Saturday 28 February 2015


I am wondering where Feburary went. Why is it that, while January lasts for what feels like 3 months, February is over in a fortnight?


Work continues on the house. Nothing that makes me want to take a photo especially - lots of tasks involving gas, electricity and plumbing, doors and windows, sanders and drills. Things that are expensive and do not yield instant, attractive results. 

A man came to talk to us about installing a woodburning stove in this empty fireplace.

I spotted some crocuses growing under a tree in our new front garden. I also spotted some snowdrops, which made me very happy indeed. 

We've painted the three upstairs bedrooms and it feels really good to know these rooms are done, ready to move in to. This blue wall is in what will be our bedroom. I moved the stepladder out of shot. The radio is much more attractive.

I can't wait to get into that room and make it look pretty, faff around with bedding and pictures and flowers. My new throw, a birthday present, needs to be draped over every bed and chair in the house to see where is goes best.


The suburb where my parents live has a resident's association. They plant flowers along grass verges and create garden areas on tiny scraps of public land and in unloved corners. There are daffodils everywhere at the moment.

At the bottom of the hill, on the main road, is a large tree stump. Someone has carved these owls into the wood. Isn't it lovely? It reminds me of the picture book Owl Babies.

A tiny door is set into the bottom of the tree stump. We call it a fairy door. I've no idea who did this or why, as it isn't in anyone's garden but just by the side of the road, but it enchants me.


I blocked my shawl. 

The process of pinning and stretching transformed it, as I hoped it would. (Full post will follow.)


My head is all over the place at the moment as we divide our time between two houses and I am really, really tired. We hope to move in in a couple of weeks and I swing between thinking we've made huge progress and we've made none, depending on my mood. John starts his new job on Monday so it'll just be me up there, painting away. And my parents, who come up and help whenever they can. My Dad has painstakingly re-hung every single internal door in the house as none of them closed (not a single one!) and is currently doing some carpentry in the kitchen. My mum is excellent with a paint brush. My sister popped round on Friday and painted a wall bright Kelly green for me. No-one likes it but me. I'll show them. 

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and the comments on my Grandma's recipe. I'm really glad you enjoyed it and loved how many of you remembered it from your own family histories. Again, I must apologise for not visiting your blogs more. Things are very hectic again but they will settle down soon. Life will return to normal, and just in time for spring.


  1. Just breathe and take it all in your stride lovely. It will all come together before you know it. What a lovely neighbourhood your parents live in. I love the idea of a secret gang of gardeners prettying up unloved spaces. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Bee xx

  2. I love the shade of blue on your new bedroom wall and 'Sarah, Percy and Bill' are enchanting. x

  3. I know the moodswings when renovating a house... One day you have the "yay, those boxes can almost come in"-feeling, the next day the electrician tells you you have to redo the whole electricity if you don't want a bonfire house ;-))) Been there... Renovating takes time, just remember, in the end, you'll have the house of your dreams !
    Love the tree in your parents' street ! That is so adorable... And the little door, that is (of course !) for the gnome who lives there. Surely a gnome, the door is at floor level, a fairy would have her door higher up since she can fly !
    Fantasy-levels are higher on a sunday, aren't they ;-)

  4. Hey Gillian,
    Olly and I love owl babies. I am enchanted by the door in the tree too. I think it's wonderful. I have a friend who has made a little door in the skirting boards of her daughter's bedroom. It' called the fairy door, and it helps her daughter from having bad dreams. Isn't that great! Unlike you I have found February hard work this year. I am so glad that today is March.
    Sending the best of luck to John as he starts his new job. And sending you silent slumbers and restorative walks. Take some time out my friend. You always seem to be rushing about!

  5. What a lovely village where your parents live! I'm inspired to put a fairy door in the woods near our house...that awful chaotic, jumbled feeling as you renovate and embark on a new life will settle, you know it will, just hang in there and soon you'll be smiling at that kelly green wall every morning! Cx.

  6. It'll all be worth it in the end, and the end is closer than you think by the sounds of it. You've done so much already, good to have had the chance to do so much in an empty house. I hope the start of your husband's job goes well.
    Love the tree stump with the owls and the door, what a wonderfully kind thing for someone to do.
    Lisa x

  7. I love the owls.

    All the best with your new home - an exciting time, enjoy!

  8. We have the Owl Babies book, such a beautiful book. Spring is a time for change, and will coincide nicely with your new move and house. You will look back in a few months time and think phew! Think of all the wonderful hours of phaffing about you will have. Belated Birthday wishes to you too xo

  9. You've been working so hard, but I think the end is in sight now, at least as far as moving in goes. It will be much easier to attend to jobs once you're all living there. The suburb where you parents live looks lovely, especially that little fairy door, it's enchanting. I do hope that John's new job goes well tomorrow. Have a good week Gillian. CJ xx

  10. It all looks so gorgeous Gillian. As exhausting as it is, it's great you've managed to get all these things done before you're fully moved in, everything just seems that much harder once you're already in and still unpacking/faffing/settling in (I've been meaning to paint the bedrooms for years and wish I'd organised to have it first thing). All the best for John's new job tomorrow xxx

  11. The owls are so beautiful, and I love the 'fairy door'. It sounds like a lot of work but also that you're getting there :) It will be so wonderful to move in and make your home yours, the snippets of progress are very tantalising - I love that blue wall! And your parents sound like troopers :) Looking forward to seeing more of the shawl, all the best to John for tomorrow xx

  12. it is all progressing wonderfully, though I can appreciate how tired you must be. the blue is beautiful and I cannot wait to see the green! I love the fairy door and the owls, something magical about these things appearing seemingly from nowhere. hope you get some rest xx

  13. How lovely that someone took the time to create owls and a fairy door in a tree by a roadside. It's such a generous idea. When we moved into our house (similar in age to yours) we spent so much money on the electrics and heating system, none of which you could see afterwards. It felt a little disheartening at the time but I'm so glad we did now as we're not constantly trying to patch up what the previous owners left xx

  14. Sounds like you're having an incredibly busy time. I don't know where February went either.
    Jacqui xx

  15. oh that fairy door - I love it. best wishes for the new job x

  16. It'll all come together in the next two weeks. House renovations are like that I find, there is not much to see for ages and then all of a sudden it is done and beautiful. I would love a bright green wall in my house. x

  17. You'll be fine in the end and you will look back on it all with fondness.I have a present for you Gillian so if you get a chance email me your address. Jo x

  18. We fell in love with our wood burner whilst away and its on our 'one day list'.....this year however, new plaster and bathroom tiles (the plaster is falling off in the bathroom!) are needed, and our bay window is bowing and drafty, so they are our priorities, but one day. Yes you're at the stage that costs a fortune but not quite as visual as we would like....but you will get there! :) xxx

  19. Sounds like you are making great progress in the house, the more 'fun' bits will soon be here! X

  20. It's almost over now. You'll be in your new house and making it your own before you know it. The stress will all be behind you. Hugs, hang in there.

  21. Loving the blue wall in your new bedroom - my favourite colour. The carved owl and fairy door are so great too. And can't wait to see your shawl. x

  22. May you have all of the energy and patience you need to get through the next few weeks. Your new home (and your family in it!) will make it all worth it!!

  23. Good luck to John tomorrow. I think your new home is looking lovely and I am sure you will be really pleased with all the hard work when you move in.
    Loving the idea of the fairy door. :) x

  24. Just on catchup again. Yes, a lot of work for renovations can be frustrating as you just want to get on with the pretty bits. Oh, the shawl is so delicate. Clever girl. Take care. BTW, I love the idea of a residents association.

  25. Love those owl babies and your gorgeous shawl! I'm sure all the Homey stuff will fall into place, especially as you have lots of talented helpers! x

  26. Good luck to John. Love that tree and the little door, how wonderful. The house will suddenly get there, can't wait to see it. Take good care. Xxx

  27. How adorable is that tree stump carved with the owls and that little fairy door. Your shawl is looking good, worth taking the time to block it out but cannot wait to see it in its complete form. Good luck with the house, I am sure it will all come together suddenly as these things do. xx

  28. I feel like February had a week less than the month before too... Weird! Hope March feels longer again :P

    Looking forward to see the woodburning stove in action. It looks like you are making good progress! :-)

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

  29. It sounds so exhausting ! Moving is stressfull, moving with kids is still worse. And you are moving, visiting, redecorating etc. all at the same time...! I send you loads of energy to cope with the next weeks.
    Can't wait to see your green wall ;-) And your blocked shawl, too.

  30. Gillian, I have nominated you for a Liebster Award if you want to play along but please don't feel under any obligation. I have just chosen blogs that I have enjoyed reading since entering the world of blogging recently. Jan xx

  31. Goodness you have been working really hard. Why is it that there are always so many tedious, expensive with nothing to see but necessary jobs to do on a house? I'm looking forward to seeing you turn your house into a home. Hope John's first day(s) is/are good. BigR brought Owl Babies home from the school library last week so we've been reading that again. That shawl is stunning! xx

  32. It's all going really well and you're doing fine. Just keep saying that and you'll be fine.
    The blue wall looks fascinating, will that be the headboard wall or opposite? I can't wait to see what it all looks like finished! Another Happy House with lots of Tales!!!!

  33. I love the blue for your bedroom and I'm sure the green will also be lovely. Your shawl looks really well now it's been blocked but looking forward to seeing it properly. The carved owls are amazing. I love owls and these are so beautiful. The little door is curious but really cute.

  34. A green wall ... interesting. We painted a small bathroom green once and anyone who walked in their immediately looked seasick. But I'm sure that's not the case with your wall, I hasten to add.

    I hope you are managing to find moments of excitement among all the tired and busy.

  35. I have woodburning stove envy! I so want one, but the next place isn't going to be our 'forever' house so I have to be patient for a few more years. Having said that I fully intend to get creative and make it into our home, not one to potentially wow prospective buyers...
    That little door is so sweet. Like something from a fairy tale. I'd have been enchanted by that as a child (and probably still now).
    Looking forward to seeing that green wall!
    S x

  36. Isn't it lovely that your family are all giving a helping hand. You will have a whole year to watch your garden unravel and evolve. I love to see the spring flowers popping up!

  37. Sounds like it's all coming together (and how great to be able to work on the new house before moving in). Those tree carvings are lovely. I often wish for a bit of guerilla gardening round here to detract from all the litter!

  38. I'm enchanted by that tree stump too. I'll show the photos to my girls tomorrow. They love 'Owl Babies' too. Your shawl is looking lovely--I've seen the photos in Ig. I thinkn it's so pretty. X

  39. It may not yet look like it, but it'll all come together beautifully, you'll see!
    Love the carved owls and the fairy door in the tree! That is the kind of thing that would have gotten my imagination in motion as a child (still does, actually). What good people you have living in the community who do such things.

  40. all hands on will land eventually! your life will be transformed. I love that little fairy door and that it's out there for everyone! X

  41. I do hate the stage where you can't see anything visual progressing. But I'm sure it's all coming together slowly but surely!

    S x

  42. Good luck with it all! We moved 5 months ago and lived between 2 houses while doing work. The smell of the paint made me feel sick and at one point the landlord of the house we rented decided to decorate the outside windows while we were still in it with a 3 and 1 year old and our new house wasn't ready and was having floors painted!. I had get decorators to repaint touch ups in both houses where I had failed to keep them away from the wet paint. Nightmare. Now it's great, all settled in and making friends in new neighbourhood. People think it is a luxury to be between two places but I think it is a hard stage.

  43. Those owls - what an incredibly lovely thing to do! I find that kind of creativity deeply moving. xxx

  44. Those owls remind me of the Owl Babies book too. So sweet! Good luck with all the house renovations. Before you know you'll be settled in and it will all be over! x


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