Sunday 2 June 2013

Pin It Forward

A while back Pinterest emailed me about their new Pin It Forward UK campaign, the aim of which is for bloggers to help spread the word about Pinterest from blog to blog and increase interest in Pinterest in the UK.

I agreed as, despite a rocky start, I've come to love Pinterest. 

Someone once said to me that Pinterest was like fantasy football for women; very enjoyable, time consuming, something that involved a great deal of tinkering and time online but didn't actually serve any real purpose...and I suppose I agreed with them. I was put off by so many things - there was a rumour for a long time that you had to be "invited" by a friend to join, so I though it was pretty elitist, and I am always wary of anything with follower numbers as it can become competitive. I've had a Pinterest account for a long time now, at least 18 months, and I hardly ever used it until recently. I couldn't really see the point of it.

But then something (pretty obvious) occurred to me. Whenever I used to see something that caught my eye - a recipe, craft project or book - I used to bookmark it on my laptop so that I could find it later. It would get muddled in with so many other things and I'd forget all about it. "I need some kind of electronic notice board", I thought to myself. "Someone should make one." And then I thought - "Oh, hang on, I do have one and it's called Pinterest!" It occurred to me that as well of filling my boards with random images of pretty things (which is fine) I could use them for practical things too, like craft ideas, recipes - things that I don't want to do straight away but I know that sometime in the next few months I will think "Now, where is that brilliant idea I saw for how to make a paper feather" or some such essential piece of information.

So that's what I've started to do. My boards are few and my pins little but they'll grow. It's quality not quanity, I tell myself! It's a mixture of things I've made that I'm proud of, ideas for things I want to make, inspiration for the home. I can indulge my love of all things yellow, of russian dolls and apple motifs, and some boards are more visual eye candy, like feathers and flowers

And, as part of the Pin It Foward campaign I'd like to introduce Jessica from Yiskah Knits - do pop over and say hello! You can see her pins here.

Pinning is enjoyable, addictive and, best of all, the most amazingly inspiring place. 


  1. I have come to appreciate the huge possibility for inspiration to be found on Pinterest. Such richness!

    Thank you for sharing.


  2. Oh, not sure whether I need anything addictive as I'm already hooked on quilting, craft, gardening, books and this blogging thing. I must admit I've looked at sewing studios on a Pinterest board.

  3. I try really hard not to let Pinterest get addictive, I don't seem to have enough hours in the day to do what I want!! But I agree it's a great place to put all those "one day" ideas and recipes. x

  4. Congratulations, Gillian. I am new to Pinterest and I'm enjoying it. I put off joining for a long time - years - because I thought I was already spending enough time on the internet and didn't need to add one more distraction. But my online interests have shifted in the past year or so, away from Facebook and message boards and toward blogs and more practical know-how kind of stuff, and I see a lot of value in Pinterest now. I'm glad to be following you there; it's always a pleasure to look at your finds.

  5. Hello Gillian. Congratulations. I'm very new to pinterest I have just added you and love your boards.

  6. You have a Russian dolls board? *rushes over to Pinterest to follow you*
    I do wish Pinterest had a 'import this board onto your own board' function!

  7. Thanks for participating in Pin It Forward UK, Gillian! It's great to hear that you have found so many inspirational ideas on Pinterest! I love browsing through your board of crafts you have made- the geometric inspired cushion is beautiful! Lauren, Community Coordinator

  8. Oh, I will follow you. I love browsing Pinterest and it is indeed a very nice way to keep track of things I like on the Web. I always get immersed in crocheting and knitting boards. ;-) I am Elena X. there.

  9. I am a little like you with Pinterest - I did sign up, but haven't used it much. I need to work out how to pin things that I find that I like, because like you I do bookmark them and it is a bit of a messy way of doing it.

  10. I've only just joined Pinterest after resisting for ages - I really don't need any more time-consuming interests! However, the enthusiasm of some of the girls at work won me over. Also, like you, I wanted to have somewhere better than bookmarks to store lovely photos and things to make. x

  11. I agree. I do have a board on Pinterest uti try o e careful so I don't get inundated :) it's very fun :)

  12. Hi Gillian,Ditto!!!!!When I read this post it almost felt as if it was me writing it!!!You have inspired me to give my year old account a go again!!!I store everything on my laptop and it would give me a lot more free space!!!Thank you!!!Have a fab week!!!

  13. Coming from a pinterest addict to a recent convert...welcome to the addiction. From the start I have thought of it as what it is at its most online pinboard...a colleaction of inspiration. And of digital paper cuttings.

  14. Oh what a honour to take part in the Pin it Forward UK campaign. I love Pinterest and find it so addictive. I can spend hours on there and pin till the cows come home. Thanks for sharing your lovely boards with us, they are lovely xo

  15. I have to be honest I am a complete and utter beginner where pinterest is concerned- I have never even looked at it- But I am beginning to see the attraction. Do I dare start though, I ask myself? :)

  16. I joined Pinterest but have never used it tending, as you were doing, to 'bookmark' on the laptop. After reading your post, though, I might have to give it a go.

  17. I totally love pinterest although I have been known to lose an entire evening to it. Times when my husband says 'are you coming up to bed' and I say 'in a minute I'm just looking at pinterest'. Two hours later I finally switch off the computer and creep upstairs in the dark to my fast asleep husband and boys! Hmmm. It can be very time consuming but the eye candy out there is just amazing once you get hooked. It doesn't bother me anymore that I can't afford magazines at the moment as I just have to go on pinterest for pretty pictures. I hope pinterest do get more uk users because although I love it, it is very Americanised at the moment. Thanks for introducing us to another lovely pinner. Fiona x

  18. lol...fantasy football for women! LOVE IT! i am totally addicted to pinterest! I adore it! I am very visual and for me it's a world to get lost in! i have even been known on more than one occasion to land on my own board without realising it and thinking 'wow this board is awesome' i sit and repin all my own very sad is that!! jane george pinned jane george's image!!! oh the shame! at least i know my tasted is consistent! xxxx

  19. I can see the attraction but I have tried it and it just didn't work for me at all!


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