Sunday 15 February 2015


Oh, what a week it's been. One nasty, vicious virus has been working it's way around our household and we've all succumbed in one way all another. John is in a bad way tonight, shivering away on the sofa with a suspected sinus infection. He's off to the doctor's tomorrow. I feel better today than I did yesterday, and the day before that, but still a long way off normal. Halfhearted decorating attempts have been made, but none of us have the energy. I can't find my decorating clothes so I wore some good-ish jeans and, what do you know, got paint all over them. Oh, and I've broken out in spots which always happens when I'm ill. 

Anyway, this afternoon we met my sister and her family at the beach and walked a favourite walk. It was so good to be by the sea in the fresh air. The sun was warm and there was virtually no wind. We found a dead crab, played football, collected shells, jumped in the sand dunes and just enjoyed being outside. It was gorgeous. 

I have so much to share with you - a cake recipe, a just-finished crochet string shopping bag, an almost-finished shawl in the most beautifully soft Blue Faced Leicester yarn, paint charts...this week, I promise.

Also, I received an email from the production company behind The Great Interior Design Challenge and they are looking for amateur interior designers. How exciting! I really enjoyed the last series. So if any of you fancy getting involved the details are below:


"Are you passionate about interior design? Do you have a natural flair and creativity and think you have what it takes to improve the interiors of other people’s homes? In this warm-hearted television series contestants will compete to be named the UK’s best amateur interior designer. If you think you have what it takes please call 020 3040 6853 or email in order to receive an application."


  1. Sorry to hear you have all been poorly Gillian. The beach walk sounds like just the tonic. It's been foggy all day it's nice to see the sun in your pictures.
    Are you going to apply for the T.V. series yourself? You would be brilliant at it!
    Jacquie xxx

  2. Oh those horrible lurgies certainly pick their time. We've hit half term and are having a whole bunch of carpets replaced on Tuesday. Today was put aside for preparations including sanding, painting and plenty of tidying but, wouldn't you know it, I woke up today with earache and a sore throat and have been shivering ever since. Grrrrr! Looking forward to getting some restorative fresh air - your walk looks just that - but there might be some hunkering down before I get there! Hope you are all over the lurgy now and you can enjoy the new week x Jane
    Comment as:

  3. I hope you all feel better soon. Everyone here is in some stage of a cold, albeit a minor one. I'm glad you had such a nice time on the beach, the photos are lovely.

  4. Hope you're all feeling better soon, there seem to be lots of nasty bugs around at the moment. Your beach photos are lovely, that must have helped clear the tubes a bit. Looking forward to seeing your shawl. Have a good week xx

  5. Poor you, that all sounds nasty. I do hope you're all better very soon. It looks like you had a lovely day out at the beach though. All that space and light and fresh air - wonderful. Take it easy Gillian, and look after yourself. CJ xx

  6. Hope you are all feeling better soon. A good walk along a beach is always good I find. :) x

  7. Hope,you are feeling better Lucy x

  8. I love winter beach days, the photos look lovely. Always good to get out and blow the cobwebs away. I hope you all feel better soon x

  9. What lovely photos of the kids. Sorry to hear you've all been poorly and hope that soon everyone will once again be fighting fit. Seems a lot of people in UK have had the nasty bug, so take care. Maybe you could enter the challenge ??

  10. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing like a day out by the sea for making you feel better!
    Jacqui x

  11. Sorry to hear that you have been ill - there's a lot of it about at the moment! Lovely photos; you make me long for the sea. I would think that you're an excellent candidate for the interior design programme. I remember the last series and really enjoyed it. If you can find the time between looking after your family and decorating your new home you should go for it. Wishing you a virus-free week. x

  12. Sorry to hear you were/are not well. My sister's been ill last week since Wednesday, too; she'll go to the doctor's today and I guess it'll be another week of (bed) rest for her.
    So far, I've managed to avoid getting any of the typical colds and flues for this time of year.

    Great pics, and going out there was the best you could do health-wise, as long as you didn't have a fever!

  13. The sea air will have helped I hope, these lurgie bugs are awful persistent little blighters. I look forward to all the things you are going to share with us. Take care.

  14. I hope you felle better very soon !!! Take care !

  15. I hope the fresh air blew some of your bugs away. The sky looks so blue in your photos. We had a bit of a grey weekend here in South Wales. I'm looking forward to seeing your recipes/finshes this week so get better soon. Are you going to take part in the TV programme? Exciting.

  16. I hope the trip to the beach and all that fresh air and watching the children enjoy themselves made you feel a little better.
    Bug be gone!
    Lisa x

  17. So sorry to hear you have all been unwell. It's miserable when a virus sweeps through the family. Your walk on the beach looks wonderful. Hope everyone is much better soon X

  18. I hope you are all feeling better this morning! The beach stroll sounds fantastic and the photos are great. x

  19. I love Blue Faced Leicester yarn - it is soooo soft. Hope you are all feeling back to normal soon.

  20. Sorry to hear that you have all been poorly but glad that an afternoon at the coast helped blow away those cobwebs. Looking forward to seeing the bag and the shawl. xx

  21. Gorgeous photos Gillian, the kids look like they are having a lot of fun! Sorry you've all been poorly, we had that virus here too and it was horrible. Hope everyone on the mend soon.
    Marianne x

  22. Poor you, really hope you all pick up quickly! Shouldn't you be entering the comp. you have such a wonderful style and you could champion the handmade! Xx

  23. So sorry you are all feeling so rough. Do hope you are all better soon and able to get back to the decorating in earnest!! The sea is so invigorating, I'm glad you were able to get out for bit. Your picutres are great. I love to walk barefoot on the rippled sand, I could almost feel it looking at your pics. I'm looking forward to seeing your shawl, I'm hoping to finish mine today and your string bag too! I have the yarn for one but I bought it after my Dad had a stroke last year so I could do it while sitting with him in hospital but sadly he deteriorated and passed away the next day, so it is a project that I'm not sure if I am ready for yet! Take good care of yourselves, I do hope you are soon all feeling much better. Sharon x

  24. The bugs have been vicious lately haven't they - not nice at all. I hope that you are all much better again very soon. I look forward to all the happy things that you have to share when you are ready. xx

  25. Oh dear, I hope you all recover soon. The bugs have been very persistent this year. Take care xx

  26. Hope you're all feeling better now and can get on with enjoying half term. Your weekend wanderings look fab! xx

  27. Oh, us too! It's been an awful start to the year- I can't remember this many nasty bugs having being about before. It seems you start to recover then it just mutates into something else...
    I hope you're all feeling better soon. The sea air will most definitely help.
    I have a diploma in interior design and would secretly love to do that programme but the thought of it terrifies me!
    I'll just watch from the safety of the sofa and plan my own house for now. So much for being brave in 2015!
    Stay warm and drink plenty of honey and lemon :)
    S x

  28. Hope you all feel better soon, I'm sure all that lovely sea air will have helped xx

  29. Oh dear. Hope the blast of sea air worked its magic and that you're all back to being fighting fit soon.

  30. Sorry to hear you've all been ill. We've had viruses galore all through winter, just when I think we're all recovered another one comes along. Hope you 'll all feel better soon. I've found ginger tea very helpful for colds and sore throats. I'll post a recipe soon. Have a better, healthier week! X

  31. Hey Gillian,
    If its anything like the virus doing the rounds in St Ives it's an insidious little bleeder. I'm loving your photographs. The children seem to love living near the coast! Here's to a week without germs. Mainly so you can post house updates and I can have a nosey ;)))) Take it easy.
    Leanne xx

  32. I am sorry to hear you and your family are ill too! I hope you will feel better soon!
    The sea air will certainly help with that! I lovvvee a good walk at the sea. Wish we lived closer to it...
    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds )

  33. Glad to hear you are getting better and had a chance to get out and about. Make the most of it! Antonia x


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