Friday 24 July 2015

On Holiday

Since returning to work, the six week long summer break has taken on an almost sabbatical-like length in my head and my To Do list is full of all kinds of projects and activities. There I things I really want to do (read, sew cushion covers, crochet blanket after blanket, embroider) and things I said I'd do and sort-of still want to do (paint the garden bench and our bedside tables). There are household tasks which I don't much want to tackle but they really need doing and I know I'll feel so much better when they're done, like clean out the fridge, renew my passport, go through the filing cabinet, wash the windows. And there are things that are exciting and lovely which I'm really looking forward to: a huge family barbecue to celebrate my parents' upcoming ruby wedding anniversary, a week long holiday in Derbyshire, day trips to London and other places, catching up with friends.

But now that we are officially on holiday I'm wondering if the anticipation might be better than the reality. Today it has rained solidly all day. All the lights are on indoors and I'm wearing slippers. Depressed by the weather and the state of the house, I spent the morning in the kitchen scrubbing, wiping and mopping various surfaces. It now gleams and I feel better, and not at all like cooking so I've taken one of John's chicken curries out of the freezer. I ate soup for lunch and I enjoyed it. It was fish soup, brought back by my parents from a recent trip to France and I'm the only person in this house who likes it. I don't get a lunch break at work so I savoured it today. Then I went to the supermarket to do the food shop. I don't think I've done this since going back to work as John always does the shopping, and a great deal of the cooking and housework. He has been brilliant and I love that it's never him "helping me out" but both of us working together doing the things that need doing.

I've been thinking about all the changes in our life lately and, now I have a chance to stop and think, how I like where we are right now. I do like being at work very, very much, and I am thankful that the hours suit our family life and that I don't have a long commute. I love going out of the house and mixing with others, getting to know new people, making friends, being good at something, dusting off skills and finding they are still there. A few times in the last few years I have toyed with the idea of working for myself from home, perhaps something to do with the blog or something creative - so many talented blogging friends of mine have done that so successfully. But my heart was never in it. I like the boundaries and distance that come from working out of the home, they suit my personality. Term times are now busy for us and will always be so, but that's ok. I think I feel slightly adrift because the long, routine-less summer break can be hard work. I'll freely admit that l like routine, need it even, and I find change and transitions difficult. They unsettle me. I wonder if any of you find that too?

But now, it's Friday night and John's weekend off. It's gloomy and the rain is bouncing off the decking, but we've poured gin and tonics and been playing board games with the kids. We have full weekend planned with days out and jobs and all sorts of nice things. I'm going to hang up my apron and potter around, do some crochet, watch some tv. I can get the hang of this.


  1. Hey Gillian,
    I am liking the sound of board games and gin and tonics very much, I have to say. This post has resonated with me this evening. I have often toyed with working for myself, or from home. But the honest truth is that I'm not that self motivated. And I think I would be lonely. I adore volunteering at the school; all those gorgeous infant school children, and adults to talk to. I'm in heaven! My counselling gig is quite unorthodox too, and I get lots of time with adults and children there. It has made me realise just how lonely I felt at times these past few years.
    Leanne xx

  2. I know what you mean. Work in school is crazy and it takes me a while to get used to these empty days!

  3. Hi Gillian. I love your positive attitude and openness to change. I agree, school holidays are so special but unsettling also. Building some routine into the six weeks helps me cope. I'm not so good at taking time out to relax and I'm going to work on this. Have you heard the Gretchen Rubin quote, "The days are long, but the years are short." So wise. Have a lovely break and thank you for your blog which is a lovely constant in our ever-changing lives xo

  4. Oh I get this, and urgh, I hate this weather today. Cold and gloomy. What's going on? I feel like all the plans I have for picnics and iced drinks are a distant thing. I feel out of sorts this summer holidays. I have a list of things I really want to get done around the house whilst I'm home with the kids but I know they are time consuming and mean furniture upheavals. I'm battling with being free to do fun stuff, or use the time to get the nitty gritty stuff done. Like you, today I spent the day cleaning the kitchen, sorting stuff which made me feel better, but I feel restless. The rest of the family have just left to go to a family wedding, which due to work commitments, I am missing. Maybe I'll clean more to feel like I've achieved a lot today!!!!!!

    Enjoy your time off and I hope you manage to get a few nice days of weather in!!!!!

    Vanessa xxx

    P.s love your star! Great minds, I came home with one yesterday!!!!!!!!

  5. You know that I feel the same way about routine. I can't live without it. We have less than three weeks until school starts and I'm already itching for the return to normalcy, though we still have limitations because of our medical situation here. It will go quickly enough, I'm sure. I just want the days to feel purposeful and predictable again. I hope you have a good weekend, it sounds like a nice plan.

  6. OK, I sympathise with you on all that you said, as I'm very familiar with all this at the moment. Moving and finding new routines can be very unsettling and why I didn't blog for a while. There are a lot of changes all through life with children growing up, flying the nest, retirement and so many other unforeseen changes, but it's best to just try and adjust at your own pace. And all this coming from a stresshead, but experience too. Enjoy those holidays and some things can wait to be done. If you're in Derbyshire, try and visit Crich where the Tram Museum is, I'm sure the kids would love it. I did! Hope the weather is better for the weekend (wet & windy here so far),and take care.

  7. The weather looks a bit better here today, so hopefully is near you too - yesterday was GRIM! Love the look of your kitchen and am so pleased that you have settled well into your new job. We played board games too last night - without the G&T though, as it was one of my 'fast days' - I think I'll have to rectify that this evening! Have a great weekend. xx

  8. Happy holidays! I always get a bit over excited with long to do lists on holidays and then get slightly disappointed at the end because I have never achieved even half of what I hoped. I'm trying to be a little more realistic in my holiday goals this time round!

  9. Like you, I like and need routine in my life, and have settled nicely into the ones I have created for myself over the years. But I also enjoy to occasionally break out of it and then, after a while, getting back to my familiar things and places and routines.
    No lunch break at work??!! Certainly that's illegal - you have to be allowed some time off to eat during the day!

    1. Working Time Regulations say that if you work for longer than 6 hours you are entitled to an uninterrupted 20 min break, that's all! And your contract can stipulate whether this might actually be broken up into two 10min breaks. I think that's it, please correct me if I've got that wrong.

    2. Working Time Regulations say that if you work for longer than 6 hours you are entitled to an uninterrupted 20 min break, that's all! And your contract can stipulate whether this might actually be broken up into two 10min breaks. I think that's it, please correct me if I've got that wrong.

    3. Working Time Regulations say that if you work for longer than 6 hours you are entitled to an uninterrupted 20 min break, that's all! And your contract can stipulate whether this might actually be broken up into two 10min breaks. I think that's it, please correct me if I've got that wrong.

    4. Hello Lisa, yes that's my understanding too. Librarian, just to clarify, I only work 5 hours a day so I'm not legally entitled to a break or lunch hour. I eat a big breakfast before I go to work so I don't go hungry and my lovely colleagues are quite happy for me to take all the toilet/tea breaks I need during my shift. But thank you for your concern. :-) x

  10. No lunch break at work ?!? Is that even legal ? Here in Belgium, you would have a union strike if an employer wouldn't allow lunch breaks !
    And the weather will get better, don't worry ! And then, you'll have six weeks to enjoy !

    1. Hello Ingrid - yes it is as I only work 5 hours and you're not legally entitled to a break until you work over 6 hours. However there's room for quick look breaks and the opportunity to make drinks etc within that so my work environment so I'm quite happy with that and certainly never go hungry. :-)

  11. Enjoy your summer! I'm sure you will settle into a "time off" routine before too long.

  12. I used to feel like that when I was primary school teaching. You heap so much expectation on the holidays but no-one plans it for you except for yourself so you feel a bit responsible or it. I always try and do something in the morning with the children and then be at home in the afternoons - that kind of works for us. Oh yeah and we all agreed that between 3 and 4 we don't have to speak to each other! weird I know but Big Sis likes to be on her own reading, I get to sew for one hour and Little M doesn't hassle either of us for one peaceful hour.Jo xx

  13. I have realised over the years that I'm not the free'n'easy impulsive soul that I like to think I am; I like to know what's what and what's when. That doesn't mean that I can fit in a bit of impulsiveness around the routines, but I like to know that they're there, just the same :-) xx

  14. Fingers crossed the weather will get better soon. We have a huge storm and rains here today.

    It is hard to find the right way and the right life for oneself but I am sure it is worth finding and worth looking for it!

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

  15. Good weather is a bonus, but even a wet summer holiday is brilliant. I am appreciating mine a lot more this year, especially since I am officially not getting paid (grr!) and between roles at school. I have my house to give a lot of loving care to, but still have 3 teenagers to spend time with, walk with, drink coffee with and get to know again after a busy (very!) year that has been tiring.

  16. I know exactly how you were feeling yesterday, I was most disgruntled to be reaching for my cosy slippers instead of flip flops around the house! Fingers crossed it moves on sharpish! The summer is notorious for leaving you feeling over run with jobs and ambitions, I hope it's a great one no matter what you get up to! Katie

  17. The weather really knocked me off too, I suddenly felt that summer was all done, it ended when we returned from holiday, and I was shivering in my summer dresses, refusing to wear jeans and cardigans etc, behaving like a big baby in fact! I am sure you will embrace the change of routine that the summer holidays bring. Unfortunately housework still has to be done, beds made, food bought etc . I sometimes wonder, when I look at my Instagram feed, how people seemingly manage to live endlessly creative, beautifully curated lives, as I stare glumly at the dirty dishes and the teetering laundry pile! X

  18. You have coped so well with all the changes! Hopefully things will soon settle into a bit of a hols routine! I'm really hoping we haven't seen the last of the good weather just as they break up!! take care. x

  19. Routine is something I can't live without. It makes me feel more relaxed somehow, and for a chronic worrier that's very important. I once read somewhere that children need routine and boundaries in order to feel safe and secure. So the bedtime story and 7.30 lights out for Joe are sacred in this house!
    As for working for yourself: I'm very new to it. And having deadlines and orders already is very stressful. I'm looking forward to seeing where it all takes me, but fitting everything in right now is nigh on impossible.
    I'm glad you like your job. It's a great thing to enjoy your work.
    As for this weather, our wellies are permanently parked by the back door. Fingers crossed the sun comes out soon!
    S x

  20. I love the snapshots of your lovely kitchen! It sounds like you are enjoying being on holiday. It's always nice to a break now and then. It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned... Enjoy. I hope the rain stops soon!

  21. It feels so good to be able to scrub things down and get life and your kitchen all cleaned up. Seems when I am working I just want to be home, but when I am home to long I want to be at work. I guess I am never happy. I have spent a lot of time this summer cleaning out areas of my house, it feels good to lighten my load.

  22. Your Friday night plans sounded delightful to me :) I will be interested to hear how your summer break goes. I think when I started working at the school in tandem with the kids' school schedule that the past summer breaks that sometimes dragged with my children who thought they were bored suddenly vanished! Instead I began to believe that time could move and indeed was moving with warp speed! Barely had we packed up the classroom for the summer break when I found myself unpacking it and launching into a new school year routine, or so it seemed to me at least. :) Routine is good for me, and even the simple act of making my bed tidy is satisfying and worthy, but working outside our home and being accountable to others' schedule and involved in others lives in that setting is something I will always be glad I did. Wishing you and yours a happy summer, Gillian :) I'm headed with some of my adult children to camp on the Oregon Coast beach for a week!!!!!!! xx

  23. You'll soon get into the swing of the holidays, and I'm sure we will get some sun!!! Get that crochet going and don't exhaust yourself with cleaning and painting, you need a week of treats first! Xx

  24. Tales From A Happy House has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  25. Friday was dismal here too, yesterday was gloriously summery, and now today's wet and wintry again, what is wrong with this weather?!

    Here's hoping there's lots of sunshine to come for the rest of your hols.

  26. Isn't it always the same, the school bell rings it's last for six weeks and the rain starts to hammer it down. We do need it I know and hopefully it won't last too long before the sun shines through again. (I know what you mean about slippers, I had to hunt my out!) Enjoy your time off and enjoy all the things you have planned.

  27. I live in Matlock in Derbyshire having recently moved from West Yorkshire. We recently went to Crich to the Tramway Museum with our 2 young grandchildren and had a thoroughly wonderful time. Well worth a vist. You'll find so much to do in Derbyshire. I do hope you enjoy your holiday.

  28. change and transition can definitely be unsettling, and I also find, the same as you, that I often find the prospect of tasks like kitchen cleaning unappealing but feel so much better once they are done! so glad the balance seems to be working with the new job and hope the holidays exceed expectations. x

  29. Sounds as though you will have a good and busy summer! I hope that your parents Anniversary goes really well! xxx

  30. Happy Holidays! I'm the same about working from home, it suits me better to have a boundary in place. Have a lovely relaxing summer :) x

  31. It's hard to get into the routine of non-routine but you'll soon get there. I have never had a job that was term-time only so I don't know what it's like to have a long break like this. I think I would like it though! I can understand having a very long list of things you want to do and things you ought to do. My list is never-ending. Hope you enjoy your break.

  32. I can definitely relate to you saying you need a routine and a workplace away from the home. I recently had a change in career and looked to be self employed as a dog walker, but the varying hours and lack of human contact left me feeling almost lonely, and certainly as though i was drifting! I'm now waiting to start teacher training and I can't wait. Have a fab holidays, and please keep up the lovely blog posts, I love reading them over my morning coffee. X


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