Saturday 17 November 2012

Jean's Chocolate Cake


All that crafting and stitching, phew, it really takes it out of me. I need cake. 

I'm a bit odd in that I don't really like chocolate cake that much. It's sad, I know. I'm coming to terms with it. Especially not the really rich, chocolatey sort. I find them bitter and dry and bit cloying. But this cake is not overly chocolatey, just chocolatey enough. 

Jean, my mother-in-law, gave me this recipe recently. I tasted her cake and pestered her shamelessly until she kindly wrote it out for me. The original recipe is pictured above; it was given to her by a colleague many years ago and I love the way it is stained with years of use. I do love it when a recipe comes with some history and a bit of a story. The use of oil rather than butter makes for a very moist cake and the separation of the eggs makes it extra light and fluffy. My icing is just a buttercream with some cocoa and nutella added but if you wanted a frosting more, well, chocolatey, you could make something really rich with some melted dark chocolate, maybe more of a ganache.

You need:

For the cake...
140 grams or 5 oz self raising flour
140 grams or 5 oz sugar
30 grams or 1 oz cocoa 
2 tsps baking powder
100 ml or 3.5 fl oz oil (sunflower or vegetable)
100 ml or 3.5 fl oz water
3 eggs

for the icing...
300 grams or 10 oz icing sugar
100 grams or 3 oz butter
3 tbsp milk
1 tbsp chocolate and hazelnut spread

To make:

  • Pre-heat the oven to 160°C or 320°F.
  • Grease and line the bases of two 7" or 8" round baking tins.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa and baking powder. I used the mixer but you could do this by hand.
  • Separate the eggs.
  • Mix together the oil, water and egg yolks and add to the dry mixture above, mixing well.
  • Whisk the egg whites until peaked.
  • Add the egg whites to the mixture. I took the bowl from the mixer at this point and folded them in by hand.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Ice the cake when it is cool (otherwise the icing melts a bit, as I discovered. Greedy old me.)

These cake calories are allowed as tomorrow I am running a 10k race. I am starting to get a little nervous and have that butterfly tummy feeling, the kind you get before an exam. Wish me luck! After the race I plan to lounge on the sofa, crochet and eat mince pies. This will last until New Years Day, then I will get on the scales, go into shock, then go on a diet. That's my usual Christmas routine and I'm sticking to it.


  1. Oh good luck for tomorrow. I'll think of you whilst I'm lying on the sofa (I'm always in the Christmas spirit!). I'm not a big chocolate cake fan either, but we make one from an ancient old Bero cookbook and it's delicious. It's a hand me down from family and it's brilliant, and you are so right, it's lovely to have recipes with a history, especially in baking I think. Yours looks delicious! x

    1. My mother in law has a similar cookbook and I am totally coveting it. It also has a rather fabulous 1960's pink and orange cover... x

  2. Good luck tomorrow lady! Where on earth are you getting the energy from to craft and run and bake? I think I will make this cake to see if it helps! Xx

    1. I am a shell of a woman. Only wine keeps me sane. Only joking - I've been doing these makes on and off for the last few months so it's not like I produced them overnight! ;-) x

  3. Good luck for tomorrow, Gillian! Hope it goes really well and that you enjoy both the run and the mince pies and crochet afterwards! The cake looks yummy and I agree some chocolate cakes can just be too much of a good thing. Have you noticed the colours of the cake and icing tone beautifully with your autumn leaves header? Perfect! E x

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I had not noticed, but now you mention it, the colours tone nicely. I wish I had the wherewithal to plan my blog that way! x

  4. Looks lovely! Good luck tomorrow, rather you than me.

    1. Hello there - thanks for stopping by! Thank you for your kind wishes. If I remember I will take some photos. Gillian x

  5. Good luck tomorrow! The cake looks delish!

  6. Chocolate cake (my favorite) and this one looks so delicious! The icing looks so light and fluffy... Yum!! Good luck tomorrow!

  7. I love recipes with history ... I make Christmas pudding from my Granny's recipe and it triggers all sorts of lovely memories ... that cake looks lush ... and good luck for tomorrow ... Bee xx

  8. Perfect timing - I need a chocolate cake recipe for p's birthday - and I too don't like chocolate cake! Love jean's hand written recipe - a lovely one to pass on to Bella or indeed your own daughter in law one day!!

  9. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Your photos are fabulous ... who wouldn't want to go out right now and make one!! Love your Christmas routine (I can sooooo relate to that!!!) Run like the wind. x

  10. Brilliant post! Love the sound of the cake and the pics are fab! Good luck with the race! Jxx

  11. Great looking cake! Good luck on your run today!

  12. Hope the race went well! That cake looks yummy! x

  13. hi gillian
    i like your cake in picture

    please visit me in

  14. Oh my, that is a beautiful looking cake! Good luck with your race...

  15. Snap! I also posted a chocolate cake recipe yesterday that uses oil and separated eggs but mine also has buttermilk and puréed tomatoes, and it is as delicious as yours looks. Love that we are somehow on the same 'cakey' wavelength!

  16. Good luck with the run! I not a fan of chocolate cake either, but it looks delicious.

  17. What a beautiful chocolate cake. Looks moist and delicious

  18. Looks fantastic. A cake with context! And best of luck for your run, I think most definitely gives you The Christmas Food License :)

  19. Hope the race went well - you are a one-woman action station, that's for sure! I wish my mother-in-law and I had a recipe-swapping relationship, that cake looks a winner!

  20. My new favouite chocolate cake - yum yum one very happy birthday girl. Thanks for the recipe - I did mine with my go to 'insitant fudge frosting' which is so easy its almost embarrassing!

    1. So glad it worked! I will tell Jean, she will be really pleased. And can I have the instant fudge frosting recipe please?? Easy is good in my kitchen! x

  21. oh my gosh, this looks delicious. I am now craving cake! x


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