Friday 12 February 2016

Signs of Spring

Recently, on one of the greyest of February days, I wandered around the garden peering into corners and searching under trees, the long wet grass soaking my shoes right through. I was hoping for some signs of spring. I knew that my daffodils had come up but beyond that I had no idea. I've avoided the garden these last few months apart from going to the bin and back. Too cold for gardening, too wet to hang out any washing. It's all grey and brown and boggy.

But I was rewarded for my efforts. I found a single crocus under the holly tree in the front garden. (I had to get down on all fours to look, but still, it was there, and I think there will be many more.) Snowdrops are growing along the path down the side of the house and bright yellow forsythia blooms have suddenly appeared here and there. There was the odd random grape hyacinth, a perfectly formed blossom petal that had floated to the ground, and new growth on my azalea japonica which in a few months that will be covered in tiny hot pink flowers. And green shoots everywhere - covered in muddy soil and looking a bit sad, yes - but in a few weeks I will have tulips and hyacinths and other things I know I planted but I've forgotten exactly what.

This feels like the longest of half terms, considering it's a short one at only six weeks. As a family we're alternatively full of cold, getting over a cold, coughing or tired. The children look pale and have dark rings under their eyes. So do I. Hurry up spring! Thanks goodness it's half term next week. I'm too tired to have much Friday feeling going on right now but I'm looking forward to lots of rest. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 


  1. These are beautiful photos and it's great to see these little signs of spring, even if some of them are very early this year!

    I'm so ready for half term! I've been ill this week too but typically this had been my busiest week for a long time with having to cover someone who was off, so I've worked full time, had car trouble, a night out with ex colleagues and not had time to clean which really stresses me! So glad it's Friday and half term now! Hope you all enjoy the rest!

  2. It is lovely to see the signs of Spring isn't it, have a great weekend xx

  3. I'm ready for half term too! Had a little wander in the garden and saw lots of signs that spring is on it's way too. Have a good (and hopefully cold free) week. xx

  4. Lovely little hints of spring. We've just had our half term week, and it was wonderful to have a couple of days of sunshine. I sat in the sun for a while and I could really feel the first warmth of the spring days to come. The children have some sort of vague cold-like thing here as well and are looking very pale, and definitely below par. There's a tenth birthday to celebrate tomorrow though so we will all rally as best we can. Wishing you a good weekend and a lovely half term Gillian. CJ xx

  5. Oh how lovely to see small signs that Spring might finally be on its way. This Winter has seemed to go on for ever, think it is because we have had so few bright, clear, sunny and frosty days and far too many grey, dreary, rainy days. xx

  6. I'm so glad you had a lovely visit with a friend by the sea, and now have found some bright promises of Spring at home, Gillian. Four in our household have been working our way through sore throats, headaches and now sneezing and coughing, and froggy voices. I hope we can rest, too, and that yours and mine can feel better! Happy Valentine's Day :) xx

  7. You should see the lovely garden I look at from my kitchen window! It's full of crocus and little primroses in all colours. Not that many snowdrops this year as I remember from previous years, but one of the gardens I walk past every day on my way to work is covered in aconites like a yellow carpet - so cheerful on those grey mornings!
    And it's wonderful to have so much more daylight already than in December.

    I've not (yet) had a cold this winter, but I do feel tired a lot, and it's got nothing to do with work.

  8. Lovely photos, it's great knowing spring is just round the corner isn't it xx

  9. I think I could have written this post myself. We're moving in lockstep, it seems like. We have a short break this week and we need it desperately. I hope you have a restful and relaxing time.

  10. Little Buddy was sick for two weeks, seems whatever is going around is lingering. Hope you are all feeling perfect very soon.

  11. The signs of Spring must be uplifting for you and hopefully the household will all be well soon. Take care.

  12. Every time I read your blog, I mean to comment and ask if you have read The Wonderful Weekend Book by Elspeth Thompson, I think you would really like it. What beautiful photographs, and a nice reminder that the early signs of spring are out there if you look for them. You might like this old post from Brocante Home, which has some nice ideas for grey February days.

    1. Thank you for this recommendation Mimi. I meant to thank you ages ago and forgot. I have recently ordered a second hand copy of the book and am looking forward to reading it very much.

  13. Little things peeping through here too. We have all been ill but nothing to worry about just tired, lethargy and snot! Jo x

  14. Little things peeping through here too. We have all been ill but nothing to worry about just tired, lethargy and snot! Jo x

  15. It is immensely cheering to see spring flowers popping out all over the place, isn't it? I hope you have a good rest this week and enjoy your half term. Sam x

  16. Enjoy your half term, Gillian, time for some R&R and hopefully some sunshine. The sight of crocus in my garden has perked me up a bit, knowing that Spring is on its way. xx

  17. Such encouragement to see flowers...we only see them in the shops right now. Thank you for sharing, when spring comes, it will be very welcome! Today we welcomed the day with -30C temps....rather chilly ;) hurry up spring!!

  18. Looks so wonderful and warm I hope our spring comes soon.

  19. It's so cheery to see signs of spring here and there and you have lots of it in your garden. Hope you get lots of rest and this half-term break. We've just had ours and we got lucky with the weather. Enjoy yours! X


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