Friday 21 June 2013

52 Weeks of Happy...36/52

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

It's Friday and it's time for my usual round-up of happy moments from the last seven days. So, joining in with the lovely Jen at little birdie, here are this week's happies.

1. Popcorn and Point Break. Was it really twenty two years since that film came out? What a trip down memory lane.

2. Father's Day crafting. It was a quiet affair as John was working all day, but if you could measure love with card, loo roll tubes and sellotape, then he is beloved.

3. John made macaroons. Amazing. Little sticky-crunchy bites of coconutty heaven.

4. Bella. This sweet, sweet girl. She comes home from school with certificates, stickers, pictures and stories. She sits at her desk in her pyjamas before it's time for bed and makes cards that, inside, say things like "To Dad. I have made you a card. Love Bella". She is thriving at school and suddenly, seemingly overnight, can just read and read, fluently and confidently. I won't downplay it or shrug it off - she makes me so proud I could burst.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. My parents are staying with us and while we don't have much planned as the weather forecast is not great, there will be wine and it will be fun. 


About the lemon curd: I forgot to say that it needs to be stored in the fridge and eaten within two weeks. I'll add that to yesterday's post. And thanks for all your suggestions! Lime, passion fruit, raspberry - oh, yum! I foresee more curd making in my future! 


  1. Lovely happies. Have a great day with your family. I love the photo of Bella beavering away at her desk. It's wonderful when they start to read for the pure pleasure of it.

    Leanne xx

  2. Very happy week, Gillian! Popcorn is a favorite snack around our house! And the father's day card is so cute! The coconut macaroons (my favorite) look absolutely delicious!! And yes, you should be so proud of Bella! She looks so sweet sitting at her desk just writing away. Enjoy the weekend with your family and the wine sounds wonderful!

  3. What a lovely week of happy. I love your pics, they give off a really inviting and cozy feel.

    S x

  4. We watched "Pretty in Pink" the other night and I gasped when I realized how young I was the first time I watched it!!! I refuse to admit I'm in my mid life :)
    Your week sounds like it was lovely... Have a great weekend friend xx

  5. What a wonderful girl you have, no wonder you burst with pride :) Noooo, the 22 year comment makes me feel old, yikes. Have a lovely weekend :) xx

  6. Love the homemade rocket and card. Have a good weekend. Claire xo

  7. yes, i was there for point break the first time around... ;)
    all lovely things, especially the love.

    have a fun time then, with the parents!

  8. Those coconut macaroons look perfect!

  9. Great happy things, my Little Beas the same always making and creating! At the moment she's making lots of videos on her iPad, writes, directs, stars in....everything! Have lots of fun with your parents! :) x

  10. Little tokens of love made by little hands are just the best.
    Lisa x

  11. Lots of lovh happy moments, and wow 22years, time flies. Just love macaroons and those look delicious!! Enjoy your weekend with your family, these are such specia times. Xo

  12. I love 'a loo roll measure of love'! My girls did equally wobbly sewing which entailed the same amount of endeavour. Thanks for dropping by at Three stories High. Jo x

  13. Great happies! Those macaroons look so delicious! What a sweetheart Bella is, my wee girl has come on so well with her reading recently too, she has become vey keen on the fairy books by Daisy Meadows and enjoys curling up with a book and reading for ages. Can't believe Point Break is 20 years old! How can that be?!
    M x

  14. Bless the girl for her sweet card, and the mama for being proud- shout it out loud I say! A kid never got hurt from having someone being proud of them and letting the world know it!!

  15. Those macaroons look delish. Well done to Bella, she's obviously enjoying school and listening well. I foresee lots of proud mummy moments in your future.

  16. Loving your happy post, as always. Your little one sounds so sweet - what a blessing to have a child so keen to do and make. Helen

  17. Lovely post. Love the Father's Day makes and it is so wonderful when children learn to read and enjoy it. Well done, Bella! Have a super weekend with your family.

  18. Oh Gillian I love how you write about your children. Gorgeous happy things. And I remember Keanu in his wetsuit very well! x

  19. Oh Gillian ... I can just hear your heart sing with pride for Bella ... what a lovely post ... hope you have a wonderful weekend with your parents ... Bee xx

  20. lovely happies and nothing better for the heart than the proud mummy feeling..................

  21. Bella sounds like a wonderful little girl. I love the gifts they made for John. The macaroon looks terrific, those are such delicious cookies.

  22. Your Bella sounds just like my Maisy, they are pretty amazing aren't they? P.S. made your chocolate cake this week and did the rainbow smarties thingy. It looked fab and was very moist like you said! Chocolate cake is usually a bit dry but not this one! Thank you! Xx

  23. Wonderful happy things. Especially love the picture of your little girl working away - lovely. I am happy to have to eat all of the lemon curd up in two weeks. What a great excuse for excessive lemon curd eating!

  24. Lovely happies and don't they make you so proud once they catch on with the reading and writing. It's a whole new world for them.

  25. What a lovely week you've had, those macaroons look delicious. Max has really cracked reading now, it makes me so happy to see him lost in a book, or sat at his new desk writing stories...hope you're having a great weekend. xx

  26. The rocket is so cute. Aw my daughters very into her reading always lovely to know there thriving at school x

  27. Hi Gillian,Those macaroons like absolutely divine!!!Children do grow up so quickly,don't they!!!It also does seem to just happen overnight!!!Enjoy your time with your parents!!!They also seem to age overnight!!!Have a splendidly happy week!!!

  28. What a lovely bunch of happies! Meant to say on your post about the flowering herbs that there is a house close to mine that has rosemary bushes instaed of shrubs and it looks so lovely. x

  29. makes me want a desk with a pad of paper and nice pens set out!! just for me! and the macaroons look really yummy as does your lemon curd! Heather x

  30. Lovely, happy things! Macaroons look so yummy.

    PS: It's giveaway time on my blog! Hope you join:

  31. The macaroons look so good. I'd love the recipe.


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