Sunday 8 February 2015

Home Is The Nicest Word There Is

So, famously, said Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie books, and it's a saying I'm rather fond of. I began making this wall hanging last summer and spent some time researching (ok, googling) different quotations about home and what makes home so special. There are loads.

These were considered:

Home Sweet Home.
Family gathers here.
Home is where the heart is.
This is our happy place/space.
There's no place like home.

But they were discounted for being not quite right, too Wizard of Oz, too sweet. (Taste is a funny thing - one persons cliche is another's mantra.) I very much liked this quotation, by Jane Austen, "There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort." but it was too long. Too much sewing to do there. And so I finally fell upon the one you see above and it works - for me - because, simply, the words ring true. That's the thing about cliches, they're usually right. 

Once I'd chosen my words I traced the letters from Word onto Bondaweb (fusible interfacing) then arranged them on a piece of grey linen which I bought very cheaply in IKEA some time ago. I played around with colours and chose some nice wool/acrylic mix felt which I thought looked good against the grey.

Then I carefully cut and arranged my felt letters before ironing them in place, using a ruler and a fading ink pen to try and get the lines as straight as possible.

I chose threads to match the felt...

...and secured them using a straight stitch around each letter. I wont lie, this took a while, but I love hand sewing and found this work very therapeutic.

I'd decided to edge the words with lots of coloured triangles. I don't really know why, I think I'd just finished my Cornwall Holiday Embroidery and wanted something clean and geometric looking after all that detailed embroidery. Then I spent some time faffing around with the arrangement before putting it away for months and focusing on other things.

I got it out when we knew we definitely had the house. Suddenly, I had to finish it and after more faffing with the felt triangles, I decided on this.

Three clusters of three pointing up, and three pointing down. And yes, I know it's not perfectly straight, but it's homemade so it's allowed to be wonky, and that linen was slippery to work with!

The ones at the bottom (don't laugh) sort of represent the sea and the South Downs, which now form my local landscape.

While the ones at the top are a bit like snow-capped mountains, which is my own little joke because John and I say our house looks like a ski-chalet, with it's crazy sixties angles and slopes. Also, I am a bit obsessed with all things mountainous and Alpine lately.  Honestly, I'm dying to see what our house looks like in the snow!

It's my own way of personalising this well-known quote and making it my own, for our home. 

Finally, I hemmed the length of fabric and left gaps top and bottom to insert two lengths of wooden dowel to weigh down the linen so that it hung nicely. I wanted the wood to be visible but I recently saw this clever way of hiding the dowel at Jooles' blog Sew Sweet Violet and will bear it in mind for the future. John drilled little holes at either end through which I threaded and knotted some thin cord to hang it from.

Currently it's with us in my parents' spare room but eventually I think it will have to go in our new lounge, preferably above a wood burning stove, with a light snow falling outside and a mug of gluhwein or hot chocolate to hand.


  1. It's beautiful. Your creations always are.

  2. Gorgeous and I m sure it will look wonderful in your new home. x

  3. I love it Gillian. The triangles are a triumph! Bee xx

  4. You are right, home is the nicest word there is - I know, I would say that! - but it is true. Also anything by Laura Ingalls Wilder wins with me because she was a real homemaker and seeker of home too. I wish you many happy times looking at this beautiful piece of work in your beautiful - because it surely will be - new home! xx

  5. Your new home is going to be the nicest!

  6. I am new here. It is a beautiful work! Yes home is the best. I was watching a film this afternoon that the little boy said " East, west, home'so the best ".
    Best wishes, Sandra

  7. Another stunning creation - fabulous! You have so much more patience than me! Wishing you much love and joyful times in your new home xx p.s, my house is a 60s ski chalet too with a big proper gable front and side door. Odd but fabulous light and a nice flowing space according to everyone who visits - oh and a downstairs bathroom but you can't have it all ;) Happy New Hone xx

  8. Goodness me - so much work and so beautifully done - lovely! x

  9. I love how you have personalized the quote. As you transition from house to house your banner will help you celebrate your home wherever it is hung, Gillian. xx

  10. Well done Gillian. This turned out so well and was worth all of the hard work. Enjoy it as it hangs in your new abode!

  11. Your wall hanging is gorgeous - I love that the triangles have special meanings too. I can't wait to see it hanging over that wood burner in your lovely new home. x

  12. So pretty - perfect for your new house !!

  13. It's beautiful! And you know - before I read your explanation for the triangles, I thought "This looks like a row of snow-capped mountains mirrored in water."

  14. Absolutely beautiful! What a gorgeous thing. Well done. Your new house will instantly feel like home with it hanging over your fireplace! (That's my favourite quote in the world too) X

  15. Gillian I love it! Absolutely the right choice with the triangles. I'm in awe of your cutting it looks so professional. It's also really your style and going to look lovely in your new home. Xxx

  16. I love that quotation. Your wall hanging will look brilliant in your new home, Gillian. xx

  17. Perfect for your new home. Well done you on a really personal make.
    Lisa x

  18. It's beautiful, and a perfect gift to give your new home.

  19. It's lovely Gillian, beautifully neat stitching and lots of it too! Have a great week.
    Jane xx

  20. I love it, you chose really pretty colors. And the words are so true...especially with weather like this right now...I'm looking out the window to see a massive snowstorm outside! Can't wait to head home from work to snuggle up on my couch and continue on my crochet blanket which is really needed right now! Ain't no place like home! :)

  21. It's beautiful and the sentiments are perfect!
    Jacqui x

  22. I love the sentiment and your stitching is so neat. It is going to look great in your new home. Jan x

  23. I love your wall hanging and the quotation. Very inspiring, and perfect for your new home! Laura x

  24. This is divine, Gillian! Love all the Alpine references too :) My Gran, who did her fair share of moving around, always used to say 'home is where the people are' - perhaps it should be home is where 'your' people are! Either way, it always comforts me when we are in a new place X

  25. Oh clever you, it's lovely, and it looks straight to me. It will be perfect for your new house, and I'm sure it will always be treasured, and bring back memories of when you found your home. Beautifully done. CJ xx

  26. Hey Gillian,
    Bravo you. Again. Although it beats me why you find hand sewing therapeutic. I nearly had a nervous breakdown while sewing Alfie's tab on to his judo belt a couple of months ago. ;))
    Leanne xx

  27. What a great addition to your home decor. You will really get the bug when you are in and I can't wait. Jo x

  28. I love it, Gillian! I love the word home and what it means.... Pati x

  29. A lovely wall hanging. The triangle arrangement is really good, especially for what it means to you.

  30. What a perfect project for you right now Gilian! i have been thinking of doing a wall hanging for my daughter's room and that fusible bonding stuff is something I'll have to remember.

  31. Lovely! I like words in a home :)
    But also amused because one of the main things I remember in our 60s home (in the late 60s/early 70s) was that my mom made a couple of wall-hangings using some very typical colours much like yours! Later she made another one depicting the pretty (half-timbered) house where my first flat was (under the roof), so I still have that and then much later we ended up buying a small house that is also half-timbered :).
    She also made my middle daughter a great wall-hanging of the Owl and the Pussycat… so glad you're doing these crafts, as I'm "only" a knitter!

  32. I'm not a craft person at all, but even I think this is eye-catching and rather lovely!
    Margaret P

  33. You are so desperate for snow in your new house; what if you move in in May? Will you be patient?

  34. It's beautiful, Gillian! I know it will look lovely hanging in your new home soon!

  35. Nicely done :o) Although I reckon chocolate and wine give home a run for its money.


    How clever you are to make such a beautiful wall Hanging, homespun creations are so homely. Lastly I am doing a craft swap on my blog if you want to participate x

  37. It's lovely and so apt now you have your new home. I like the words because they are your words, if that makes sense!

  38. It looks wonderful Gillian, such neat stitching! I love the layout of the triangles you decided on. xx

  39. It looks great! The grey linen is the perfect background for all the colours you've chosen. Can't wait to see it in your new home. X

  40. I love this Gillian, it's gorgeous, and very you. Such a lovely saying too and one that I had never heard before. In fact after reading your post, I spent a good half hour on Wikipedia learning all about Laura Inglis Wilder!
    Marianne x

  41. This is so lovely and the quote is spot on, I think it will look fabulous in your new home.

  42. I love your wall hanging - such neat stitching. It looks fantastic. i bet you cannot wait to have it on the wall in your new home! xx

  43. ooooh its finished, and so beautiful too! I've been enjoying the glimpses of this over the past months. The thought behind the triangles is fabulous - happy new home x


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