Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Colour Collaborative: July - Summer Colour

Beach huts and ice creams. 

That's what I think of when I think of summer colour, beach huts and ice creams. For the former, imagine a long row of painted wooden beach huts, facing out to sea in a gentle arc of pastel shades gently faded by the sun and the salt spray. I have to confess this tempting image is as much influenced by the many picture-postcard representations of beach huts I've seen over the years, as by our actual family beach hut on Hayling Island.

But the ice cream...oh, the ice cream. What pops into my head straightaway is not the Mr Whippys and 99 cones I eat every summer, but the magnificent creme glace stalls on our many family holidays in France as a child and teenager. I marvelled at the sheer quantity of choice - twenty or thirty tubs of different colours and flavours laid out like an edible box of watercolour paints. My sisters and I would have fun trying trying to translate the flavours ourselves and I was always intrigued by the varieties we never saw at home like coconut, melon, pear and pineapple. You could choose one boule or two, or even three, and they were served in tall, thin, dark coloured biscuit cones, so different to the pale, bland, slightly chewy ones we ate back at home. And the colours! Pistache green, golden ananas yellow, bright, candy pink fraise and deeper pink framboise and rich purple cassis...slightly mysterious pale turquoise menthe and dark, dark bitter chocolat brown, so grown up and different to the sweet, milky chocolate ice cream we were used to eating. We are spending two weeks in France this August and I'm already looking forward to introducing Bella and Angus to the wonder that is the French glace carts.

But because we don't live in France  - or anywhere near a beach hut for that matter - here is some of the summer colour I see here in Yorkshire every day. It's my kind of summer colour; deep blue skies, dappled shade under the apple tree, flip flops, lines of washing drying in the sun and slices of watermelon ready to eat. It's watering cans and paddling pools, flowers spilling out of terracotta pots on the front steps, it's suntanned feet and painted toenails and swimwear hung up to dry. It's pink sunsets on warm evenings and picking our own strawberries and rhubarb from the garden, it's sunflowers lined up ready and waiting against a sunny wall just weeks away from flowering, and one lone yellow sunflower that just burst into bloom yesterday. 

When summer in this country delivers and behaves as it should (which isn't often, it's true), it is a truly glorious thing to behold and I absolutely love every moment of it. What are the colours of your summer? What do you see around you every day where you are?

Now, if I could just conjure up a nearby beach and the sound of seagulls then I really would be in heaven.

What is The Colour Collaborative? All creative bloggers make stuff, gather stuff, shape stuff, and share stuff. Mostly they work on their own, but what happens when they work together? Is a creative collaboration greater than the sum of its parts? We think so and we hope you will too. Starting small, with just five members for now, we'll each be offering our own monthly take on a colour related theme, and hoping that in combination our ideas will encourage us, and perhaps you, to think about colour in new ways. We're excited by where this might take us, click on the logos below to find out!


  1. Love your photo collage. Especially the photo with laundry shadows.
    Summer in full swing! It's so great!

  2. Love your summer colours, the water colours make me want to go dust mine off! x

  3. Love this vibrant, colourful, Summer post!

    The colours of Summer to me are a navy blue, sun-dappled sea, washing onto sand the colour and texture of home-made fudge, bright blue sky and green, green grass! I went to the beach this morning, had a little paddle, and the colours were just right ...

    Have a colourful day

    Love Claire xxx

  4. I love the water colours in their wooden box. I am looking forward to taking the boys to France later in the summer and introducing them to ice creams like that

  5. Oh yes - summer and painted toenails. I love seeing everybody's on the street. And I found some mighty fine pistachio ice cream in a gelateria in Portugal - a most unappetising khaki colour, but amazing flavour.

  6. I do love a row of beach huts, especially the ice-cream coloured ones on the front at Lyme Regis. Now I'm dreaming of a trip to the seaside ~ Sarah x

  7. I would very much like to try that ice cream someday. Your photo collage is beautiful and so evocative.

  8. Ah yes, the rainbow that is French creme glace! I think I have watering can envy, yours is just the most delicious summery colour :)

    PS I'm blaming you for the fact that I just headed to the freezer to see if we had any Häagen-Dazs!

  9. Lots of lovely summery colours here today, those ice ream carts sound divine! :) x

  10. Great collage & beach huts colours would also be high on my list x

  11. So inspiring, luscious colours! Chrissie x

  12. I can hear the seagulls as i type this Gillian, I too love painted beach huts and colourful rows of home made ice cream to choose from. I am wallowing in the warmth and heavenly summer evenings we are having and absorbing as many colours around mr as i can xxx the colour orange is tickling my fancy at the mo x Penny

  13. What a fabulous mixture of summer delights.
    I bet Angus was thrilled when the sunflower bloomed!
    Lisa x

  14. It's a great idea!! I like your collage and the words that accompany it. Hugs :D

  15. Such a gorgeous post. Your photo collage looks wonderful.
    M x

  16. Ooh, I love your description of summer and of ice-creams! We're going to France this summer, I'm not a huge ice-cream fan, but now I can't wait to get to those glace carts either!

    S x

  17. I spent 8 months living in France and don't remember ever tasting the ice cream! Oh the wasted opportunities of youth. I'm intrigued by your paint box. Is this a talent you haven't yet revealed to us? x

  18. Beautiful colours, summer on a page :) xx

  19. A color related theme? Beautiful...
    As each color in life breaths a new life into something or someone, color is what makes the world go around and color is what we all take for granted... don't you think?
    Well I'd like to think I don't, and I can see from your post that you don't... I enjoyed this, thank you and gorgeous photos!

  20. The sunshine has disappeared from Glasgow for now, you just brought a little bit back :)

  21. Ahhhhhhh I need some sun! Love your photo collage xo

  22. Mmmm the smell of watercolours - so evocative of summer holidays as a child.

  23. Mm, I want icecream now! And to dig out my paints too! Loving these colour collaborative posts, they're all gorgeous!x

  24. Summer really is swim wear hung up to dry, isn't it? I love that. And watermelon too, of course. My mother has a June birthday, and she has always eaten watermelon instead of cake. So many wonderful images you have here.

  25. This is such a wonderful summery post! I love all the fresh, bright colors! I am excited about your upcoming trip to France... Bella and Angus will have a fabulous time!

  26. I love these colour laden posts ... ice-cream is one of my favourite foods and you have conjured up a real desire to go to France to sample the glace carts ... I'm not too difficult to persuade though ;) ... can't wait to see your french adventures ... Bee xx

  27. Summer in a nutshell! And isn't it great we can take gorgeous photos, outside bursting with colour and sunshine! Perfect! Hazel x

  28. I really didn't notice how much in the depths of winter we currently are until I saw your collage - bursting with summer. Oh to be able to have washing on the line! All of mine is currently draped all over the furniture inside! We have lots of green here at the moment but for summer I think of pastels. I'm loving these Posts. Mel x

  29. Hi Gillian , love your watercolour ice cream cone and your paintbox is just gorgeous too. The cone looks perfect, with it's texture and shade.
    Your summer collage is wonderful too. Hope you have a happy french holiday.
    Jacquie x

  30. I grew up in Italy and the sight of ice creams in so many many flavours is totally summer for me too!

  31. What a lovely post Gillian, love this project. Your painting of the ice cream is so good I wanted to eat it! In SA we were also spoilt with having ice cream of any variety and as a kid it was such a joy, thanks for bringing back all those wonderful memories. The picture of Summer in Yorkshire are so beautiful and they most certainly typify summer, just wonderful. Wishing you a wonderful week xoxo

  32. Oh those paints, I can almost smell them!

    Beautiful pictures - you've captured summer so perfectly. There's something about washing pegged out against a deep blue sky that makes me want to happy dance.

    Heather x

  33. Fabulous colours. My son used to say he'd misunderheard rather than misunderstood... Far too sophisticated now at 10 to be reminded though!

  34. Beautiful post, Gillian. Reminds me of our visit to Florence last year and the gelati shops with their mounds of fresh gelati in rainbow colours. Yum!

  35. Gorgeous photos :-) I think for me Summer is very closely tied into trips to the seaside (from when I was a child) so there's a lot of blues/greens in my 'Summer Palette' but I've lived in South Wales for over ten years now and Summer, when we get one, is bright bursts of purples, pinks and red over a backdrop of deep, cooling green.

    But I'm personally a colour hound, can't get enough of them!


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