Sunday 2 November 2014

Sunday Happies

It's that time again when I take a look back over all the good things that happened over the last seven days.

1. Completing the 225th square for my blanket. I know! I'm currently crocheting them all together, which is taking a lot less time than I'd anticipated. This blanket might actually be finished before Christmas!

2. One of those magical autumn mornings when the air seems so heavy with mist that you almost have to push through it with you hands.

3. Every autumn, when my parents visit, my Dad and I bake my Christmas cake together. Dad was always Baker Of The Christmas Cake in our household when I was little, he still is actually. I don't really need the help anymore (although Dad is excellent at lining the tin really carefully and precisely with baking paper, a task I find very boring) but I love sharing this little ritual with him.

4. A lovely break in Durham with my in-laws, with lots of time to sit and chat, admire their stove, do a little crochet, watch the kids play with the dog, eat nice food...just generally relax. 

5. Pure joy. You're never too big for a carousel ride.


  1. Oh Gillian, loved this. But your face is priceless!
    Have a lovely week, my friend.
    Leanne xx

  2. Hi Gillian, ha ha the day we don't enjoy a carousel is a day to worry-they are wonderful, still appealing to each generation.
    Your blanket is going to be stunning.

  3. Gillian your blanket will be amazing, can't wait to see it. Great to have these family traditions. I must get cracking with my cake for Christmas, I don't always bake one, but, good advertising for work!! My Nan was the cake tin liner in our household!! Just got to love a galloper xx

  4. Hi Gillian ! So nice to see you in one of the photos !!
    When I read about your christmas cake, my first thought was "uh, it's only november ?!?", but of course, I forgot you're talking about thé real traditional english christmas cake ! I've never tasted it - too bad nobody makes it here in Belgium (and I'm afraid to give it a try...)

  5. What a wonderful photo of you on the carousel. When my eldest was little we went on holiday for a week, his first holiday, and on the last day I realised there wasn't a single photo of me. I took him on a carousel and asked my other half to take a picture. He got a really lovely picture of it. Such a shame I wasn't in it, he pressed the shutter too slowly and I'd already shot past. Sigh. The blanket is going to be amazing, I shall look forward to seeing it finished. CJ xx

  6. Lovely pictures as always - and wow, what a stunning blanket that is going to be.
    Have a great week,
    Kate xx

  7. Great pics and dialogue! Your rug is coming along nicely and your in-laws wallpaper looks quite stunning as does the does the roaring fire. We could have curled up quite easily last night with one going as it has turned cold here again and we've woken to a light frost this morning. It's warming up again by the weekend. Ooh, a carousel ride, envious. Take care.

  8. Looks like a lovely week. I love that shot of the spiderweb and your description of Autumn. Here it's just hotting up. I plan to bake a Christmas came this year. I just love all that fruit. Mmmmm

  9. What great happy moments this week!

  10. Great pictures that capture your week perfectly. Your blanket is really beautiful - can't wait to see it finished:0) xx

  11. How lovely that you always bake your Christmas cake with your dad, quality time together. Your blanket is going to be a triumph and I couldn't agree more about carousel rides! Have a great week Gillian xx

  12. A lovely tradition to enjoy with your Dad.

  13. Lovely happies ... especially the carousel ... I'm worse than a child when it comes to 'just one more go' :)

  14. Brilliant post - I am so looking forward to seeing the blanket finished - it is looking so lovely already. What a wonderful tradition with your dad particularly as he lines the tin - that's my least favourite bit too!

  15. I think it's wonderful that your Dad made your family's Christmas cakes and now likes to help you make yours. It's a lovely family Christmas tradition...Love that fireplace too and your carousel ride. What great fun! x

  16. What lovely happys I love your blanket so much work has gone and will go into that amazing. Hehe you do look like your having fun on the carousel. What a lovely ritual for you and your dad x

  17. Great happy photos. I do like a carousel, the colours and the artwork are gorgeous. Very excited about your blanket. Being able to make a blanket is the sole reason I want to learn to crochet.

  18. The blanket is so beautiful, I can't wait to see it finished! Baking your Christmas Cake with your dad is such a lovely tradition. Your picture on the carousel is just perfect - what a beautiful, joyous smile you have!

  19. Your happies help me feel happy, too, Gillian! Your blanket is spectacular!!! My grands and daughter and I saw a beautiful spider web this week too. Tomorrow I hope to cook a little pumpkin and winter squash I have and make pie and bread with it. I posted a photo of a flatscreen fireplace heater I got to enjoy this week but I am much more fond of your roaring fire in the stove :) And I love the photo of you smiling as you ride in circles. I hope you gallop into a happy week! xx

  20. Beautiful post and pictures. I love that you bake your Christmas Cake with your dad - it's a wonderful tradition. Your blanket is really, really beautiful. I love the white border and can't wait to see it when it's finished. Have a wonderful week. Susan

  21. What a lovely tradition to bake your Christmas cake with your Dad. That blanket is going to be stunning and, with the white border, will be just right for the festive season. I love the last photo of you on the carousel - I'm glad it's not just me who still loves going on them! x

  22. Such a happy post my dear friend Gillian. I love your colorful blanket and your tradition with your dad makes my heart so happy and make me think good memories with my dad. Enjoy every second. I'm sooo happy to see your happy face while riding the carousel. Such a happy week. Sorry, I had not gotten your posts on my blog roll. I'm just now catching up with all of the ones si missed. Hope you are haven't a great fall.

  23. Lovely week! Your blanket is going to be amazing. I don't like Christmas cake but I loved the rituals around it, my mum "feeding"it with brandy for two months. Have a great week. Xx

  24. A moment of utter joy on the fairground galloper - what a lovely photo! And well done on all that crochet!
    Margaret P

  25. That blanket must have taken forever! Love the cosy fire pic, and you having fun on the carousel all rugged up! T x

  26. What a lovely blog you have! And beautiful blanket!

  27. Stunning blanket and lovely tradition with your dad ... ! It takes always less time to join all the squares than we guess ! For me it's the same ! Have a creative day !

  28. Sounds like a perfect week! That blanket is going to be gorgeous. We are NEVER too old to play! Nothing beats relaxing by a fire...

  29. i never pass a carousal, either!!!!
    that blanket is going to be totally awesome---wait---it already is!!!! just beautiful!
    my family has been visiting this joy (and chaos!)

  30. lovely picture of you on the carousal! and the blanket is going to be a masterpiece. X

  31. The blanket is going to look beautiful when finished!!

  32. Lovely spiderweb shot and I just love the woodstove scene. I'm not normally a wallpaper fan, but I'm liking that.

  33. Such a lovely week and to add a carousel ride, well that just made it perfect.

  34. Wow! Well done on getting all your squares crocheted. they look really great. I wish I had someone to line my tin when I bake the Christmas cake!! I am very organised this year and have two cakes made already.

  35. OOh so close to a blanket - I think it is going to be fabulous. Maybe there will be snow for your flowers in the snow blanket! Jo x

  36. Your squares look really great Gillian, it will be so nice for you to snuggle under the finished blanket when it is all done. xx

  37. Your blanket is going to be amazing! Such lovely times spent with family too. You look so happy in the last shot! Hope you have a lovely week this week too x

  38. You look radiant on the carousel Gillian. Your blanket looks amazing. I bet you did a little happy dance when you finished the last square! Bee xx

  39. I really want your log stove, it looks so welcoming, love your post as alwaysx

  40. Such a beautiful Happy post! Love every single item, and I still love carousel rides! Beautiful picture of you, Gillian! :)

  41. I can't remember the last time I was on a carousel, but I loved them when I was a kid! The other day while on a walk with my boyfriend we came past a children's playground. There was nobody there, and the swing looked so inviting... I went and had a go, it was pure joy!
    Love the picture with the stove, very nice wallpaper.

  42. A lovely week for you. Your blanket is coming along a treat!

  43. Fantastic happies as always. Your blanket is looking gorgeous and love the photo of you on the carousel.
    Marianne x

  44. That blanket! I get serious blanket envy every time I see. It's so exquisite! x

  45. What a lovely picture of you. I was only thinking last weekend that I should bake the Christmas Cake...a job for this weekend! That blanket...droooooool!!!!

  46. Love the blanket, can't wait to see it finished x

  47. Gorgeous almost blanket. Christmas cake (my dad's recipe and tin) made here, too. The carousel picture is great.

  48. I just love these post - this one too! I think I'll start writing down my weekly happies too.

  49. A lovely, uplifting post. A carousel is about the only ride I'll go on these days :-)

  50. What a nice stove and LOVELY wallpaper!

  51. I love those carousels and I can see how much you do too!
    The fire looks very inviting.
    Lisa x


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