Sunday 5 July 2015

Make Bake Sew Grow

It's still sunny! I can't quite believe it. I've been working in the garden all weekend which has been tiring but satisfying, and I hope you've all done something lovely in this perfect, sunny weather. We've had a nice weekend here; full, busy, fulfilling, and I have lots to share with you in my Bake, Bake, Sew, Grow post. 

{ Make }

Making a few small purchases for the house. Nothing to break the bank, just some small treats like these three vintage floral prints I found on ebay for about a pound. Maybe a little more, I can't remember, but so cheap and  - of course - so perfect for the green wall in the porch.

And this delightful carton shaped milk jug, so compact and well proportioned. I love the way it should be cardboard but it's not, it's glass. I don't know why but I find that really pleasing. And it pours well which you'd think would be a prerequisite for all jugs but so often isn't.

And finally this amazing book, Modern Crochet: Crochet Accessories and Projects for Your Home by Molla Mills

I think this might be one of the best crochet books I've bought in ages. As soon as I opened it I wanted to make absolutely everything in it, always a good sign, and I feel like my crochet mojo (a bit absent lately) woke up and went "Oh, hello!" It feels like my kind of crochet; clean, neat, not too girly, and in a simple, almost monochromatic palate. This summer I want to make that basket, that rug, that clutch bag, and those necklaces. I need to buy some hoopla yarn! Don't you just love that pre-crafting feeling of excitement? Shopping lists of yarn to buy, hook sizes to check, mentally clearing a crafting window of an evening to make a start on a new project...

Inspired by some of the very cool crocheted jewellery in the book, I had a go at some crochet-covered bangles.

I'm not sure. The yarn slips and slides around as I push them over my wrist. I think the bangles might benefit from being wrapped in double sided sticky tape first, so that the yarn doesn't move. The chunky yellow one works best I think, but it's too warm to wear wool against my skin. 

{ Bake }

Oreo brownies for our recent camping weekend, just like the ones I made this time last year for the same camping trip. I read somewhere recently that traditions only become tradition by the act of doing, rather than remembering or photographing or discussing. I guess these brownies are my camping tradition.

Cherries. We eat them as fast as I buy them. Like peonies, their season is short, sweet and much appreciated.

Also eaten in vast quantities but unphotographed: peaches and nectarines. I love these. Four in one day is my record so far. We need to buy these daily, everyone loves them so much.

{ Sew }

The Midsummer Sprigs sampler continues to work it's magic, although I did have to unpick a whole section as I'd miscounted and put it in the wrong place. That's what happens when you cross stitch when you're sleepy. But I'm still really enjoying it. It feels right to be stitching it at the moment, the right project for the right season, always a happy thing.

{ Grow }

I've really neglected the garden since the half term holiday. I mean, I've been out there almost every day, to hang out washing or eat at the table, but the plants? It's survival of the fittest out there. This is the area of our home which has suffered the most from my return to work, which is a shame but there we are. But, I spent most of yesterday and two hours today out there with lots of help from various lovely family members (John's been at work this weekend so got off lightly) digging, planting, weeding and catching the sun on my shoulders. 

And despite my all or nothing approach to gardening, I found I had something to pick. These yellow flowers cover a bush in our front garden and I believe they are Rose of Sharon or Hypericum, although as always I bow down to your superior gardening knowledge, you fabulous lot.


{ Make } Something for my home.

 { Bake } Something from the kitchen.

{ Sew } Something crafty.

{ Grow } Something in my garden


  1. Hello Gillian, I love the milk jug, I've never seen anything like that before. Also, your brownies look really delicious! I'm a big Oreo fan :) Fiona x

  2. I like the milk jug too, it's brilliant. And I love the crochet basked in your book, I wish I could make such a thing. Lovely to see your beautiful seasonal embroideries on the wall. Your home always looks wonderful, you have such a talent for interiors. A touch of gardening here too, although the allotment is suffering from the writing course I've been doing instead. A trip is planned there tomorrow to do a few essential things. I hope you have a good week. CJ xx

  3. Oh - I love the jug? :)
    Gardens are very forgiving if you leave then a while. Plants still grow (and weeds) but I find it so satisfying to spend a few hours outside and get it back under control. Enjoy your week. Xx

  4. A post full of lovely things! That milk jug is very cool. I'm totally with you on the cherries and peaches, especially flat peaches I adore them.
    Marianne x

  5. loving your stitchery... I also have that plant in the garden. I am waiting to see what others say about it. It is covered in bees and wasps a lot.

  6. lots of lovely colour, and yes please to those brownies!

  7. I love these posts Gillian. So lovely to catch up on all your crafty happenings. I have the crochet book too and it has re-ignited my love of crochet. Looking forward to seeing your creations. Bee xx

  8. I'm very happy to see that you're able to make time for things you enjoy now that your life is busier. I haven't seen that crochet book but the projects look interesting. I loved seeing your Midsummer Sprigs. I looked up at mine on the wall as soon as I saw yours. I love knowing we've worked on the same project.

  9. Oreo brownies!!! Be still, my jiggling waistline!

  10. love that jug. in fact I love all jugs............ possibly slightly addicted..........

  11. Hypericum hidecote gold I think :)

  12. It seems everybody loves the milk jug :-)))
    Well, I álso love the floral prints (don't want them to feel neglected here on your blog...)

  13. Lots of lovely things in your post, I especially like the milk jug as well. My hypericum has exploded in yellow, it is one of my favourite plants, full of sunshine.

  14. So many lovely things! I still find it truly amazing how you manage to do all those things even now that you are working again.

  15. Love the prints, I need to find something similar. I seem to be collecting prints & pictures for all sorts of future projects! Sounds like you've had a busy yet productive week x

  16. A great jug and your brownies look delicious! I think your flowers are Rose of Sharon, or at least, that is what we call ours ;-)

  17. I can't believe you've even colour-coded your bookshelves! Never thought of doing that - mine are grouped by subject. Looks great. Really like the look of that crochet book, especially the basket. Almost makes me want to give it a go. If only I could crochet..!

  18. Oh, yes!!! It's cherry-time - and I love it. Wonderful post - you have done lovely things!
    All my best

  19. You've been busy. I love those bangles!
    Jacqui x

  20. I love the photo of your dining space - so cozy and inviting! And the Oreo brownies look sinfully delicious! I could eat the entire pan, I think. Chocolate is my weakness! Hope you are having a great week so far.

  21. I do like the new bangles, very chic.
    I don't like oreo biscuits, but as brownies they look quite delicious.
    Lisa x

  22. After scrolling back though your posts I have caught up at least a bit on your news, Gillian. I especially appreciate the transition you are in with your new job. When my youngest was entering kindergarten I landed a job as a teaching assistant in her elementary school. I was so grateful to have work that allowed me to be off when my children were on holiday, and I loved my job which was mainly one on one tutoring.! But it was quite an adjustment to balance work at home and work away from home. Also, 25 years ago blogging was not part of my world :) I am happy for you that you do have your blog as a creative outlet, a life diary and as a possible source of income as well. Even though I am retired now, I am amazed that it is often hard for me to keep up with the blogs that I enjoy and at best I am posting only once a week. Time is precious, isn't it! I am cheering you on from the Portland, Oregon, area and thank you for your lovely, often inspiring posting when you can. xx

  23. Lovely things! The bangles are an amazing idea, love the chain necklaces too. Xx

  24. I love the glass milk jug and you're right about it being tricky to find one that doesn't drip! Your seasonal embroideries look fantastic on the wall and oreo brownies - YUM! xx

  25. I love these posts. Glimpses of your home and how you make it. It's hard making those transitions isn't it with work and home and trying to keep on top of everything else. Our garden has benefitted from my variable working this summer - there's been more pottering time (and then frantic catching up on my academic work when the girls are asleep). Nectarines are my most favourite fruit. We go through dozens here. I do love the colour coordinated bookshelves...I did that with my cook books too! Have a lovely week xx

  26. I love these posts. Glimpses of your home and how you make it. It's hard making those transitions isn't it with work and home and trying to keep on top of everything else. Our garden has benefitted from my variable working this summer - there's been more pottering time (and then frantic catching up on my academic work when the girls are asleep). Nectarines are my most favourite fruit. We go through dozens here. I do love the colour coordinated bookshelves...I did that with my cook books too! Have a lovely week xx

  27. I was very tempted to buy that crochet book but I've bought a couple of other ones recently so thought I should show a bit of restraint. Don't think that will last too long though. Of course, it's really for my crochet class to share! Love your cross stitch and the other things you've made. And yes, I just love that feeling of crafting excitement when you're about to start something new. I have so many plans for things I want to make!

  28. I'm quite taken with your milk 'carton' it's so cute (and practical). Oreo brownies sound delicious xx

  29. Your milk jug is really unusual and cute with it. I like the idea of your brownies too.

  30. I love your make, bake, sew, grow post. What a good idea. Your glass jug is very unusual.

  31. Hi, I haven't been on your blog for aaaaaaages, since about Christmas I think. Last I knew you wereiving house! I wasn't ignoring you, honest, I just seem to have not visited for a while. So I have lots of catching up to do :)

  32. I swear my mum has one of those prints in a frame somewhere.

    I couldn't agree more about cherries and peonies, two of summer's essentials.

    Lovely to catch up with you Gillian having barely been online this last week.

  33. Yes, you're right, the flower is hypericum or Rose of Sharon. I have some in my garden, but it's not flowered yet. I love your mug jug, what a quirky design and obviously a good one if it pours nicely xx


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