Friday 7 June 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...34/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

What a lovely week it's been. We've spent most of our time outside enjoying the sun and warm weather. It's very easy to find things to be happy about when I'm greeted by blue skies upon opening the curtains every morning. So, joining in with the lovely Jen at little birdie, here are this week's happies:

1. Peonies. I love their pale colour and layers of delicate, frilly, silky soft petals. I bought these but I'd love to grow some.

2. Time spent with Bella and Angus last weekend in my in-law's garden. Bella practised her skipping and coloured. Angus spent every moment outside playing with their dog. Being away from home makes me sit still and just watch them play.

3. Weekend market find number one: four very kitsch corn-on-the-cob dishes. I've wanted some of these for ages. Now I just need some of those little fork-prong things you stick in either end so you don't get butter all over your fingers.

4. Market find number two: a screen print by a local artist, printed onto a page from a vintage atlas. It makes me think of jumping on a plane, freedom, unknown destinations, going exploring; basically a spontaneity and lack of responsibility that is impossible with children but ever so appealing. Also, I love old maps.


Thanks for all your brilliant suggestions for gifts for teachers. So many good ideas! Edibles seem to be the most popular and the most practical. I will give jam with either some fresh bread or cake of some kind, maybe some fruit or a plant from the garden if we have something, and make sure I find a way to involve the children in the whole process. I know that gifts for teachers is a relatively new thing but honestly, I really like to do it. I think both Angus and Bella's teachers are pretty fantastic and have made this last year a very happy time for them both.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. The weather forecast here is for more good weather so we will be pottering at home, gardening, cooking, preparing for some friends coming over for dinner tomorrow night. There might even be a jug of Pimms! 


  1. Oooh missed your last post. I going back to look at the teacher prezzie suggestions. Speaking as a teacher I don't expect it but always gratefully received and I always cry on the last day of term! Top of last summer's had to be a hand knitted heart in my favourite green. Funniest had to be the child who gave me a china ornament "this is for you Miss. My dad said it fell off the back of a lorry. It didn't break!" He's not been forgotten 20 years later!

  2. As a retired teacher I ask never expected gifts but they were always so lovely especially the ones the children were involved with. One little boy secreted his mothers emerald ring as a gift to me hidden in his sock !!!!!!

  3. Lovely happies Gillian ... your new screenprint is really great ... enjoy your weekend potterings ... it will be much of the same here ... Bee xx

  4. I love the atlas print. I'm getting ready to prepare a world map for wall decor in my son's room; I haven't decided yet whether to frame it or mount it on foam-core, or something like that. They do a lot with maps these days. I sound like a really old person saying that...

  5. Lovely happy things! Ahh the jug of Pimms, looking forward to mine already. This week however I'll be sure to make certain the children don't pilfer the alcohol soaked strawberries!

  6. Gifts for teachers here in Oz have been a long standing thing. Our children our now 40, 36, and 35 and I can remember making/buying things while they were in infants/primary, but not in High school.
    Love peonies and the map poster. I'd actually like one of England with the counties marked to hang on the wall. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Very lovely peonies! I love Bella's flamingo top/dress... it's so summery! And Angus seems to be having a blast playing outside. The corn dishes are gorgeous! I think I need a set of those! And the screen print is so me!! Have a great weekend and a lovely dinner with friends tomorrow night!

  8. Lovely! We started on the Pimms last night. Chin-chin xo

  9. Glad you've had a good week. The screen print is great. I must remember to start making teacher presents soon - there aren't too many weeks left now. Hope you have a wonderful weekend; I hear the sun will be shining the whole time. Yay!

  10. The image with the peonies is so delicately beautiful.I love to see the dog rolling over - it seems to be happy too. Have a nice weekend!

  11. Good luck with the teachers presents. I wish I could grow peonies but our garden is too exposed.
    It's funny how sometimes we need to go somewhere else to sit down and watch our children. Always busy doing "stuff" at home and it's too easy to feel guilty if we stop. I'm off to watch Matt play 2 cricket matches this weekend - which should be lovely if the weather holds. Plenty of sitting, watching him , and crochet in the sun (and some yummy treats in our picnics). Enjoy your weekend. x

  12. Beautiful pics of what looks to be a wonderfully happy week. I love the Peonies and have recently planted 3 of them so fingers crossed. I love them they are soo beautiful. The corn dishes are very sweet and so is that great pic. My first thought when reading that was wild swimming in river or something. It's good to surround ourselves with positive inspiration (just don't jump! :-)). Wishing you a lovely weekend lovely Gillian xo

  13. The peonies in my garden are just getting ready to open and I'm eagerly checking them every morning. Love Bella's dress and Angus playing with the dog. x

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Those peonies are too stunning Gillian, I adore their frilly-ness and blousy-ness, I too would love to grow some, maybe next year. One of my Occupational Therapy friends once said how much she just loves to be still and just watch her children be, playing chatting,'s so important and so therapeutic I think. I now love eaves dropping on Alice's coversations with her giggly 12 year old friends, sshhhh Don't tell, it's very naughty and I know I shouldn't do it but I can't resist the temptation!
    I absolute love that print, oh it appeals to me on so many levels, the words of escaping, the old atlas paper, the thrill of discovery with just a backpack...wonderlust indeed. I think I will be a grey haired backpacker one day :o) xxx Happy weekending x Penny

  16. What lovely happy photos. The flamingos print on the photo with Bella is lovely is it a dress or a top I wonder?
    Your son looks like he's having so much playing with the dog. I love the 'let's go get lost' print it makes me think of one of my favourite red hot chilli peppers songs, road trippin just lovely x

    1. Hello - it's a top from Laura Ashley but they did also do a lovely dress in the same fabric. x

  17. Goodness I had to look long and hard at the picture with the doll on the table - I thought it was a child! Love the screen print x Jane

  18. Oooh yum yum, sweet corn. The only thing tastier than sweet corn is home grown sweet corn, I'm hoping to get my sweet corn planted out at the allotment tomorrow. Those little dishes are great, I'll have to look out for some of those. I love Bella's top, I'd like something in that material myself. Have a lovely weekend.

  19. Lovely happy moments! I love those corn dishes.
    M x

  20. What lovely bright colourful photos. I love the new map print :)

  21. Ooh, Pimms ;-) Lovely happies, and those peonies are so pretty - they're one of my favourite flowers too.
    Enjoy the sunshine & have a happy Sunday,

  22. Hi Gillian,Nice to just be together, isn't it!!!!!No plans, just time together!!!You will certainly miss this when school goes back BUT it's also nice to have time to yourself!!!A very delicate balance!!!!Have a fab weekend and enjoy the outdoors!!!

  23. Oh Gillian those corn dishes are superb. Totally agree you need the little forks to match. And don't get me started on peonies, I LOVE them but in our climate they only arrive for about 2 weeks a year and cost a fortune. mel x

  24. Ooh, I do like that flamingo top. Gorgeous - lucky Bella! x

  25. I always look forward to your happy posts! I loved the atlas print. But I REALLY loved Bella' flamingo top.

    Peonies are pretty easy to grow, I've heard. I'm contemplating them and roses for next years gardening adventures.

    Leanne x

  26. Your peonies are beautiful. My peony roses are a deep red colour and have just flowered over this last week - they are stunning, but your delicate pink ones are beautiful. I would love to introduce them to my new garden when I move house next month.

  27. those peonies are so pretty. I bought some of the same type (I think) but they didn't open fully, yours are lovely. I like your market finds too! x

  28. Then Peonies caught my eye. Love them. I was meant to have them for my Wedding but they "fell off the back of a truck" or something so I had to go with Roses, still lovely but oh the Peonies would have been so wonderful! And funnily enough I also picked up some corn holder thingy's from the oppy the other day, they are bamboo but did come with the forks to stick in the ends :-)

  29. It looks absolutely gorgeous too....I dream of peonies, but other things always crowd mine in the garden.

    Nina x


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