Tuesday 9 July 2013

Crochet Bunting For Yarndale

In between painting playhouses and applying sun cream, I have been having a lot of fun lately making this little pile of crocheted triangles. They are a delightful project; quick to make, easy (just a granny square pattern minus the fourth side), lots of colour changes to stop you getting bored and a good way to use up yarn ends. And ultimately they will end up as part of a huge bunting display at Yarndale.

Both the pattern and the whole bunting idea come from Lucy's wonderful blog Attic 24. Do you know it? Of course you do, everyone does! It's been a favourite of mine for some years now and I've enjoyed Lucy's posts so much and been grateful for her excellent, clear tutorials on more than one occasion. In fact, Lucy's generosity in sharing her crochet patterns and knowledge for nothing is part of what makes Attic 24 so special. So when she asked here for people to use up their yarn ends and get to work making bunting for a fun cause, I thought yes, I want to contribute to that. Partly to say thank you for the free tutorials and partly because I love it when crafty types come together on something. Oh, and I'm going to Yarndale too so I'll get to see it all!

There is some important information about the bunting (including FAQs like size, type of yarn) on Lucy's blog here and her tutorial is here.

I used up the last of the squeaky acrylic from Mr Snake here. Actually, that kind of cheap yarn is great for this sort of project. It doesn't matter how soft it feels or how well it washes. The colours are a little bright for my taste but will look great hung up with hundreds of other triangles.  I hung the bunting from the shelf in Bella's bedroom just to take a photo - I'll be packing it in a jiffy bag and posting it soon.* Lucy requested that the bunting not be joined as that will be done by others at a later date, so I used these teeny tiny little pegs I bought in Hobbycraft once to attach them to a length of yarn.

Lots of people have commented on them and admired them (the appeal of bunting is enormous it seems!) and I am making some as a "new home" present for my friend over the summer. I'll make some more for our home too at some point. I'd quite like to try it in black, grey and white with maybe a neon pink centre - something modern and bright.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this photo to demonstrate, once again, the power of blocking:

* Does anyone know if the address to post the bunting to is up on Lucy's blog yet? I can't see it, but that could well be me.


  1. It looks great, Gillian. I wanted to make some to send too but postage to the UK is pretty expensive. I want to make some for home, though. You're so lucky you can go to Yarndale, it sounds like it's going to be a really fun event. I don't think Lucy has posted an address yet; I haven't seen one on her Ravelry group yet either.

  2. I also plan to make some up Gillian, Lucy's blog really helped me when i decided to go beyond a granny square and I would also like to thank her in this way by using up my scraps of yarn and cotton. I too haven't seen a postal address for the bunting, I am sure she will post about it sometime soon. Lucky you going to Yarndale xox thanks for your lovely comment about my shawl, i am not wishing this divine hot weather away, but I have to admit I am so looking forward to wearing it xox Penny

  3. These look great, I quite like all the vibrant colour combos. Yarndale sounds amazing, how lucky you get to go.I am off to a crochet and jazz festival in 2 weeks with some girlfriends, will be a nice reprieve from all the reno chaos. mel x

  4. Yay for Yarndale. This bunting is going to be amazing. So many people have joined in with Lucy and I can only guess how colourful the venue will be with this much crochet goodness!

  5. Oh those really are cute. I have to learn to crochet.

  6. Such colourful and fun bunting! There's something about making triangles for bunting, isn't there! I've made some too this year, it makes my home look so joyful!

  7. It'll be great fun going along to Yarndale and I-spying yout own bunting triangles. I like the red, white and blue combo.
    Lisa x

  8. I bet you can't wait to see your bunting on show at Yarndale - lucky you - I wonder if you'll be able to find your triangles amongst all the others! Great project, and I hope you share the event with us here! Chrissie x

  9. I really must get on with making mine - better check what the deadline is! I'm planning to go to Yarndale too. x

  10. I love your buntings. I have made a few but I'm so worried I won't be able to send it... I live the US and b
    E cause she has not posted the address to send it yet mine might not get there on time... If anyone knows the address to post them please let me know ? I would love to go to Yarndale... Hope to see lots of posts about it... :)

  11. Hi Gillian,Oh yes!!!The humble happy old bunting!!!They really are so delightful and an instant cheer!!!I so would have loved to be part of yarndale!!!You're so lucky to be able to attend!!!Love Attic24!!!

  12. Your bunting looks fabulous!! I haven't seen a note of the address yet ... mine is ready and waiting to go in the post! I will see you at Yarndale!! x

  13. Fab bunting, and it's going to look wonderful all strung up at Yarndale. Am hoping to drive up for Yarndale too - would be lovely to have a wee Yarndale Bloggy meet up, don't you think?
    Happy Wednesday

  14. The bunting looks so gorgeous...love the colours!

  15. Your bunting is absolutely lovely. I think a Christmas bunting like this would be gorgeous as well...
    I hope your week is going well!!

  16. I'm pretty sure Lucy has forgotten about that address...


  17. Love your bunting. I have a pile at home too - but not seen the address yet. I wonder if we'll be able to spot our own bunting? Or other bloggers?!
    I'm looking forward to a weekend away with a friend and going to Yarndale. :)
    I quite fancy making some of the circles bunting Lucy made for the studio. I think they would look great in the downstairs loo. Really brighten it up. Now to convince my husband .......,

  18. Gorgeous... I'm off to check out that tutorial, I could do with another mini project to start and my dining room needs some sprucing! Hazel x

  19. I'm wanting to post mine too, just so I don't forget! No address yet, last word was she'd applied for a PO box no. Your bunting looks great, they're good fun to make, I liked playing with the colours. My current crochet project is just one colour and I'm not finding it very exciting at all. Think it may take a while...

  20. I made this bunting early this year and it hangs along the mantel piece. It is really fun to make and like you say great for using up scraps x

  21. Gorgeous... I love Lucys Blog too ... Yours is also one of my favourites. I am also waiting for an address to send the triangles too... they were a lot of fun to make.

  22. Well done you it looks fab, I too am making bunting for Lucy, well I have the yarn and I made a start a month or so ago and it's kinda just sitting there staring at me .... thanks for the reminder to get it done. Will sit in the sunshine with my hook. The black/grey/white/pink combination sounds a winner ~ Sarah x

  23. I really must crack on and make a few, and then definitely a few more for the tree house too

  24. These look lovely! I'm definitely inspired to have a go at crocheting.
    How I wish I could go to Yarndale, especially as we'll be on hols in that area but it's when I'll be back at school. :0( x

  25. My Yarndale buntings been done for ages, sadly I won't be there, I'm a 'lone' crafter, no-one I know is interested - they don't get the allure of yarn, buttons etc. and the strange compulsion to be locked in Hobbycraft for a night!
    Hopefully some bunting will be shown on posts, mine are quite distinctive so fingers crossed I can spot them somewhere.
    I hope everyone who goes to Yarndale has a great time and I look forward to reading about it on various blogs.

  26. It looks very festive, I must say. I only tried blocking once. The pins I used went rusty and the little white jacket I'd knitted ended up with brown splodges. So I washed it and the red buttons I'd sewn on leaked colour. You can guess where it ended up!

  27. I'm surprised that Bella allowed you to take them down, I'm sure she'll be requesting you make more for her to keep in her room.

  28. what cool bunting- it looks great:)

  29. Lovely bunting Gillian, so colourful and fun!

    S x

  30. Hi Gillian - they look very addictive and highly effective. I really should give crochet another go.

    Nina x

  31. The bunting you have made looks wonderful. How fantastic that you are going to Yarndale! Hope you a will tell us all about it here? I agree Lucy's blog is wonderful.
    Marianne x

  32. It's great, I'm hoping blocking will sort out all sorts of problems for me, it does work magic doesn't it?! :) x

  33. Lovely bunting Gillian! And yes of course you must make some to keep as well! I love the fact that bunting hooks up so quickly - a nice easy happy summery colour fix! E x

  34. that's just lovely bunting - must hook up a few myself for Yarndale!

  35. Wow they look lovely. I'm going to Yarndale and I can't wait to see them.

  36. They look very sweet hanging there, yarndale sounds great have a great time when you go. I am hoping to go to fibre east similar sort of thing really. Sarah x

  37. I just adore this sweet bunting! I love all the colors... especially the red, white and blue combination! I know you are looking forward to Yarndale. It sounds like a really fun time!

  38. So beautiful. I am still working on my hooking!

  39. Your bunting is fabulous Gillian and how lucky you get to go to Yarndale. I'm wondering if you will get to see Lucy there - now wouldn't that be fun! Mel x

  40. Hello All,


    Purl & Jane

    4 Mount Pleasant
    High Street,
    North Yorkshire
    BD23 1JZ



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