Monday 7 May 2012

Two Sides to Every Garden

Highlights from a happy weekend in the garden...

Blue sky and bright, bright sunlight. 
Bella helping my mum plant verbena, lobelia and a hot pink hydranea next to the rhubarb and strawberries.
The last of the tulips.
Wallflowers and bluebells providing welcome colour.
Lavender - the only plant that thrives in the tiny south facing flowerbed under the front steps. Smells heavenly, attracts bees, and reminds me of France.
Sweet peas planted around their little makeshift frame against the dry stone wall. 
Apple blossom.
Beautiful saxifrage in the pots on the front steps

What I didn't photograph...

All the washing on the washing line (lots of small pants and trousers - Angus is "sort of" potty training).
The bag full (I kid you not) of cat poo we had to clean out of the flowerbeds - I'm not finding next door's cats quite to cute now.
The gloomy flowerbed of doom in which nothing really thrives.
The crappy green plastic garden furniture.
The lavender plant I repeatedly run over with the front tyre while parking the car in our tricky little driveway.

Now, I'm all for a little aspirational, escapist blogging, but my home isn't perfect, and while I may not always want to photograph the boring/ugly bits, I think it's only fair I admit they exist. It is the May bank holiday here in the UK today. We waved goodbye to my parents and plan on spending the rest of the day baking, sewing and crafting while poor John is at work. Happy Bank Holiday everyone! 


  1. You know I am all about 'keeping it real' it is what makes the good seem extra good! Your garden is lovely Gill. Enjoy your day of cooking, crafting and relaxing xxxx

    1. Still waiting for you to do the full "reveal" on your house before work starts! xx

  2. What a lovely the lavender, one of my favorites! So glad you had a sunny weekend! I also love the last photo of the terra cotta planters!

    1. Thanks Julia, I love lavender, would plant it everywhere if I could!

  3. A "gloomy flowerbed of doom". Oh, my!

    1. Gloomy is the best thing I can say about it. Everything in there dies.

  4. I bet you could take good photos of the messy bits :) but beautiful flowers and garden photos. Glad the sun is shining! x

    1. Bless you, you are being kind! Hurrah for the sunshine at last. x

  5. Lovely pics - enjoy your bank holiday :)

    1. Thanks Donna, I hope you had a nice bank holiday too :-)

  6. Your sweetpeas are better than my sweet peas! Jealous x

    1. But you have three types of clematis and purple sprouting broccoli, so I am more jealous! ;-) x

  7. Your garden is lovely! Sometimes I am tempted to photograph my washing on the line - thankfully I haven't done it yet! x

    1. I nearly photographed it but couldn't quite bring myself too. Having one's knickers on the blog feels more exposing that a photo of myself!

  8. But those good bits are really good, bit jealous!! We need some sun, and soon, it's been too gloomy for too long! x

    1. Ah, thanks Colette. The sun went away again and the cold drove us home from the park this morning. Oh spring/summer where are you??

  9. Gorgeous garden Gillian. And I too have the cat poo problem. I have a cat of my own who uses a litter tray but all the other cats in the neighbourhood like my soil to use as a giant toilet. Hideous isn't it? x

    1. Oh Jen, yes it is! It stinks and they bury it so you think there is none, and then I merrily start planting then...eeeewww! I am now on Full Alert!

  10. What fabulous pictures - you have sunshine - and a totally gorgeous garden.....big sigh.

    Nina xxx

    1. Ah, thanks Nina, but the garden isn't all gorgeous. And it's the size of a snooker table! But at least that makes it low maintenance!

  11. It's such a pretty garden Gill. I must get some more flowers in mine. Can mum help me next, please?!
    Glad you had a good weekend. xxx

    1. Mum said she has spent more time in my garden than in hers this year! I'm sure you'll be able to persuade her to help know what Mum is like, she can't help herself but get stuck in with some serious pruning!xx


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