Sunday 6 May 2012

Weekend Breakfast 9 - "Clean and Lean" Pancakes

Ok, bear with me today. I know my weekend breakfasts so far have had a slightly calorific and indulgent leaning (surely that is the point of a weekend breakfast?) but today I am being healthy.

My parents are staying this weekend and my lovely Mum is currently very interested in the Clean & Lean Diet and suggested these pancakes for breakfast. I feel I should just say that I am not particularly into the Clean & Lean philosophy, or any diet that bans certain foods or says that they are "wrong", and that my attitude is everything is moderation. I eat reasonably healthily, enjoy cake, wine, coffee etc, try to exercise some portion control, I run two or three times a week and I walk to school and back twice a day - that works really well for me.

Anyway, these pancakes are very low in fat but contain the kind of things that keep you full for a long time, so if anyone is trying to cut out fat or eat healthily then I recommend these and you can find the full recipe hereThis makes around 8 pancakes, enough for two to four people, depending on your appetite. Put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and blitz to combine. 

Using a quarter cup measure, or a large spoon, dollop the mixture in a hot frying pan (we used a little butter to stop them sticking) and cook for a couple of minutes on each side.

The colour from the cinnamon makes them look wheaty and heavy, but they are very light and delicious with maple syrup and berries. We took the kids swimming first thing this morning, an exhausting activity at the best of times. My parents came too and so I was able to leave the kids with them in the baby pool and do some Actual Swimming! I managed twenty lengths with only a cup of tea inside me, so by the time we got back and ate a very late breakfast I was extremely hungry (shaky leg hungry) for these. 

Happy Sunday everyone! What did you have for breakfast?


  1. Oh - I made pancakes with cottage cheese in last weekend - and they were yum - had slight tang. The maple syrup I doused them probably undid any dietary benefit!

    1. You have to have faith with the whole cottage cheese thing - you should've seen John's face when I told him what we were making. Then he ate two and said, yeah, they were quite nice!

  2. A lovely breakfast and a chance to do 'proper' swimming! Sounds like a good weekend. xxxx

    1. Hurrah for proper swimming! But lordy it tired me out - no wonder the kids get so tired after an hour at the pool. xx

  3. They look yummy and healthy, too! We were going to have pancakes for breakfast, but realized I was out of syrup. My husband always makes breakfast for us on the weekends. We had a yummy omelet and bacon. Happy Sunday!

    1. I can't have pancakes without syrup. Nut omelet and bacon sounds delicious! x

  4. I like things with oats in so yet another thing on the list. I did manage the orange toast though and the boys loved it

    1. Ooh good, I am glad they liked it. Haven't tried it on my two yet as they are fussy little monkeys. x

  5. Hi Gillian, Oh Abigail suggested I come over and say hello - I've just started a breakfast thing too as I'm so fed up with dreary cereal/toast options. Nice to find you, these pancakes sound good!

    1. Hi there Lottie, thanks so much for stopping by! I am off to have a look at your blog and your breakfast ideas now... Gillian x

  6. Breakfast this morning - a glass of water!
    I am usually very good in the week and have porridge at our school breakfast club but it all goes wrong at the weekend and I skip breakfast :(.
    I really dislike cottage cheese but your pancakes look so delicious I am very tempted to try them.
    I hope you have a lovely Weekend with your parents xx

    1. A glass of water!!! Right, I am coming over to cook for you. I think about breakfast when I am falling asleep...hmmm, maybe that's a bit strange... x

  7. Porridge here, but these sound lovely. I have weight to lose now I'm off the steroids - I have rheumatoid arthritis, unlucky me - so will have to have a proper look at that diet for ideas.

    1. Rheumatoid arthritis - I sympathise. A colleague friend of mine suffered with that and I know it was incredibly painful for her. I hope it does not trouble you too much.

  8. these pancakes are great!! Will be making them lots more


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