Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Mother's Respite: Brighton

Last Sunday, in Brighton: a day out with my dear friend Abigail. No children, no families, just us old friends wandering around the North Laines, reminiscing about the things we bought and the things we said when we wandered around those same streets almost twenty years ago.

We try to meet up for a day out each year, most recently in London, but this year we chose a different destination which made a welcome change. I like Brighton. I feel at home there, I know my way around pretty well and love the quirkiness, the richness and the individuality of the place. We walked where our feet took us under sunny skies and grey, had coffee, browsed shops, had lunch (and a small gin and tonic), walked a little more, were buffeted by the wind on the seafront, had tea and cake. We ate and talked all day basically. 

Now that I'm south coast based and we don't always have to meet in London, I am thinking of other places my friend and I can visit - or revisit - together. Places like Charleston or Petworth House, for starters. But I hope there will be many more trips to Brighton. I like to think that Abigail and I will be wandering around there in another twenty years time, reminiscing about the past, talking about our families, discussing politics and drinking gin at lunchtime.


  1. How lovely, Gillian. I'm so glad you had the chance to get away for a bit with your friend.

  2. Sounds lovely and what a nice thing to look forward to each year. Your pictures are wonderful - again!

    S x

  3. Wonderful, what a treat. I love Brighton, although I haven't been for ages. Glad you had such a good day, it was very well deserved I think. CJ xx

  4. What a lovely day you had. There's nothing like the company of an old friend. Great photographs too, the cake display is amazing! X

  5. I always love your photos and I'm glad you had such a good time with your friend. They're important, days like these, they remind us of the parts of us that sometimes get forgotten xx

  6. There is nothing better than a day out with a good friend.
    Hugs to you,

  7. A day out with a good friend is always a treat, and even more so in a place as fascinating as Brighton looks to be. I've never been there myself (too far away from Yorkshire to make such a trip during my short holidays there), but I like your description of it.
    Here's to your days out with Abigail for the next 20 years!

  8. Sounds like you had a lovely day out, very soul restoring xx

  9. I love Brighton too and it's always wonderful to escape for a day with a friend. Love the seagulls and choppy sea photos. Here's to many more such days. xx

  10. Love your snapshots of Brighton, glad you had a good day out. I've just blogged our night away there the weekend before!
    Lisa x

  11. What a great way to spend a day with a friend. Thanks for the photos of Brighton and take care.

  12. It's so nice to have that special time with a dear friend! When I was studying at University in Vienna I met a goregous girl from Hamburg and we became close friend. She went abroad for a while and then decided to return to Hamburg. We meet each other once a year since them. One year she travels to Austria, the next year I meet her in Germany. I love those meetings, they are always great fun!

  13. I love Brighton, we live nearby so it's a great day out. Love the photosxx

  14. Sounds a wonderful day! Brighton is such a great place. I should do this with my friends too! :) xx

  15. Perfect. How brilliant. We all need days like this and I'm delighted you shared it with us. Sam x

  16. Adore the picture with all the gulls. Such a moment to catch.

  17. That's great, nothing like a bit of a browse and a wander with a good friend :-)

  18. I thought at first that the two photos at the top were connected then my eyes readjusted and I realised it was two! Glad you had some respite from you know the ....stuff! Jo

  19. Hey Gillian,
    I did chuckle at the title of this post! And how lovely to spend a whole day in the company of your best friend. One that you can wander and potter and stop and start with. Good for the both of you. Did you get anything nice?
    Leanne xx

  20. Gin at lunchtime is the height of decadence!!!!!

    But that's good, isn't it? I'm glad you had fun, and I can imagine the two of you meeting up with the mobility scooter or zimmer frame and downing blue gin with your blue rinses.

    But that's a few years away, God willing.

  21. Sounds like a super trip! I adore Brighton, it has such a selection of independant businesses and the best coffee and cake to be found anywhere! Yum! I bet it was a bracing walk along the front though, I must head down soon! Katie X


  22. That sounds like a lovely day. It is always good to catch up with friends and reminisce.

  23. Glad you enjoyed your day out with your friend. You certainly took some lovely photos of Brighton. xx

  24. Sounds like a great day spent with your friend. I love Brighton too. So much character.

  25. I spent the morning on the outskirts of Chichester with my oldest friend yesterday and found some good buys for the cottage along the way. But it was such a lovely day we soon scooted back to Bosham for a walk around the harbour in the most glorious sunshine. Our children range from 19 to 27 so we've been having respite days for a long time now!

  26. I absolutely make sure I get away two weekends each year with my sisters and friends. It's essential to my health and wellbeing. I pour everything I have into my family, as you do, we need it! :) xxx

  27. Old friendships are wonderful, aren't they? I have a friend who now lives in Suffolk whom I met on my first day in school in Devon in 1951 (when I was seven)! Now, that's a old friendship, is it not?
    Margaret P

  28. Sounds like a great day, and a lovely way to catch up x


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