Monday 5 November 2012

Bonfire Night (And Edible Sparklers)

We went round to the house of some friends last night for a little Bonfire Night party. We were greeted with cups of hot chocolate - milky and sweet for the children, while the adults were offered the darker version laced with Amaretto (so good!) There were sausages and baked potatoes topped with chilli which we ate outside. Instead of a huge fire, as is traditional, there was a fire pit - much more practical for a small area with lots of small children around. We toasted marshmallows and waved sparklers around and what the low-key fireworks display lacked in wow factor the children made up for in noise levels. It was lovely. We might try to get to a big public fireworks display tonight. I do love this time of year! 

Bella asked John why we celebrate Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night, as it is also known). I'm not sure how much of it she understood - treason is quite a hard concept to get your head around when you are not quite six.


I took along some toffee apples and some "edible sparklers". These are such good fun to make with children and so easy, I am definitely making them again. 

They could not be more simple. 

You need:

One box of breadsticks
200g bar of cheap milk chocolate 
Edible sprinkles

  • Melt the chocolate. 
  • Pour the sprinkles onto a dish or plate.
  • Take a breadstick and using the back of a teaspoon spread melted chocolate half way down the breadstick, covering the whole top half all around.
  • Coat the melted chocolate in sprinkles.
  • Stand them in a cup or glass until the chocolate has set.

So much fun! It is messy though - aprons are needed as the chocolate does tend to fly around everywhere when small people are involved. And I am still sweeping up rogue sprinkles.


  1. We are off to a display organised by my brother tonight (he runs a social club) so look at all the edible sparkers I made

    Although you take much better pictures!

  2. Those edible sparklers are great, very nice work! Lovely photographs too. x

  3. Hello Gillian,
    Looks just perfect and the sparklers are such a cute idea! Have fun tonight!

  4. That sounds like my kind of hot chocolate! :)

  5. Edible sparklers? Genius idea - almost makes me want to hold another party just so one of my guests can come laden with such brilliant booty! Great photos too.

  6. Love the sparklers - I did mini toffee apples and a decidedly untraditional ginger cake, but made up for it with ultra traditional pie and peas (with mint sauce!)

  7. This looks like such a lovely party, we used to do something similar when I was little and I love your edible sparklers, very effective!

  8. Amaretto hot chocolate, nom nom nom! Loving the firepit idea too.

  9. What a lovely time you had and those sparklers look good enough to eat! X

  10. Ooh, liking the sound of the amaretto hot choccie! And the sparklers. And the baked potatoes...OK, I like it all!

  11. Oh that does sound like it was the perfect night... I have never had the pleasure of a Guy Fawkes party... It sounds kind of like our 4th of July... "kind" of... We have sparklers and fires and all sorts... I hope you saved me a bake potato :)

  12. Looks like fun! I think I need a cup of the spiked hot chocolate right now! It's very cold toady. The sausages with baked potatoes and chili look delicious! And I love your edible sparklers...yummy and festive!

  13. Love the sparklers idea ... great for birthdays too ... and the adult hot chocolate sounds lush ... enjoy the fireworks tonight ... Bee xx

  14. looks like a lot of fun! and those sparklers are too cute! xo

  15. Those sparklers are so fun! I'll have to remember that for our Independence day celebration in July.

    I wish we had Bonfire Night here in the US. Sounds like a nice tradition.

  16. Hi Gillian, from Down Under! We don't really have bonfire night anymore, due to fireworks related injuries and bushfire threats. When I was a child my Dad spent weeks preparing the bonfire and getting the fireworks ready. We had bonfire night sometime in June I think (Queen's birthday long weekend?). The hot chocolates and baked potaoes sound lovely, even for as we are heading into the end of spring! Loved your London post by the way, lucky you! I miss London... cheers from near Wollongong NSW, Liz :)

  17. Gillian your edible sparklers are brilliant! I love them! And what fun to make as well as eat! I bet they went down a storm! E x

  18. me and the girl caught a big display from the front of our house. so fun to see the faces of little ones.

  19. the jacket potato looks so good! love your sparklers too x

  20. Ooh, that tattie looks delish! I haven't had a filled baked potato since I left the UK. Yum, I want one now :-) x

  21. I love your fire pit! It's perfect and just the right size for roasting potatoes and toasting marshmallows and giving a great ambience!


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