Wednesday 12 June 2013

Random Midweek Loveliness

It's Wednesday, it's raining and I am tired as Angus did not have a very good night's sleep, so consequently neither did I. I find myself wishing it was Monday just so that I could possibly fit in everything I hoped I would have achieved by today. Does anyone else wish there were just a few more hours in every day? Are we all unrelentingly busy, unable to say "no" to people, or is that just me?

So here are some random lovely things which are making me smile and have enriched my week enormously:

My granny blanket. I am nearly there, only seven rounds to go. It's currently only 90 cm by 100 cm so still a little too small. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it at the moment; on the one hand I am enjoying the soothing repetitive rounds of trebles, but on the other I just want it be finished right now so that I can do something else.

A delightful and unexpected package of treats, sent by my best friend Abigail, just "because" and containing - among other things - this frankly stunning print...

...some Liberty print washi tape (could anything be more perfect? I am torn between wanting to use it on everything and wanting to save it for something special)...

...a new book...

...and this gorgeous brooch.

Abigail: one day we will live near each other, near enough to meet for coffee or lunch, for our children to play together, and not always be at opposite ends of the country. One day!

I bought some stocks. They smell heavenly but were not doing it for me in this vase.

So I put them in lots of little glass bottles. Divide and conquer. 

Yesterday I made couscous with coriander, pomegranate seeds and flaked almonds. The combination of textures and flavours is a winning one. The tart pop on the tongue of the pomegranate with the gentle crunch of the nuts and herby, soft couscous is good.

We ate it with chicken breasts which had been marinated in yogurt and harissa paste then butterflied and pan fried. 

If you have any left over chicken or couscous (you may have to cook extra for that to happen!) they are very good mixed together with some salad leaves and a yogurty dressing for lunch. That's what I'll be having today.


  1. I need to come live at your house Gillian! Teach me your ways of midweek loveliness!! I promise to repay your in cake and other treats ;) Hazel x

  2. Everything seems worse when it's raining. It's dry here so far so hopefully it won't rain all day for you! Your granny blanket looks fantastic so far, and that print is wonderful. Very cheery! What a treat to get a parcel like that :)

  3. Oh such a familiar feeling towards a big project! I am also making a blanket now, and for few days I crochet like mad and then leave for the same amount of days as I get bored..but yea, imagining how it would look like on my bed somehow encourages me. Flowers... they are fab in those simple glass bottles.
    The dish you made looks yumm! I like to have salads with chicken :)
    Have an enjoyable day !!!

  4. Oh your midweek loveliness sounds just lovely ;) ... what a beautiful present ... your friend obviously knows you very well ... enjoy the rest of your week ... Bee xx

  5. Wednesday is neither here nor there is it? What a lovely parcel of treats! You lucky thing. And I know exactly how you feel about living so far away from best friends.

    Leanne xx

  6. Wow, what a lovely present- and the salad looks tasty. After today, the rest of the week will fly by and it will be weekend again all too soon:)

  7. Sleepless nights certainly affects our outlook on life and yes I am forever wishing there were heaps more hours in the day, it's so frustrating but also good to be enjoying so much in life. You are very blessed to receive a wonderful parcel filled with all these fabulous goodies from what seems to be a very special friend. The print is beautiful and you have clearly found just the right spot for it. The washi tape - I neeeed some, oh my, I completely see your dilemma here. The book looks great too. I love couscous but can't eat it at the moment, but it's definitely a dish that will make my tastebuds go zing!!! Delish. Ps hope your week and sleep improves and you get that gorgeous blanket nearer finish (the last bits are always the most frustrating. Hang in there!) xoxo

  8. Don't send the rain this way, it's been sunny here all morning. Funny how the weather can be so different just a few miles away. I love your crochet blanket, the colours look great together, I can't wait to see it finished, and what a lovely package you received from your friend. It's always exciting receiving parcels through the post.

  9. Wow, what a lovely bunch of gifts! The brooch is my fave. Learning to crochet a granny square blanket is on my To Do list (although it'll probably only happen in about 5 years time).

    Thanks for the comments on my blog btw. I have so little time to read blogs (and look after my own) but just wanted to say all is fine with us. It takes a lot of juggling but life with 2 kids is getting easier every day :-)

    Big hugs, Col x

  10. Wow gorgeous presents and that dinner looks too scrummy! Have a lovely rest of the week Sarah xxx

  11. I hope you got a better night sleep last night! Someday, when our kids are teenagers, we'll have trouble getting them out of bed!! That couscous looks amazing. What kind of dressing did it have? Care to share the recipe??

  12. It's not just you. :) The couscous and chicken look delicious and I love the way you separated the stocks into individual bottles. Abigail's package is wonderful! I've never seen Liberty washi tape before, now I'll have to control myself from buying any, probably at great cost from overseas. I hope you get some more sleep tonight.

  13. this summer(!) energy is a busy time, so much to do! and lovely gifts to enjoy. The book looks great and that tape! wow. Love the apple brooch too, lucky you! Heather x

  14. I hope you all sleep well tonight - your post was packed full of lovelies I wanted everything but best of all was the washi tape (although the chicken dish was a close second)
    Sue x

  15. I also find it really hard saying 'no' to people. I hope you have a good nights sleep tonight...I'm terrible without sleep.
    Beautiful flower displays x

  16. Loooove your granny! And what a lovely friend you have, sending you lovely post just because.. I love the Liberty tape. Didn't see those in Liberty last week, going to have to go back!!!

  17. No Gillian, you are not alone in not being able to say "no" to people. I think a lot of us are the same. Even when we get older and have no children at home, I find there are still not enough hours to get all I want to do off my lists. I do think crafty people are the ones that don't get bored though,so that may be a plus. Lovely gift from your friend.
    I also love stocks and couscous,though poor hubby doesn't think much of it, but will eat it occasionally.

  18. I knew a guy once who said if he had three wishes one would be to not need to sleep. He could sleep if he wanted to, but he wouldn't NEED to. I love that. I too often wish the day could fit just a little more in it.
    Love the print your friend sent!!

  19. Your blanket is looking so lovely. Lovely gifts from your friend too.
    M x

  20. I am impressed that you are persevering with your lovely granny blanket Gillian, I have about 3 of those on the go and always give up out of boredom, then pick up again, a blankie can sometimes take me 18-24 months to finish...naughty I know but I have itchy fingers to do other things :o) Hang in there, it's always worth it.
    What a stunning mid-week parcel to receive, I love that print, definitely my kind of wood cut style and colours too,is it an Angie Lewin? I adore her work.
    The weeksj ust seem to be slipping by, I can't believe it's almost mid-June, I work full time and always feel like i'm a mad hamster on a wheel of sorts being professional, wife and mum...oh and time for crafty goodness to heal what life can strip away from me. Happy days to you Gillian, I'm wishing for the clock to slow down a wee bit for you x Penny

  21. You deserve it and it was an absolute joy to put together! Gla it brightened up your week. Do my promise me regular sightings, I will get carried away! Nothing would enrich my life more you lovely girl. Xxxx

  22. I never have enough time but that's mostly a result of working full-time. Even if I didn't I'd fill the hours though. I love your print and couscous is one of our favourites - I've made something similar with the pomegranate seeds and pine nuts - yum! x

  23. Your lovely post has just cheered up my midweek considerably! What lovely gifts, beautiful flowers and a delicious looking dish of chicken & couscous. Enjoy the rest of your week and hope you get to catch up on sleep :-)

  24. Oh I definitely agree that a few more hours would be handy! Actually, I'm all for adding an extra day to the week. Love your beautiful granny square blanket, the colours are beautiful. Just a little bit different and very divine! Love all the other goodies too :)

    S x

  25. I love the colours in your granny blanket, it's looking lovely! what great gifts, that book looks very interesting indeed, off to have a look for it! x

  26. Well, what can I your blanket, LOVE the goodies, I think I might need liberty washi tape! Love the food too! :) x

  27. What an amazing friend with fabulous taste. Love everything! Hope you slept better last night xx

  28. A few more hours in the day - oh yes please. Beautiful gifts, lovely friend. Your couscous dish looks delicious, it is one to remember I think. The Lotta Jansdotter book looks great, I love her "Echo" line of fabric. Hope you have caught up on your sleep a little.

  29. A few more hours in the day - oh yes please. Beautiful gifts, lovely friend. Your couscous dish looks delicious, it is one to remember I think. The Lotta Jansdotter book looks great, I love her "Echo" line of fabric. Hope you have caught up on your sleep a little.

  30. Liberty washi tape. this is news to me. fantastic news at that!!

    your granny blanket is looking delicious. love those colours.

    rachel xo

  31. I love washi tape and can not believe you can get Liberty print tape. Drooling! xo


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