes; a Monday morning can be tricky but that package would get me going better than any top quality coffee!


  3. I've never seen smarties packaged like that before, but oh a little nutcracker - just perfect for Christmas.

    Nina x

  4. The felt trim is totally gorgeous, but the Smarties packaging! I am in love with that for certain.
    Lisa x

  5. what a lovely surprise to find on the doormat on Monday morning; I really hope it helped to improve your day and your motivation. Have a really good week!!! x

  6. What an array of loveliness - I love the nutcracker best too!
    Have a fab week.

  7. Lovely, lovely little parcel! I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit of a party pooper on the smarties, too much like tablet packaging to me! Its the years of working with the under fives, and all the health and safety checks we had to do! I'm not sure if I will ever return to normal!!! Ada :)

  8. Gorgeous loveliness, the trim may well be my favourite - it would make a lovely garland or topping to some bunting... just thinking! Roll on Christmas - you have got me all excited. x

  9. Dear Gillian so pleased you liked your little parcel - the little wooden figure is a traditional handmade Nußknacker or Nutcracker figure - from the story that the ballet refers to, I think! So glad you like him and so glad the parcel cheered a miserable damp autumny Monday! E x

  10. hi gillian,
    lovely things!!!!! love the nutcracker and the red woodenhorses.really nice things!
    wish you a nice week,
    love regina

  11. You lucky thing, you! What an amazing start to a grey week! x

  12. That is definitely a good way to start the week. I love receiving a parcel or a hand-written letter these days. It is such a source of pleasure to know someone has thought about you, spent time carefully wrapping and then posted it to you. And I am looking forward to seeing what you make with that lovely felt trim. x

  13. So sweet- love it all, especially the nutcracker! Jxx

  14. What a gorgeous parcel ... the nutcracker is beautiful ... and the smarties ... just brilliant ... so glad you had a lovely evening out and enjoyed the rabbit ... the dessert sounds utterly divine ... Bee xx

  15. I love traditional christmas decorations. Lucky you

  16. What a wonderful parcel of goodies. Mick went to Germany a couple of weeks ago on business, but I didn't get any delights like these brought home.

  17. What lovely things, lucky you :) And I had to giggle at your comment about the trim, I need the same reminder, often. I have so many pretty bits and bobs stashed away because I suppose them too special to use, which renders them essentially useless doesn't it.

    Your little parcel from here is finally on it's way to you too, though the post seems to travel quite slowly from here so it might take a day or too yet. Not so long ago two packages arrived on the same day, one from Tasmania and one from Cardiff, the latter had been posted two days before the former!

  18. What a lovely little parcel full of beautiful things. Hope you are having a good day today. xxx

  19. Your Monday sure did get a whole lot better!! What a gorgeous package of goodies. Love that packaging of the Smarties : -)

  20. What wonderful goodies! I especially love the little nutcracker. And it sounds like your evening with friends was lots of fun! The dessert sounds out of this world delicious. Have a great day!

  21. ah that little soldier (?) is so cool! love the felt trim too x

  22. Dear Gillian
    I was a very lucky winner of Thomasina Tittlemouse's giveaway too - didn't she send the most gorgeous things? I'll post about my parcel later today.
    Enjoy all your goodies.
    Best wishes

  23. You lucky lucky girl! I should have you pick some lottery numbers for me - you seem to win quite a few of these giveaways. What a darling collection of goodies.


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