Friday 25 May 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Via SouleMama.


  1. That popsicle looks so delicious and icy cold...just what I need on this 90 degree day we are having!!

    1. 90 degrees, gosh that's a lot hotter than here! It's in the high seventies here with a breeze that is just perfect. I love the word "popsicle" - we just call them ice lollies here!

  2. What an evocative image ... it's got summer written all over it!

    1. I know, deckchairs, ice lollies (it was a "Fab" ice lollie too...i remember them from my own childhood) and sunshine. Perfection!

  3. Yum - summer perfection!! We call them popsicles here too, but I'm going to start saying 'ice lollies' now - so cute ;-)

    1. I will start saying "popsicles"! I always love the way Americans and British have totally different words for the same things. I was watching The Barefoot Contessa the other day and she kept talking about "scallions" and I had no idea what they are until I realised they were just what we call spring onions.

  4. Ahhhhh - ice lolly. I think we will be eating a fair few of those this weekend.

    Nina xxx

    1. The kids have eaten far too many - all this nice weather means that healthy snacks go out the window!

  5. I hope you had time to enjoy one or two over the weekend! x

  6. Hello, I have just popped over to your blog. I have enjoyed reading and seeing your pics of your crafting. The ice block looks so delicious, but it is a miserable day here in Sydney today and I am morein the mood for a dellcious cup of tea and cake. I do hope you pop on over to my blog. I love to design and make children's clothing, I do styling and I have almost completed a fibro beach shack renovation. See you soon!

    1. Hi there, good to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. I can always make room for some tea and cake, whatever the weather.

  7. MMMmm just what I need RIGHT NOW! x

    1. We've been eating an awful lot of ice lollies in the past week!


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