Friday, 17 February 2012

A Happy Half Term

We are back in Leeds after a little trip to the south coast to stay with my parents. It was hard to come home. The house felt cold and gloomy and the garden is a real mess (snow you have killed my plants!). I will try to do some gardening tomorrow. In between going to the supermarket, cleaning, cooking and a five years old boy's birthday party.

But it was a good week. The kids were happy and slept well (I still measure how successful a trip was by how much sleep I had - that's what babies do to you). We had lots of time with my two sisters and their children. I took the kids to my sister's houses for playdates and tea and pretended that really we live very near each other and that we do it all the time. It made me happy and sad. Obviously I love my sisters, but I also really like them. We have a lot in common. I could sit on their sofas drinking tea forever, chatting about cooking and crafting and babies and gossiping about the people we grew up with.

Highlights...Sunday lunch at my parents, in particular Mum's dumplings.

Much playing of toys with other little people. That dolls house was made by my Grandpa and belonged to my sisters and I. One day I will show you the ace furniture inside - retro doesn't begin to describe it! A homage to the 1970's.

Keeping warm in front of the fire. How I wish we had one of these beauties!

And this idea I will steal. A tin of buttons which Mum keeps fully stocked and to hand at all times, very useful for bribery/distraction/soothing/rewards... 

I hope you're all having a fun half term. What have you been up to?


  1. Maybe one day you will get to live near your family. Dreams do come true!
    What did we do this half term? Well, we met up with this amazing family, it was a rare treat and one we were very grateful for ;)
    As for the buttons? Your mum is a genius!

    1. It's true, she has a lot of skills and info up her sleeves!

  2. A lovely post! No point me telling you what we got up to this half term as you already know but it was all lovely. I'm also really hoping there will come a time soon when all sisters and best friends will be in short driving distance for playdates/babysitting/chats/cups of tea/dinner etc.
    Yes the buttons idea is great. I also keep a stash but I have to admit to helping myself to a few from the tin now and then. It doesn't feel as naughty as opening a new packet for a quick chocolate fix.
    We went to a lovely park today where there were lots of things to do for toddlers and older children. 6 of us with our children got together and the kids played really well together.
    Jon has come home from being away all week and I'm excited about cooking him the Tana Ramsay chocolate pudding tonight to celebrate his birthday. I'll let you know how it turns out.

    1. I would love to hear how the chocolate pudding goes. And I am realising that I may be the only person without a tin of choc buttons to hand...

  3. It sounds a lovely half term. Trouble is, the nicer the time one has away, especially with much loved family, the harder it is to come home! But being home has a magic all of its own once one has reacclimatised I always think. Planning the next trip even if it's quite a way off can help get over the coming back to earth feeling.

    1. You are right. After a few days at home and some baking and entertaining the house will feel like home again.

  4. Know what you mean re sisters, seeing mine at half term and my best friend made me really wish we could move! How did I end up in Pudsey! C'est la vie.

    1. C'est la vie indeed! But there are a few good things about Pudsey, like other Yorkshire friends, book group, The Bankhouse. That's all i can think of at the moment.


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