Sunday 22 February 2015

Cake and Other Good Things

Good things like birthday cake. Made by my sister, Katy, at my request. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, my favourite. 

Like hand-drawn birthday cards and tulips and beautiful new vases. I am well-vased now. All my vase and flower vessel needs are met. So many to choose from!

Like a shiny pretty new necklaces, a gift from my best friend Abigail, and indulgent bath products that I'd never usually buy as I'm such a cheapskate.

In case I forget.

Like nearly finishing this shawl. I'm on the border now and it's just a darning and a blocking away from being worn. It's huge. I used almost two 100g skeins of yarn. 

I love how frothy it is. The yarn is called Driftwood but it kind of reminds me of sea foam.

Like a brisk coastal walk this morning. Damn the wind was cold! Everyone had that head down, purposeful look to them, more marching than walking. Getting fresh air? Tick. Exercising the children on their scooters? Tick. Oh good, we can go home to the warm and relax now. 

Like watching these gulls walk on the frozen millpond. They must be a little confused.

Like the sunset from our new bedroom window, taken at the end of an afternoon decorating. It stays lighter a little longer every day. Actually, we've made real headway with the decorating this weekend and the bedrooms are almost done. We've painted one wall in our bedroom the most stunning shade of blue. I'll take a photo. I can't wait to get furniture in there and show it to you properly!

Well, I was all ready to sit here and tell you about what a crappy half term I've had, what with the germs, and the two lots of cancelled plans to see friends, and the seemingly endless rounds of doctors appointments and antibioitcs and painkillers that punctuated our break. I'm quite well now, but when your nearest and dearest are poorly you feel like you might as well be too. Anyway, there's light at the end of the tunnel and, when I sit and think about it, there was lightness in our week too. Like on Wednesday, when I met up with my dear friend Debora and her family, who were holidaying in the New Forrest. I showed her the house - it was so nice to show it to someone! - and we had a pub lunch and a meandering walk along the shore. The kids fell back into their old friendships and paddled and hunted for sea glass. And on Friday I celebrated my birthday. I love birthdays, I really do. Presents! Cake! Fuss! My mum called me Birthday Girl all day which I loved. Like "Morning Birthday Girl!" and "What would the Birthday Girl like for lunch?" I do the same with Bella. In my card from John was a little note saying "I owe you lunch out, somewhere nice and of your choice, when I am better." I'm saving that for a spring day when the kids are at school. So yes, lots of good things when I stop and think about it. 

* * * * * 

Thank you so much for sharing the names of all your favourite toys with me. It was such fun reading the comments! I've come the the conclusion that perhaps my children and I are not so unimaginative after all, since so many beloved toys and comforters are named simply as they are named by their small owners, which is how it should be.  You told me about bears called Big Ted, Red Ted, Blue Ted, Little Bear and Brown Bear, Pandas called Pandy or Panda, Dogs called Doggie. And then there were the really funny ones, like Mr Peebly, Schlumbl, Willem the Cat and Egg Sandwich. Names which have no meaning or significance to anyone other than the owner. Brilliant! Thank you so much. And on that note, let me leave you with a photo or two of String Dog, so named as Angus likes to make him a lead from parcel string and then drag him around behind him, including to the new house where he inevitably got paint on him and that is why he's on the washing line, drying out.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, Gillian. I'm glad it was such a nice day and I wish you all the best for the year.

  2. Happy Birthday and I love the picture of the birds on the ice!

  3. Happy Birthday! Beautiful gifts x

  4. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great one. Love the photos - my favourite is the one of the seagulls; I like the reflections and the fact that they're all facing the same way! Have a good week. x

  5. Happy Birthday and enjoy that meal out when it comes. Your shawl is looking stunning, please show it being modelled when you have finished it. Hopefully all the bugs that your family have been suffering are on their way out now and you can get on and enjoy life in your new surroundings. xx

  6. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you!
    I, too, love birthdays - presents, cake, cards, fuss :-)
    Mine is coming up in four weeks, and I am very much looking forward to another one of my traditional cocktail parties.
    The shawl looks so soft and beautiful!

  7. Happy Birthday Gillian. I hope your family is all recovering by now. It has been an awful winter for bugs. Your shawl is stunning. I really admire lace knitting but I have never got the hang of it myself (but then again neither have I the patience for it!)

  8. Happy Birthday! Glad you are all on the mend now. I hope the return to school goes well and I'm looking forward to seeing the progress in your new home. X

  9. Belated Happy Birthday wishes. Glad to hear the decorating is coming along well.
    Lisa x

  10. Happy belated birthday Gillian and hope when that spring day arrives you have a lovely lunch out with your other half. Can't wait to start seeing photos of the new house. Has it really been that cold down south? Have a good week, get better and take care.

  11. Happy Belated birthday! What lovely gifts :) The shawl is lovely I see what you mean about the sea foam. Lovely to see you settling into your new home and new life, have a good week :) xx

  12. Happy birthday, those vases are lovely. Lucy x

  13. Happy belated birthday, sounds like you had a fab day xx

  14. Happy birthday, love the cake.

    I think there should be special padded clothes pegs for hanging up soft toys; I remember dancing round my mum as she pegged up Peter Pup, saying 'not by the ears you'll hurt him'. In the end she took him down and placed him on the fire guard and I spent the day checking on him at regular intervals and turning him. I hadn't remembered that for years! Thank you xx

  15. Happy Belated Birthday, Gillian! Excellent choice of birthday cake :-) xx

  16. Happy birthday. I, too, am a lover of birthdays :)The vases and the necklace are lovely. I hope everyone is on the mend now. Can't wait to see the fruits of your decorating labours! xx

  17. Happy birthday Gillian! I'm loving all your new vases. Such wonderful birthday presents!! X

  18. Happy Birthday Gilllian. Isn't it nice to be called Birthday Girl? I am glad everyone is starting to feel better.

  19. Glad that you had a wonderful birthday Gillian and I think a new house is one of your best presents!

  20. That shawl is scrumptious . Happy Birthday and happy days to you and yours xx

  21. Happy belated Birthday!, love the cake, it's looks so yummy and the shawl is so delicatexx

  22. Ah happy Birthday Gillian. We walked on Sunday too and the horizontal wintry showers took the edge of the fun a bit but you are right we got out and then all came back and made rainbow cakes (seen on GBBO comic relief) Will be checking in next week. Jo x

  23. I'm glad John is on the mend, hopefully he'll be back to full strength very soon. And I'm glad your birthday was good, I usually choose carrot cake for my birthday too. Dear String Dog, I do hope he's down from that washing line now and snuggled up somewhere warm. The shawl yarn is scrumptious, just the right shade and frothiness, I do so wish I could make things like that. I'm wishing you a lovely week, it sounds like you've been very productive, despite all of the illness. I hope the decorating proceeds apace. CJ xx

  24. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
    The cake looks sooo yummy! I wish I could have a bite...

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

  25. Happy belated birthday, Gillian! yum cake looks amazing.

  26. Happy Happy Birthday Gillian. Hope the coming months are kinder to you all once it warms up a bit. Take care, Elaina xo

  27. Happy birthday Gillian !!!
    I would have loved seeing photos of Angus, giving String Dog a tour around your new house ;-))) !

  28. Happy Birthday!!
    That's some necklace my friend. When I was little my Mum's friend had a necklace that read 'Linda' I loved it, it was glam and grown up. And how lovely that you had a cake made for you. I hope the lurgy is soon to be banished forever, and you and John have a fabulous lunch.
    Enjoy your week.
    Leanne xx

  29. Happy Birthday!! What lovely presents you received, I am glad that you are all set for flower containers, you will enjoy them when you are ready to move! I hope that there are no more ickies and that you have a great week! xx

  30. A belated happy birthday Gillian! What a beautiful shawl, you are clever xxx

  31. Belated birthday greetings! Looks like you had a great time celebrating.

  32. Really rotten that you've had some poorly times but sounds like you had some perfectly lovely times too.
    At the end of your post reading about the toys made me think about my grand daughter's bear. She was named Philly, by her little owner. Not after Philomena but Philadelphia cheese because, it was her favourite!

  33. sending get well and birthday wishes xxx

  34. Belated happy birthday. This was a lovely post you have the gift to make us feel part of your family, thank you Gillian! Xxx

  35. Glad you had a happy birthday Gillian, your cake looks delicious. The shawl yarn looks fabulously soft - it will be lovely to be wrapped in. I hope those winter ills are on their way out now. Jxx

  36. Your birthday sounds lovely! I love carrot cake too - that and lemon polenta are my two favourites.
    It always feels like such a treat when you get posh toiletries (HIDE THEM).
    We're all on the mend too but then germs keep coming back. I've never known anything like it. Hurry up spring!
    S x

  37. Belated happy birthday. Glad you enjoyed it - especially the cake. Your shawl looks amazing.

  38. Snap ! It was my birthday last Friday too :) So belated wishes. The shawl is looking gorgeous. A new house is always exciting and its so lovely to be able to share it with someone too ........could I be cheeky and ask if there is any cake left ? ....I haven't had a birthday cake for a loooooooooooooooong time :)

  39. A very belated Happy Birthday from me! I'm loving the necklace.

  40. A belated happy birthday my dear... there were so many bloggers in the last week, we should have a big party round up some year!! :) I hope your house move is running smoothly.. I cannot wait to see your magic there! I am glad your feeling better soon hunny, have a good weekend! Hazel x

  41. Belated greetings ... I've been ill, husband has been ill ... it seems everyone has been ill with this dreaded lurgi and I'm now on anti-b's.
    Names of toys ... well I didn't name any toys particularly, but we once had a cat and Mum didn't know what to call it. So I said, "Well, let's call it something really different, not the usually pussy-cat names like Tiddles ... what about ... BANANA!"
    And that is how the ginger tom we had when I was about nine years old got his name: BANANA.
    Mind you, we felt silly calling him ... "Banana! Banana, where are you, hey Banana, dinner time ..."

  42. Happy birthday! Glad to hear you are all on the mend! x


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